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It's Still A False Book

John 18:38 “What is truth?” retorted Pilate. With this he went out again to the Jews gathered there and said, “I find no basis for a charge against him.

Did Pilate speak truth? Did he know the truth?
You will find truth in every nook and cranny. You see, truth is like light. Light is created. Nowhere in scripture do you find darkness created. In short, God creates because God is good. Light pierced through the darkness because darkness is nothingness. Darkness is nothing more than the absence of light.
Why then do we fight the darkness for what it is? There is no creation in darkness, and people love the darkness. You see, it's easier to point out faults and wrongs. But it's hard to find the truth in others because to do so, we have to admit the darkness in our own lives.

So, instead of blaming the darkness for being dark, why not ask why the light isn't shinning as bright as it could? In other words, what's wrong is wrong and we can clearly state that which is wrong. But let us not throw away the baby with the bath water. Paul uses what people know and undersand to be truth, and he grows that truth. That takes patience, understanding and acceptance. But most of all, it takes faith... Because just like the death of Jesus, God was doing something bigger than anyone ever could understand at that time. Peter cut the ear off a soldier and they thought Jesus was dead. It was "finished" meant the ride was over. Peter went back to fishing and the apostles went back to their trades.... But did God ever surprise them. We should learn something from this... When the world teaches us something, we ought to have faith that God is doing something bigger.
I do not understand the cleverness of speech. Therefore could you answer the question: is the book of Mormons truth? What about Catholicism? Yes or no?
I do not understand the cleverness of speech. Therefore could you answer the question: is the book of Mormons truth? What about Catholicism? Yes or no?
Hebrew thought,he is saying in the short and simple way.stop cursing the dark and shine the light of the gospel
My short answer to both the Book of Mormon and Catholicism is no.

God bless,

The question ''Is the Book of Mormon, or the Catholic church Truth?''seems a bit odd to me, because no organization on earth is a perfect representation of Truth. IMO, the question would have been better rephrased, ''Does the Book of Mormon, or the Catholic church contain truth?''. My answer would be yes, but I also think there are false teachings/tares amongst the wheat. The question could be directed towards anyone that we don't personally like to discount all of what they say. The question can easily echo back to each one of us, ''Are we Truth?''. Clearly not, but we can become more and more one with the Truth, as we seek to apply Jesus' teachings in every aspect of our life.
Hi Jeff (Stovebolts)
Sorry for the mix-up with your name, I clearly wasn't paying enough attention. I like the thoughts you have expressed, and look further to posts and conversation.
There is compelling evidence that Mohamed did not write anything and he probably did not exist. There is no evidence that he did. No one can prove he wrote anything.

There may have been a figure who started a civil war in Arabia and unified, by force, all the pagan tribes of Arabia together in the 600's AD. The character in the Koran called Mohamed may have been modelled after him later...

I have always said the koran was a work in progress, created by many hands over a long period time.
This article may suggest that the period of time even longer than we thought!

The book by Robert Spence called "Muhammad: Did He Exist" is so worth reading!

There is compelling evidence that Mohamed did not write anything and he probably did not exist. There is no evidence that he did. No one can prove he wrote anything.

There may have been a figure who started a civil war in Arabia and unified, by force, all the pagan tribes of Arabia together in the 600's AD. The character in the Koran called Mohamed may have been modelled after him later...

I have always said the koran was a work in progress, created by many hands over a long period time.
This article may suggest that the period of time even longer than we thought!

The book by Robert Spence called "Muhammad: Did He Exist" is so worth reading!


Even if he did exist, and i believe he did, even still, he needed to give some sort of credibility, but there is none.

I am not any one sided when it comes to seeking truth. I done the exact same tests and just as skeptical and critic on Jesus and the NT writings and its history as i am the koran. I studied them both equally, without and favour, and the NT gospels seem to have a lot more credibility than the koran and mohammad going on witness and text reliablility. Even if the first accounts known are 30 odd years after the fact, but then again, i believe carbon dating is not perfectly accurate to the exact date and year. One thing about the gospels at least is they give there own seperate accounts and are not copies, yet all match, so that adds to the credibility.

Multiple people seen Jesus do miracles. Multiple people seen him risen from the dead. Multiple people wrote about his life. Multiple different accounts. Multiple witnesses.

And Jesus never even wrote a single word in any account himself before or after. He must of been someone great i say.

And if someone is to claim another person took Jesus place, they need to give answers, who, when, where, names, time, date. and so on so on to get credibility. You cant just say something and not back it up.
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Well, at least no one can say the bible pre-dates God.

Well, they could say it, but would probably be wearing a straight jacket and screaming obscenities at the same time.

Koran may predate Muhammad
bible pre-dates God.

that's not an honest comparison / paralel IMHO.
The fair version would be "at least no one can say the Bible pre-dates Jesus"

And there are a lot of people who say so , maybe even you?
How else could the OT have so many Messianic prophesies about the coming of Christ ?
so yeah, they do, many people do say THe Bible at least in part predates Jesus
.. and many of them are not straightjacketed or spouting verbal diarrhea.
Koran may predate Muhammad
bible pre-dates God.

that's not an honest comparison / paralel IMHO.
The fair version would be "at least no one can say the Bible pre-dates Jesus"

And there are a lot of people who say so , maybe even you?
How else could the OT have so many Messianic prophesies about the coming of Christ ?
so yeah, they do, many people do say THe Bible at least in part predates Jesus
.. and many of them are not straightjacketed or spouting verbal diarrhea.
And yet it doesn't. John 1:1
Fragments of world's oldest Koran may predate Muhammad, scholars say

July 22, 2015: A university assistant shows fragments of an old Koran at the University in Birmingham, Englan

Wouldn't that be like saying that we found a fragment of Huckleberry Finn that predates Mark Twain?
How can the القرآن الكريم: Qur'an predate Mohammed, when according to Islamic tradition, the same angel that spoke to the Virgin Mary, GAVE (dictated) the Qu'ran to Mohammed?
COOL > !
Exactly.......This angel apparently choked Mohamed and told him to write this stuff down, Mohamed refused and the angel choked him again almost till death. This happened three times, I believe, until he agreed to write it down.

Now, looking at that, from the get go, being forced upon death to do what an "angel" told you to do seems messed up, to me.

On top of that, this angelic message was passed along by stories and word of mouth for many years before being put to script....
It leaves a lot of question marks.

Now, I would also like to say that I have Muslim friends and I work with them. They are great people and I have no issue with them.

As usual it is the fanatics of any religion that cause issues. These are the people that I believe are causing, honestly, world wide panic. I also believe that this is Satanic by nature and the acts they commit are the direct influence of demonic nature.
As usual it is the fanatics of any religion that cause issues.

Fanatics very often go to extremes with a piece of the whole resulting in an unbalanced understanding. (And an unbalanced person!)

I also believe that this is Satanic by nature and the acts they commit are the direct influence of demonic nature.

Considering that 99% of terrorism is the action of Muslim terrorists, I sometimes wonder if "Allah" is the devil who demands murder as his followers' "reasonable sacrifice."

Just musing....

iakov the fool
Satanic verses..


II Corinthians 11:14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

As compared to:

Rom 12:14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.


Mat 5:9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.

Mat 5:10 Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Mat 5:11-12 Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad, for great is your reward in heaven, for so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

iakov the fool
i think there was a book Satanic Verses written by a guy name Salman Rushdie about the Quran

The Satanic verses were written by Mohammad when he had conquered Mecca and enforced the worship of the pagan god, Allah and forbade the worship of any other pagan god in Mecca.

That was a problem because Mecca had been a pilgrimage city for many centuries before Mohammad showed up, The pagan tribes were encouraged to bring their pagan idols, amulets, etc. to Mecca and place them in the Kaaba and Mecca's economy was dependent upon people coming on pilgrimage to Mecca and spending their money. The local merchants and others whose incomes were dependent on the pilgrimage trade pressured Mohammad to relent from forbidding the worship of any god but Allah.

Under pressure from the people, Mohammad got another vision in which the angel Gabriel said it would be OK for the pilgrims to worship other pagan gods. (surPRISE SURprise!)

This new revelation upset his followers who had fought under his leadership while he had been raiding and plundering villages and caravans as a "sand pirate" and gathering wealth and followers until he had a force strong enough to attack and capture Mecca. (He'd been tossed out before he gathered a band of brigands and repulsed on his first attempt to take the city by force.)

In response to the very strong protest of his very disgruntled followers, Mohammad came to the realization that it really wasn't the angel Gabriel but Satan who had disguised himself and deceived him. ("The devil made me do it!") That revelation enabled Mohammad to correct his "error" and retain his control over his army, over Mecca and over his income.

Those verses which allowed the worship of other pagan gods in Mecca are the "Satanic Verses." and the title of Solman Rushdie's book which earned him a death warrant for insulting the prophet.

iakov the fool