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Follow Paul or Christ?


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As I mentioned in another thread, Les Feldick was invited to speak at our church yesterday evening and many of us found ourselves choking on what he was preaching.

In a nutshell he basically said that we, as gentiles, are to follow Paul and not Christ. Now, he claimed that he was not putting Paul ahead of Christ but was basically spelling out the order of things so-to-speak. He put it this way, "Christ is in the lead, Paul follows Christ, and we follow Paul."

I believe I am a follower of Jesus the Christ. Yes, Paul was a great man and in my opinion was the greatest evangelist to ever walk the earth but he was and is not God and he is not my lord and savior.

Okay, has anyone else heard of this theology and what are your thoughts about it?
WIP, I've not heard of Les Feldick, but based on what you've described and the little bit of research i've done so far, huge red flags are popping up.

The most obvious is what he's said about following Paul. what does that even mean?
The way I understood what he was saying is that Jews follow Christ but gentiles follow Paul. It was confusing for sure.
I'll read up on him and see what I can determine. Anytime someone brings up a new concept they should be suspect. I don't see the need for him to suggest what he's saying, but he might be speaking in terms of the understanding one brings to the new covenant. Perhaps he's trying to bring up a teaching method or something. Obviously Jews bring, or brought, a different perspective to the table than do gentiles, but so does a devil worshiper....LOL
Paul has always been called the "Apostle to the Gentiles" so I think it's a safe assumption to gather that Mr. Feldick was running with this idea. Then funny thing about it is that when we read about Pauls's journeys to the gentile cities to preach, he rarely tried to reach them, instead he sought out the Jews and started proclaiming the gospel in Jewish synaguages. It would appear that Paul wasn't trying to reach non Jews but was seeking the Jews that lived among the people nations to let them know about the good news of the Christ. In the course of Paul seeking out his Jewish brethren he also preached to those of the nations that would listen.
I'm thinking what he meant, at least I hope so, that much of what Jesus spoke was spoken under the old covenant to the Jews. The transition from the old and the new was being dealt with. Paul used the term 'my gospel' as that word that Christ gave him to preach to the Gentiles and Jews alike. My humble opinion.
As I mentioned in another thread, Les Feldick was invited to speak at our church yesterday evening and many of us found ourselves choking on what he was preaching.

In a nutshell he basically said that we, as gentiles, are to follow Paul and not Christ. Now, he claimed that he was not putting Paul ahead of Christ but was basically spelling out the order of things so-to-speak. He put it this way, "Christ is in the lead, Paul follows Christ, and we follow Paul."

I believe I am a follower of Jesus the Christ. Yes, Paul was a great man and in my opinion was the greatest evangelist to ever walk the earth but he was and is not God and he is not my lord and savior.

Okay, has anyone else heard of this theology and what are your thoughts about it?

I will give you my honest opinion WIP.

Les knows that Paul was given the mystery doctrine for the Church. Pauls epistles are the teachings for the Church age. Paul was given this revelation by the lord Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ gave 25 'Verily,verilys" or "truly,trulys" in the Gospel of John. Our doctrines, salvation, eternal security........Paul was given the revelations to teach these doctrines to the Church age.

How the Church operates, functions and lives is given by Paul. He is our God given Pastor teacher. God ordained Him to teach the Church. Moses was chosen to teach Israel and Paul was chosen to teach the Gentiles.

Les is NOT talking about making Paul Lord.
There is one Gospel that is the Gospel of Jesus the Christ.

many men have come and many more will who try and find a 'key' something new to spark interest in the Gospel... Their hearts may be right that is between them and God. We are to preach the Gospel of Christ .
As I read through this thread there are other things Les mentioned that come to mind. He didn't come out point blank and say it but in my view he did strongly suggest that our gospel is the epistles of Paul. More than once he referred to Paul's writing as the gospel and in the same breath spoke of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John as the "other gospels" and this hit me a little off.

Is he just not being clear about what he is trying to say or is he preaching another gospel?
Gen 3:3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
Gen 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

Some folks will go a long ways to diminish the Gospel of Christ. I wouldn't give this guy the time of day if I owned a clock shop.

2Ti 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
2Ti 3:6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
2Ti 3:7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

My mind has gone back to 1956 and A.A.Allen ... cost a good man church to stand for Christ
Gen 3:3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.
Gen 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

Some folks will go a long ways to diminish the Gospel of Christ. I wouldn't give this guy the time of day if I owned a clock shop.

2Ti 3:5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
2Ti 3:6 For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts,
2Ti 3:7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

My mind has gone back to 1956 and A.A.Allen ... cost a good man church to stand for Christ

what do you know about Les Reba. Have you listened to him enough to come to that conclusion? What specifically that you have heard him teach, do you disagree with?
I believe I am a follower of Jesus the Christ. Yes, Paul was a great man and in my opinion was the greatest evangelist to ever walk the earth but he was and is not God and he is not my lord and savior.

Okay, has anyone else heard of this theology and what are your thoughts about it?

Jesus Christ, or Jesus the Messiah............ Jesus the Anointed one and His anointing for us, the Holy Spirit because Jesus sent the Holy Spirit. We are to be led by the Spirit of God, the Spirit that made Jesus the (Christ) anointed of God, same Spirit Paul followed as Paul said follow me and my gospel given by the Same Spirit Jesus had that was in Paul and us........

Jesus said he prayed for those that are his and those that believe on their word. So we are suppose to follow their word as it is also the Word of God.

Les Feldick May have been trying to get some point across, I was not there. We are commanded by the Lord Jesus to believe on their Word, so everything Paul wrote down should be followed, but also we are led by the Spirit of God and head of the Church the Lord Jesus.

I suspect that the message may not have been understood or it may not have come out as intended. I am pretty sure there was a point to be made though..

As I read through this thread there are other things Les mentioned that come to mind. He didn't come out point blank and say it but in my view he did strongly suggest that our gospel is the epistles of Paul. More than once he referred to Paul's writing as the gospel and in the same breath spoke of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John as the "other gospels" and this hit me a little off.

Is he just not being clear about what he is trying to say or is he preaching another gospel?

your getting all this from one hour or so with les?

This is what I think Wip. You heard somethings that you did not like and You never heard the explanation because your focus was on the thing you did not like.

How you are portraying Les is not what I get when I hear him. he was always very articulate at explaining what He believes.

Just like Baptism, why would you and all your church be upset with what he said about baptism if you guys are still on the fence about it? You really haven't made up your mind?. So why does Les Get attacked for His belief?

Are you sure that your Church and Pastor don't lean more to the idea of "Baptism Saves"?

I am sorry, but this looks like a smear campaign on a great teacher and believer all from one hr or so at a legalistic church. I could be wrong, this is just what i am reading and being led to that conclusion.
Les Feldick Galatians teaching on the two Gospels

A headline from Utube

I don't need to my hand in fire to know it will burn....

I have said my piece my point of view you are welcome to yours.

Yikes that last line of mine doesn't read like it did in my head...

I have said my bit and will now drop the subject.

Others are welcome to see things from their view...
WIP. Read that link I sent. It's long but it explains the the theology Les is teaching. He is teaching two gospels.
I'm not familiar with what you guys are talking about...all I know is that several scriptures have popped into my mind immediately upon reading the OP

1 Corinthians 4:15-16

1 Corinthians 1:12-17

1 Corinthians 3:3-5

Of course, examination of these chapters in full will bring more insight if anyone is so obliged to read them...

A big word

Two Gospels, the Great Commission not for the gentiles.

Sounds like another attempt to stop the spreading of
God's Word.
The way I understood what he was saying is that Jews follow Christ but gentiles follow Paul. It was confusing for sure.

some say that paul was for the gentiles and peter was for the jews. Paul was called by God to go to the gentiles but that didn't mean any jew didn't repent at his preaching.


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