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Let's do this, please. We are in the Bible study forum and we are, by the ToS bound to discuss the Bible and nothing else. Please read the ToS for this forum and then reread this string. Your scripture quote of Hebrews seems to mark it that you know the ToS here but please reread that and then the conversation between you and I in this string.

When I entered this conversation you were talking of alternate or progressive eternities where we did or where we will live other lives and to this point you have not shown me nor, to my knowledge, anyone else the scripture, inspired by God, where you can attribute such heresy to. And as many times as I have called you on it you are still trying to draw me into reading rubbish I discarded as trash, in my early twenties. You are not allowed to do that in this forum and yet you persist pushing, what I have deemed trash and lies because none of it is supported by the Word of God.

How about it?
Let's do this, please. We are in the Bible study forum and we are, by the ToS bound to discuss the Bible and nothing else. Please read the ToS for this forum and then reread this string. Your scripture quote of Hebrews seems to mark it that you know the ToS here but please reread that and then the conversation between you and I in this string.

When I entered this conversation you were talking of alternate or progressive eternities where we did or where we will live other lives and to this point you have not shown me nor, to my knowledge, anyone else the scripture, inspired by God, where you can attribute such heresy to. And as many times as I have called you on it you are still trying to draw me into reading rubbish I discarded as trash, in my early twenties. You are not allowed to do that in this forum and yet you persist pushing, what I have deemed trash and lies because none of it is supported by the Word of God.

How about it?

you are right about the fact that a person has the right to cling/adhere to what would really be better, yes, the struggle for life is in principle not against the Will of God, especially if there is no causing of evil to the neighbor/brother, and hopefully this eternity will not end as the previous one(s) due to natural causes

you are right about the fact that a person has the right to cling/adhere to what would really be better, yes, the struggle for life is in principle not against the Will of God, especially if there is no causing of evil to the neighbor/brother, and hopefully this eternity will not end as the previous one(s) due to natural causes

can you tell me how many eternitys have ended?
how about two each so I can have a better understanding of your statement im a little lost with what you are saying

there have been countless eternities, the eternity ends when the variations of (the) life are exhausted/depleted

may God manage to make this process cease in the current eternity

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you are right about the fact that a person has the right to cling/adhere to what would really be better, yes, the struggle for life is in principle not against the Will of God, especially if there is no causing of evil to the neighbor/brother, and hopefully this eternity will not end as the previous one(s) due to natural causes

I'm sorry but, except you elect to obey the rules I will not respond but rather will complain to the staff.
Mathew 7:24-27 (NIV)
24Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock.25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.26 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand.27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”

To JCitol.
There are two conclusion I can from up with from sampling your posts here. Either
A) you don't know what your doing and are really only confused, or B) you do know what your doing and are actively trying to draw people astray from understanding the bible by trying to confuse them. In either case I think you would benifit from Mathew chapter 7:13-23 and some possible direction based on those verses.

Since there are too many philosophies out there, and even more that can be coined up, a person needs to be able to depend on ones that are dependable. However all those philosophies that are held by anyone are also claimed to be the truth. Since that's a factor a person needs to have a more reliable source then just someone saying it's true. That's one element of holding the bible to be an authority to be a standard against other philosophies to see if they measure up or are against what has been said in the bible. Not just to know what is right understanding and what isn't though. It's also for applying what is said as Jesus explained in Mathew 7:24-27.

Mathew 7:21-23 (NIV)
21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven.22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

Going in reverse order we can see that we need the right sources for our perspectives and our philosophies. But more then that if you say you prophesied and taught, that doesn't mean you actually did. One day you may find yourself at the end of this conversation with God or with Jesus, or even an angel, very simular to the rebuke in Mathew 7:21-23.

Mathew 7:15-20
15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

Here is something to consider that ties in with needing to know a dependable source for our philosophies, and the conclusions that we find as true. Like you ending each response with "blessings," it's not always readily see able who is a prophet, or even a good teacher. But if what they do or what they teach are not good fruit, not things that can be confirmed in the bible then they are not a teacher or prophet from God.

Mathew 7:13-14 (NIV)
13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

In all this though it might be hard to stay on the narrow path described above, the way is through Jesus. Both from his salvation as well with His life and his teachings
there have been countless eternities, the eternity ends when the variations of (the) life are exhausted/depleted
Can you please expound your meaning with scripture? Are you in some manner referring to what some call dispensations, or all ages spoken of in Eph 3:21?
Another possibility I've considered you may be speaking of is the Gap theory considering Gen 1:1 through Gen 1:2, & Isa 45:18 if you're familiar with it.
Thanks. :wave2
Can you please expound your meaning with scripture? Are you in some manner referring to what some call dispensations, or all ages spoken of in Eph 3:21?
Another possibility I've considered you may be speaking of is the Gap theory considering Gen 1:1 through Gen 1:2, & Isa 45:18 if you're familiar with it.
Thanks. :wave2
I already tried to get more info hope you do better
Can you please expound your meaning with scripture? Are you in some manner referring to what some call dispensations, or all ages spoken of in Eph 3:21?
Another possibility I've considered you may be speaking of is the Gap theory considering Gen 1:1 through Gen 1:2, & Isa 45:18 if you're familiar with it.
Thanks. :wave2
He refuses, I just spent a week trying to get that result. He's lucky, there are very few forums that would not have turned him off for outright refusal to obey rules.

Good luck and may God bless your effort.
either have the right faith and understand the truth of God and Jesus or not, the first also includes the sober/right/good thinking/reasoning/judgment about the things (as a permissible option), as for us the (true) witnesses of the true Lord God, we rest on no one and nothing but only on Him and the right faith in Him, of course by saying this i am not trying to claim i am infallible of myself, but my ability to witness the truth of the true Lord God is of Him, which doesn't mean i am not inclined to listen to any person, yet i am careful not to follow/support the lie(unrighteousness), and we do not judge/prejudice/doom any person in principle, even if someone does not (want to) follow us or our Lord God

1 Thessalonians 5:20-21 "Despise not prophesyings. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good."

If you are a witness then you're a witness. But what good is that to me if I don't know you're any more real then those who claim to know the date of the end times and make a scare for lots of people. As the 1 Thessalonians quote you quoted said to prove all things, and to hold fast to what is good, we must do the same. There are two kinds of proofs that I am aware of, proof in the bible, which support or explain what a prophet says or events that happen; and the other kind of proof is experience. Miracles, answered prayers, and experiences with the Holy Spirit, or even with lucky circumstances to show a person a lesson or give him confidance that God is protecting him.

Since this is over the Internet, direct experiences with you are not an option to show your a witness to God in the way Isaiah showed he had a connection with God by the miracles done. Even if we did have that though, in my opinion, scripture is a better authority then experience is. But there has to be something when adding a new message from God so that people can wage whether or not to trust it. And much of what I've read from you is either a direct quote from the bible, or an entirely different idea that isn't in the bible. The new information is what isn't accepted, and unfortunately that also usually means the person giving the new information isn't accepted.

To put it another way though, here's a personal story. Once when I was a teen I was filled with an anxiety over some of the things In my life, but when I was about to pray about them I have a strong feeling to not do so. It could have been guilt, shame, a thought of inadequacy to call on God for my trivial stuff, or even an evil spirit that gave me the resistance to pray. Honestly it doesn't matter the source, because to me it seemed like it could have just as easily been right as well. But through desperation I thought of a bible verse that says pray for all things, and another to pray continually. I pushed through the resistance and prayed anyways. Thank God that I did because it was a lesson for me to not even trust my own thoughts within me as an authority. If this makes sense I hope you can learn from my experience too, that just because it seems right in your mind doesn't make it so. You need to be able to test yourself by a higher authority then yourself, and by an outside source then what's in your own heart and thoughts.

you visibly do not touch here the things that i talked about in my last posts of this thread, but speak of principles of faith, and this is not convincing evidence that you have a serious intention to seek, find and state the truth about these things here - i do not intend to offend you or lay you open to criticism, but you just adduced some things about faith without saying anything on the current subject-matter, while speaking of how to believe?! - i say this with respect to your choice not to easily trust any person

I gave you principles because I don't know where else to begin. If we talk about eternities, I can only relate based on philosophies I've heard on that subject. Not on scripture, nor on scientific discoveries. Which makes it un reliable in my opinion. To go there we need a reliable foundation to start off from. If we talked about the principles you've discussed with th1b.taylor, and principles he's talked with you about, it would be just as hard because the conversation seems to jump away from previous points entirely and is to difficult to follow why one thing is said next. That's not a foundation I think I can trust to follow where you say your going. It also raises the question I said earlier of whether you your confused, or actively avoiding previous points by trying to confuse the other person. I'm sorry for the critism, but hope you understand where I'm coming from.

i write "Blessings" in the end of my posts in order to remind and urge others to think of the words of the Lord, Jesus Christ, and especially His exhortations for us to be peaceful and even peacemakers overcoming evil with good


I see. I don't know what to say about it for me, but if that's your way ok.
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we the faithful followers of the true Lord God likewise do not dare to worship anyone but only That Who really is the true Lord God, and do not trust/believe any "word" but only His that comes to us respectively, also, no one of us (dares to) trust(s) one's own thoughts and feelings, yet we also think/reflect rationally on the things from the perspective of God and faith and do not let ourselves be led/driven by (the) "vanity", here is for example how we realize and are aware of the fact that there is no way one and the same soul can suffer in hell to infinity, because according to many hitherto existing/prevailing traditions/doctrines some souls will go to and suffer in hell ostensibly without ever getting out of there for the whole coming time's infinity that has no end, which should mean we would not be here in this world if it was really so, but we would then be in hell, not in this world, nor in higher, and this should also mean all the souls of the boundless universe would at least gradually go to hell remaining there to infinity so that there could be no soul(s) remaining in Heaven/Paradise, because if it is believed/considered that the soul could inherit eternal life that never ends but lasts for all the coming time's infinity, then it should be infinitely existing, otherwise it would not be possible for it to exist or be present to infinity in order to be available to receive such a long life, therefore the souls are infinitely existing, which is also evident from the fact that if they were not such, it would not be possible that they be subject to eternal judgment, but it is written the wicked/sinful souls may suffer "for ever and ever", then it is certain that the good/righteous/holy ones may also live for ever and ever, however, it would not be fair if the same souls should suffer to infinity without ever getting out of hell for all the coming time's infinity (the time's infinity that has neither beginning nor end), especially for those of them whose sin was least/less, that is why the eternity is actually an eventful circle, because God interchanges the position/role/personality of each soul with the position/role/personality of any other step by step over/through the consecutive eternities (one step ahead per single eternity), when the holy/righteous/good/blessed positions/roles/personalities are myriads/zillions... - here is how we can also think/reason right(ly) in the faith

of course it is also a blessing in the Name of Jesus

Nothing you teach is the Word or words of God. I completely believe they are the words of the god of this earth, Satan. You see, in Malachi 3:6a the God of Creation, the only Holy God promised never to change but if you are learning this stuff you teach from God and not from god, then God is a liar. Either he is lying to you or He lied in Malachi.

But God did not lie in his Holy Word... that means the god you are listening to is not God, no he is Satan, the god of this world.
we the faithful followers of the true Lord God likewise do not dare to worship anyone but only That Who really is the true Lord God, and do not trust/believe any "word" but only His that comes to us respectively, also, no one of us (dares to) trust(s) one's own thoughts and feelings, yet we also think/reflect rationally on the things from the perspective of God and faith and do not let ourselves be led/driven by (the) "vanity", here is for example how we realize and are aware of the fact that there is no way one and the same soul can suffer in hell to infinity, because according to many hitherto existing/prevailing traditions/doctrines some souls will go to and suffer in hell ostensibly without ever getting out of there for the whole coming time's infinity that has no end, which should mean we would not be here in this world if it was really so, but we would then be in hell, not in this world, nor in higher, and this should also mean all the souls of the boundless universe would at least gradually go to hell remaining there to infinity so that there could be no soul(s) remaining in Heaven/Paradise, because if it is believed/considered that the soul could inherit eternal life that never ends but lasts for all the coming time's infinity, then it should be infinitely existing, otherwise it would not be possible for it to exist or be present to infinity in order to be available to receive such a long life, therefore the souls are infinitely existing, which is also evident from the fact that if they were not such, it would not be possible that they be subject to eternal judgment, but it is written the wicked/sinful souls may suffer "for ever and ever", then it is certain that the good/righteous/holy ones may also live for ever and ever, however, it would not be fair if the same souls should suffer to infinity without ever getting out of hell for all the coming time's infinity (the time's infinity that has neither beginning nor end), especially for those of them whose sin was least/less, that is why the eternity is actually an eventful circle, because God interchanges the position/role/personality of each soul with the position/role/personality of any other step by step over/through the consecutive eternities (one step ahead per single eternity), when the holy/righteous/good/blessed positions/roles/personalities are myriads/zillions... - here is how we can also think/reason right(ly) in the faith

of course it is also a blessing in the Name of Jesus


That's way too much gobbly-gook to hold anything from. Get a reliable source in your life to filter your perspectives through. Whatever filter you choose would be a good first step, even if the filter is in error, it would be good to have a sensible amount of skeptism, doubt, or testable views.
so is God always the same, however many times He may (again) emerge as a beginning of the eternity and then pass and thus turn out to be its end, yet His passage doesn't mean death, but is rather a transition, and then He is again the same in the beginning of the next eternity like a seed of one dna which however many times would grow up would be(come) the same plant/tree

That concept of emerging and passing eternities has nothing in common with the revelation of God in the Bible.

It conforms more closely to the teachings of pagan Hinduism and Buddhism.

Attempts to use Biblical scripture to support those pagan religious speculations are beyond absurd. Those pagan ideas have never been the teaching of anyone in the Church and are a complete distortion of the Gospel.

iakov the fool
we the faithful followers of the true Lord God likewise do not dare to worship anyone but only That Who really is the true Lord God, and do not trust/believe any "word" but only His that comes to us respectively, also, no one of us (dares to) trust(s) one's own thoughts and feelings, yet we also think/reflect rationally on the things from the perspective of God and faith and do not let ourselves be led/driven by (the) "vanity", here is for example how we realize and are aware of the fact that there is no way one and the same soul can suffer in hell to infinity, because according to many hitherto existing/prevailing traditions/doctrines some souls will go to and suffer in hell ostensibly without ever getting out of there for the whole coming time's infinity that has no end, which should mean we would not be here in this world if it was really so, but we would then be in hell, not in this world, nor in higher, and this should also mean all the souls of the boundless universe would at least gradually go to hell remaining there to infinity so that there could be no soul(s) remaining in Heaven/Paradise, because if it is believed/considered that the soul could inherit eternal life that never ends but lasts for all the coming time's infinity, then it should be infinitely existing, otherwise it would not be possible for it to exist or be present to infinity in order to be available to receive such a long life, therefore the souls are infinitely existing, which is also evident from the fact that if they were not such, it would not be possible that they be subject to eternal judgment, but it is written the wicked/sinful souls may suffer "for ever and ever", then it is certain that the good/righteous/holy ones may also live for ever and ever, however, it would not be fair if the same souls should suffer to infinity without ever getting out of hell for all the coming time's infinity (the time's infinity that has neither beginning nor end), especially for those of them whose sin was least/less, that is why the eternity is actually an eventful circle, because God interchanges the position/role/personality of each soul with the position/role/personality of any other step by step over/through the consecutive eternities (one step ahead per single eternity), when the holy/righteous/good/blessed positions/roles/personalities are myriads/zillions... - here is how we can also think/reason right(ly) in the faith

of course it is also a blessing in the Name of Jesus


I suggest you consider the following:

Terms of Service

9) Do not promote a religion or belief other than Biblical and historical Christianity. (ToS 2.2)
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John 1:1-2 "In the beginning was the Word(i.e. in the beginning of the eternity was God in the/His form of (a) seed), and the Word was with God(i.e. and the Seed was growing), and the Word was God(i.e. until God has grown (up) to His mature form). The same(also: exactly this) was in the beginning with God.",
Here you violate the a command given three times in scripture. Any person reading this that does not this passage or/and the person that heard this scripture in a sermon will Amen what you have given as scripture, even though the tag you added makes the entire posting a lie!

Three times in scripture, God commands us the neither add nor to subtract from the scriptures. One instance, as I recall is either in Numbers or Leviticus and the last is found at the end of The Revelation. I do not recall the address of the the one in the middle.

And you begin, once again, in this post with Eastern Mysticism. You, from your, errant teaching, appear to be so deeply submerged in Mysticism for such a long time as to no longer even be able to separate the truth from the lies. Please, the scripture speaks the truth... right up to and until you add your mystic input.

Question; Do you have any idea as to why the Moderators, here, do not ban you for teaching, even against the ToS?


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