
The seven seals that only Jesus is worthy to open span the next fifteen chapters of Revelation. Chapter six only explains the first six seals as in a brief scenario of what is about to take place during the timing of Gods seven trumpet and seven vial chastisements. Hopefully many will come back to God through repentance during the time of His fierce wrath upon those of disobedience as God would that none should perish, 2 Peter 3:9.
Jesus spoke to His Disciples in Matthew Chapter twenty four of those things all of us need to be watchful of before His return as no man knows the day nor the hour of His return. It is not until Chapter eight that we see the seventh seal being opened that begins with the seven trumpets and leads up to the seven vial judgments of Gods fierce wrath. The seventh trumpet begins the full explanation of what happens to those who walk in disobedience to God before the great and terrible day of the Lords return as the powers of heaven will be shaken, Joel 2:30, 31; Luke 21:26.
When we see the word thunder used in scripture it usually denotes that of Gods great power wanting our full attention. This is what is happening within the seven seals and seven trumpets. God wants us to pay close attention to His warnings of things that are yet to come. To those who continue to walk in disobedience going after other gods, Jeremiah Chapter 7, His final fierce wrath falls on those of disobedience who refuse to repent and turn back to Him as His longsuffering and patience is now at an end, Numbers 14:18; 2 Peter 3:9.
The first four seals are various horses with riders of destruction that are revealed to John. This is not Gods wrath poured out as of yet as His fierce wrath begins with the first trumpet sounding after the breaking of the seventh seal that leads through all events of Gods seven trumpet chastisements and seven vial judgments that are warnings to those who have not repented and remain in disobedience to God. During the time of Gods fierce wrath of those who walk in disobedience He still leaves that door of repentance opened up until the time of Christ return when the door of salvation will be closed forever to those who refuse to repent.
The first four horses and their riders are and outline much like Matthew 24 being an outline of all things which must come first before the return of Christ. Each one represents that of a Roman governed enmity, Romans 8:7, that Satan works through that controls worldly domination as being that same Roman governed system the Pharisees and Scribes held close to as they had much favor from them for they brought the prophets, wise men and scribes before their Counsel to be persecuted and killed as they died a martyr’s death for preaching the Gospel of Christ, Matthew 23:33-39. We will study this system more in Chapter 13.
Jesus opens the seals and proceeds to reveal their meanings to John. The first four seals are that of four horses and what their riders bring with them. The first is false Christ, second to take peace from the earth, third is famine and the fourth is death and hell as found in the grave. Notice how each one is in succession of the other from first to last as already spoken by Christ in His Olivet disclosure in Matthew 24:4-13 as being the beginning of sorrows. There have always been sorrows, but never on a Global scale that will be seen during the timing of each rider of the four horses.
White horse represents a rider with great power and authority as in early wars where Generals would always ride a white horse as they went forth conquering and to conquer. The rider of this white horse is a false Christ: Matthew 24:5, 24; Revelation 19:11-15
When comparing scripture with scripture we see that this rider on a white horse is a form of antichrist in being a false christ that goes to conquer or in another sense deceive those in believing he is the true Christ causing many to fall away from the Lord, Zechariah Chapter 6; 2 Thessalonians 2:3. Many see this white horse and rider being Jesus, but in Rev 19:11-15 we are given a different description of a white horse and who is sitting on it as being Jesus. Instead of a bow we read a sharp sword goes out of the mouth of Jesus, which is the word of truth.
This false antichrist will show great signs and wonders that if possible will deceive even the very elect of God if they allow themselves to be taken unaware of Satan’s devices, Matthew 24:24. I read about a New Age New World Order project called Project Blue Beam. Its holographic images are beamed off of satellites that will produce images of Jesus coming in the clouds and every nation will see this simultaneously, Matthew 24:24.
The deceptive purpose is that many will see this image of Jesus, but are deceived in thinking the scriptures must not be true for they are not taken up to meet Him in the clouds. They will turn and bow down to this false antichrist and follow after him causing themselves to blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, Matthew 12:31, and lose their salvation as they denounce Jesus as Lord and Savior in order to follow that of empty promises made by this antichrist. This is why it is so important to learn how to discern that of what we see, hear and read 1 John 4:1-6.
This rider has a bow, but no arrows are mentioned. We never see Jesus associated with having a bow anywhere in scripture, but always having a sword coming out of His mouth that is the word of God. In scripture a sword represents the true word of God as in Spiritual warfare our weapon is the witness and testimony of Jesus, 2 Corinthians 10:4.
The bow having no arrows is symbolic of Satan conquering those who say they are Christians, but have never been Spiritually born again, John 3:5-7. They claim to be a Christian, but by name only, Matthew 7:21, and have no true knowledge of Gods word. Satan sends out his false prophets to preach a deceptive word and Globally has and will continue to conquer many who have not the Holy Spirit dwelling in them as they have no knowledge of the Holy Spirit and he will do anything to keep them that way.
The crown that is given him is not a literal crown, but symbolic in its meaning as it represents his own deceitful glory as a crown of glory is given to those in leadership, 1 Peter 5:1-5, but in this case Satan’s leadership as he goes forth conquering by using his false prophets to conquer by twisting the word of God deceiving those who have no Spiritual discernment and are blindsided by what they hear and read.
Revelation 6:3 – 4
Red horse symbolizes Global war bringing much bloodshed to the land. The rider on the red horse takes peace from the earth and they should kill one another and there was given unto him a great sword: Matthew 24:6-10; Revelation 19:15
The power that was given to this rider is from Satan who seeks to kill, steal and destroy all that is of God here on earth, John 10:10. Daniel 9:27 speaks about a seven year peace treaty between Israel and Palestine. Israel has already given up part of its land in the Gaza Strip and West Bank in order to keep peace, but are still in conflict with Palestine wanting to control all of Israel and will continue to do so through much blood shed.
Israel’s disobedience to what God has already spoken to them in Exodus 23:32-33; 34:12 will cause themselves to fall into signing a deceitful seven year peace treaty that will be set up through an antichrist New World Order. This NWO will establish a One World Government system that will deceive the world declaring peace and safety, 1Thessalonians 5:3, but then sudden destruction will fall on them and the entire world in the middle of this seven year peace treaty. Much destruction will come to the world when Satan gives power to this antichrist beast to take peace from the earth.
The sword here is a literal sword John would understand it to be in times of battle in his generation dating back to the very first battle in Genesis 14:1-16 with King Amraphel and was composed of the combined armies of Babylon, Assyria, Persia and the Hittite Empire that fought against Abraham.
The Babylon Empire of that time had risen to become a Roman Empire in John’s day as they controlled the government of Jerusalem. It was through this antichrist government that persecuted those to death who carried the witness and testimony of Jesus as they went out preaching in His name establishing the Church (body of Christ) wherever they traveled to.
In 538 AD it became a Papal Roman government with Emperor Justinian’s decree and under the military protection of Belisarius and the beast (Pope) until the deadly wound, Revelation 13:3, came in 1798 by General Berthier who made his entrance into Rome and abolished the papal government and established a secular one. This was the time when Rome persecuted the Christians and killed them which were approximately 500 million saints slain for the cause of their faith in Jesus.
Napoleon had closed down the Roman Catholic Church and the Papacy and its power was thought to be forever broken. The wound, Revelation 13:3, was largely healed in 1929 when Mussolini gave the Vatican back to the Pope and established it as a country in it’s own right in the Lateran Treaty. Today the Vatican has formal diplomatic relations with almost every country in the world.
From the time of the very first battle in Genesis Chapter 14 it has always been about government dominance, possession of land and greed of riches through much bloodshed. The sword in battle in John’s generation could only be used as a one on one attack on the enemy as you would have to literally be facing each other and only had a shield to protect you. The sword has now evolved into nuclear, chemical and biological warfare that can take out many nations just by a push of a button by using international ballistic missiles.
Black horse is a symbol of famine as the rider holds a pair of balances in his hands causing much famine in the world as many will not be able to afford to buy food and eventually starve to death unless they reach out to the beast out of the earth, Rev 13; 1 Kings 8:37-43; Romans 8:34.
John hears a voice that comes out of the midst of the four creatures in heaven describing what it will take to be able to buy a measure of food as many will not be able to afford a days wage in order to feed for their families unless they prepare ahead of time. God is speaking to us to be prepared for when this time of sorrow is increased during the end of days that we put God first before all things as God will supply our need, Philippians 4:19; 1 Kings Chapter 17.
Famine always follows after conquest of war when a Nation or a people is conquered and overtaken by a governed ruling power that follows after the ways of Balaam forsaking that of the way of the Lord and love the wages of unrighteousness, 2 Peter 2:15; Ezekiel 14:13 as we will see in a New World Order and it’s one world government that is even now being set up. The spoils of conquest and conquering often denotes possession of another’s property by looting and stealing causing one to be left with absolutely nothing. This is what this corrupt government will do as they will take out of the hands of the people what they need the most to sustain life.
The rider on this black horse is an antichrist governing authority revived from the old Babylonian nation that places great economic stumbling blocks in the economy. They will control all shipping, trading and distribution of merchandise around the world expediting exuberant prices on everything causing great economic disaster to the middle and lower class of people.
We rely on farmers for most of our food and truckers to deliver that food to market. When prices escalate, especially with fuel, this shuts down our source of food as the farmers will no longer be able to produce the food we need and the truckers will no longer be able to afford fuel to deliver food to market.
A penny for a quart of wheat and three quarts of barley is symbolic of what would be a days wage for many people in order to feed their families. With the economy crumbling many businesses will be forced into bankruptcy causing massive unemployment. Without jobs this will cause great famine to every family that will not be able to afford food. This is why it is so imperative to have faith and trust in the Lord who will provide during times of famine, 1 Kings Chapter 17, Philippians 4:19.
The oil and wine is not to be harmed as many true Christians that are monetarily rich at this time will be able to afford to buy and share with those who have not as God will use them to supply others needs during this time of great famine, Matthew 25:35; Philippians 4:19.
To the monetarily rich that are not in Christ oil and wine is a luxury to the rich who will be able to afford the price, but will end up being there own downfall as he claims he is rich and increased in goods and has no need of anything as their wealth has become an idol they bow down to as their god. What they do not realize is that their spirit is wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked before the Lord as they walk in disobedience to God being lovers of self, Matthew 25:51; 2 Timothy 3:1-7; Revelation 3:17.
Pale horse is a symbol of sickness and disease that follows after war that causes great famine in the world as many become sick and weak from dehydration and malnutrition and eventually die.
The pale horse riders name is Death. Following Death is Hell which means one that is laid in a grave after they have physically died as you can read in Strong’s Exhausted Concordance Hebrew #7585 – Greek # 86. Death is not a final destination, but a state of being until Christ returns and all, saint and sinner, will hear the voice of Christ to raise from their graves as some will raise to eternal life and some to eternal damnation, John 5:28, 29.
In the resurrection, those who have died that have been Spiritually born again, their names are found written in the Lambs book of life and will have eternal life with the Father. There is no power of a glorious life with those who rejected Christ as their names are not found in the Lambs book of life and will stand before God in judgment and be cast into the Lake of fire with the beast and false prophet as they will be tormented forever, Revelation 19:20.
The rider represents Death for that is the name given him. Hell follows with Death that goes before it. Death and Hell are given power over the fourth part of the earth to kill with sword, and with hunger, and with death, and with the beasts of the earth.
The fifth seal shows John a vision of all those who have already been slain for the word of God that are asleep in the grave waiting for God to avenge them as their spirits have returned back to God who preserves their spirit until the day of redemption when Jesus returns, Ecclesiastics 12:7; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. They are told to rest a little while until their fellow servants that will be killed needs to be fulfilled. These servants are those who have the witness and testimony of Jesus that will be preaching salvation throughout the world during the time of great tribulation until the great and terrible day of the Lords return, Joel 2:31; Matthew 24:29-31.
The sixth seal was opened and there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair (sackcloth was usually course goat hair), and the moon became as the color of blood. Joel 2:30, 31 and Luke 21:25 forewarns us of what will happen as signs we will see before the great and terrible day of the Lord as in being Gods great wrath before the return of Jesus.
The war we read about in the fourth seal is Global war as these armies will use nuclear and chemical weaponry that not only kills a fourth of the people living on earth, but also creates environmental changes on the earth’s surface and deeper in the earth’s core. The environmental changes that will take place deeper into the earth’s core will activate vault lines causing great earthquakes and volcanoes to erupt.
When you put the effects of nuclear and chemical bombs hitting the ground this will cause the plates of the earth to shift causing earthquakes and volcanoes to erupt. This will produce a massive amount of dust particles to fill the air blocking out sunlight making it appear that the sun has been darkened. The dust particles also scatter blue and green light away in the atmosphere, but red light passes through more easily causing the moon to appear blood red.
The stars that fall from heaven are likened unto a fig tree that loses its figs before they are ripe when the tree is shaken by a mighty wind. This is in reference to those who call themselves Christian, but by name only as they have not the Holy Spirit dwelling in them, Matthew 7:21. The mighty wind that is shaking this tree is Satan as being the host in heaven that will be punished, Isaiah 24:21; 34:4. Satan will cause a great falling away before the return of Jesus, 2 Thessalonians 2:3 as he uses his false prophets who think themselves higher than those they teach as they lord superior over their congregations as in the Pharisees that Jesus condemned in Matthew 23:13-38.
The heaven departs as mentioned in Isaiah 34:4 as a scroll that is rolled together. After the wars in the fourth seal the atmosphere is also clouded with smoke that folds in between itself. If you have ever watched a storm roll in you see this affect of the clouds rolling into each other as it darkens the sky and blocks out the sun. Every mountain and island is moved out of their places by the great earthquakes this Global war has caused
These Pharisee type false prophets try to hide themselves in the dens and the rocks of the mountains and ask the mountains and rocks to surround them and hide them from the wrath of God that is now at hand. These are those who have perverted their ways and have forgotten God their Lord. They hope by hiding their shame God will pass them by and they will be spared, but their shame will devour them unless they truly repent and turn back to God as now Gods final wrath has come. The only ones who will be able to stand at this time are those who have endured unto the end and have Gods seal on them as they have been Spiritually born again, John 3:5-7; Romans 10:9, 10; 2 Corinthians 1:21, 22.