As a side note to this, David Hume's words do sound familiar:j
OVer 20 years ago, I had a girlfriend who was working as an aide in what was essentially a hospice home. She told me of being around those as they died. There were two outstanding examples of how people died (many did not die with such drama, but there were two types of "drama" that Sharon saw):
1) The sweet, old catholic/protestant ladies - many of them would grab Sharon's arm as they were dying, telling her (with a smile,) "Oh, dear, look - my dearly departed mother is here..", or "Oh, how wonderful, my (long dead) husband has come to see me...." Such patients would often 'see' loved ones in the room with them. They would slip away peacefully.
2) The old, atheist/agnostic/mean (seemed to be usually men) with no faith who had abused and offended all caretakers the entire time they were there - Sharon told of one man who had always been angry and cold to everyone. On the day he died, he yelled for Sharon, she came to him - he was humble, terrified and desperate. She said the pleaded with her, "Don't let them take me.." and "I'm afraid, something bad is happening to me..." Their death was often stressful, even for Sharon - as she believed she knew what was going on: That they were seeing their own future and it was not pleasant.
Sharon was convinced that some of us are allowed to see beyond the curtain separating our reality with another reality. She was convinced that SOME of us know what is happening, or is GOING to happen, sooner than most of us.
I have carried her testimony with me ever since I knew her, back in 1995.