Blio: "diplomacy is how you can attract attention to several people and make them under your command, its that which you have command granting bonus to you. diplomacy and karma is link. you can have command of lesser of evils but you have less bonus."
Me: what are evils?
Blio: "its about having an motivation for all that you command." (i think he is referring to karma here, not evils.)
Still blio: "evils are people not seeking knowledge and having manners of wich they despite authority and well under none stressful eduance wich tend to be lacky. its an bit me but im an lawfull neutral devil"
Me: youre thinking in terms of dragon dungeon game.
blio: "its that devil and devil may be benefic to certain extense. it depends on ther antipation skills and adaptation and innovation skills for survival. ther is what you call an balance where you need certain different indivual with other assert to perform better in global."
Blio to me saying "so this is from d and d right?": "no, its about life and identifying people as alignment."
Me: But what if the evil people kill all of the good? Evil seeks to destroy balance!
Blio: "some are chaotic wich they seek nothing but their own, some are lawful they will remain with elders, some are neutral they will seek for ther own."
Blio: "no not lawfull neutral devil they have other means that his having no kids but an evolution and karma balance for the mass. its about amount of stress impact an normal person to devil if burn out early age greater chance bring devil. thre is person under good intention doing wrong but for an purpose its that rebels will tend to mather wich they seek just devil would sustai the epic loyalty of an wich that tend to have its peace."
Me: so wait, if a person burns out they become a bad person? what would they burn out from??
Blio: "its that you can burn out from running alot working under stress or have concussion[.....]. it depends on the person some are on ther second will, the people that havent gotten injury are most likely to comply with ther authority."
Me: So u are applying d and d to real life. Intresting concept....
Blio, still going: "but on second will thre is what we call an satisfaction earn by the mass greater than the satisfaction itself earning so ther is an benefit to the purpose wich other seek in that mather your second will is much stronger. sometimes other people deception can kill an individual, if unwary. its only about the satisfaction level of that illusion that comply with progression. lots of people play, they gotten fed up like blazed, that happened to me at ddo. [Comment: "ddo" means dungeon dragon online.] its about lack of communication it require more individual to allow an better stance but on wich who dont comply with the ways top progress are tend be eluded threw an repitition."
Me: so more communication makes you better person?
Blio: "no, to imply information the right way to each individual for its better well being. sometimes i lack on retention of concept given its that i get my brain more active with certain individual so i do more complex explanation wich i dont fully understand. [Okay, now he starts showing the weirder beliefs he has from here on out!] there are level of enlightenment. i'm at stage 4.5-6.2 but some enlightened like 9.8 15.5. my wisdom is higher than most, so does my inspiration. [This reminds me of "Professing to be wise...."] to explain something at someone enilghtned 10.2 11.5 i sometimes do due to my high level of inspiration and wisdom. but my knowledge is lacking.
Me: so what scale do you use to gauge this?
Blio, still going (doesnt seem to answer that question): "its about my inspiration and wisdom and loyalty and enlightenment, i get mix with tact and tricks people use. if someone does small figurine [Think he means "figuring."] is only due that they sense your lack of happiness and want ore satisfaction for you to earn."
Me: i have never seen people apply d and d to real life until you! ok so how to count your inspiration, loyalty, etc?
Blio: "I dont comply with that [Again, i think he is going past my questions, just focusing on giving his beliefs.] I tend to be more accurate with other explaining the right thing for the right mesure then they do ther figurine if they want." [Ok, now i dont know what he meant by "figurine" in "Case Study: The Blio Worldview Part 2. From now on, i will use CS:BW(number), writing the full title takes too long. The number changes depending on what part is being referenced. And yes the abbreviation looks like "cs:go.]
Blio: loyalty is about level of need satisfying or ways to cope with things you would not do that way other individual lot more important wich fills your lack to count my inspiration would be to judge my certitude of importance on how I detail what needs to be listen and how to comply with questions.
Me: but you put numbers like 11.5, so yes counting was involved.
Blio: "it depends, you are in psychologic data lies are not everytime lies for everyone but certain individual understand only with the oposit. it aproximation of things i dont grasp but sense with ther fear.
Still Blio: "some people you think would discuss for your enlightenment they discuss for ther troubles of incapacity none sense. its that some would suggest supose an sentence written then they wait answer for how you comply with. and they register that data for knowing how you comply with your needs and wich needs you have. [Sounds like him!] i think your missing me some."
CS:TBW Part 4
Me: Anyways, many of your posts discussing your beliefs about the world and people (worldview) are quite confusing, and most ppl would not know what you say.
do you know of any better worldview to have? or do you think yours is the best? if so why?
Blio: "my worldview differs then yours threw my understanding if you have an different worldview you cope with people how you think they need distractions like if we wouldn't have distraction we would need to back in time"
Blio: "it's just certain individual exhausted from distracting you need to find right time where you can interact. when you see too much happiness and your not complying with it's state you can express yourself kindly for your perception of things."
Me: would you like to know mine?
Blio: "no its your secret, i must discover myself"
blio: "i think your an individual better at establishing an relation with things to construct then comply with info." [comment: Yes, I use logic and critical thinking. Meanwhile, you just belieeeve whatever comes your way. You believe movies are histroical records, in reincarnation, think the Dungeons and Dragons alignment chart is a good system to go apply to life , and you smoke!]
Me: ok
All these are great sites, do research in these, but most of sll, KEEP OPEN MIND
Many ppl dislike mine cuz they Lack Knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and love.
Blio: its ok im not intesrested in those but im sure thre great [comment: ? why? they entertain and intrest me.]
Me: also my view has an immense amount of things to back it. like archeology, history, and observed science, human behavior, and more. would you like to know the difference between observational and historical science.
Blio: "no to have faith it comply with its understanding in few movie watch"
CS:TBW part 5
Blio: "is that ther are movie from the past and movie from the future but the future is seperated in fragment of possibility"
Me: what do movies have to do with this?
Blio: "its about knowing the purpose of wich what you see at movie might be make up or might be real it depends sometimes its real and they make up to make it look make up"
Me: might not be intresting now, but youll research them later, right? yu said youd discover yourself.
Blio: "its that if you lose faith is that your love is gone since i love my mother i keep my faith" [comment: It entirely depends on which faith he's referring to. Applied to those contradicting the Bible, Blio's statement is false. Applied to Biblical Christianity, it's true.]
Me: wait you think that some movies are filming real siituations?? no! they are all made up, there are actors playing roles! and theres a budget of money
Blio: "some movie are from reality" [Comment: Ofc theyre FROM reality, that doesnt mean they RECORD it.]
Blio: "its way to grasp memory in head to back it in data" [[comment: No, events and characters in movies are not based on people's memories of things that really happened, but based on imagination. I think this odd belief stems from his belief in reincarnation, or vice versa.]]
Me: actually, it depends on what view you get. some views can improve your love [[Comment: Christianity does it the best.]], others will remove it. mine adds love thankfully. thanks to my view, i love enemies too, not only freind and family!
Blio: "being with another persob might change my being entirely. "
Blio: "its about leaving space to other so they comply how they can with what they can" [[Comment: What??]]
Me discussing hinduism (NOTE: blio ISN'T a hindu, he just belives reincarnation so far): but if its illusion how do you experience it? the medium refutes the idea!
Blio: "ya but i dont want to know" [[Comment: Why does blio like ignorance?]]
Me: why not? lack of knowledge is bad thing, is it not? i thought you said it turned people bad or whatever.
Blio: "certain religion require certain substace taken. I think hinduism require to smoke something it bring enlightenment and true to that knowledge how you comply with that drug." [[Comment: Now idk why hes talking about substances.]]
Blio: "diplomacy is how you can attract attention to several people and make them under your command, its that which you have command granting bonus to you. diplomacy and karma is link. you can have command of lesser of evils but you have less bonus."
Me: what are evils?
Blio: "its about having an motivation for all that you command." (i think he is referring to karma here, not evils.)
Still blio: "evils are people not seeking knowledge and having manners of wich they despite authority and well under none stressful eduance wich tend to be lacky. its an bit me but im an lawfull neutral devil"
Me: youre thinking in terms of dragon dungeon game.
blio: "its that devil and devil may be benefic to certain extense. it depends on ther antipation skills and adaptation and innovation skills for survival. ther is what you call an balance where you need certain different indivual with other assert to perform better in global."
Blio to me saying "so this is from d and d right?": "no, its about life and identifying people as alignment."
Me: But what if the evil people kill all of the good? Evil seeks to destroy balance!
Blio: "some are chaotic wich they seek nothing but their own, some are lawful they will remain with elders, some are neutral they will seek for ther own."
Blio: "no not lawfull neutral devil they have other means that his having no kids but an evolution and karma balance for the mass. its about amount of stress impact an normal person to devil if burn out early age greater chance bring devil. thre is person under good intention doing wrong but for an purpose its that rebels will tend to mather wich they seek just devil would sustai the epic loyalty of an wich that tend to have its peace."
Me: so wait, if a person burns out they become a bad person? what would they burn out from??
Blio: "its that you can burn out from running alot working under stress or have concussion[.....]. it depends on the person some are on ther second will, the people that havent gotten injury are most likely to comply with ther authority."
Me: So u are applying d and d to real life. Intresting concept....
Blio, still going: "but on second will thre is what we call an satisfaction earn by the mass greater than the satisfaction itself earning so ther is an benefit to the purpose wich other seek in that mather your second will is much stronger. sometimes other people deception can kill an individual, if unwary. its only about the satisfaction level of that illusion that comply with progression. lots of people play, they gotten fed up like blazed, that happened to me at ddo. [Comment: "ddo" means dungeon dragon online.] its about lack of communication it require more individual to allow an better stance but on wich who dont comply with the ways top progress are tend be eluded threw an repitition."
Me: so more communication makes you better person?
Blio: "no, to imply information the right way to each individual for its better well being. sometimes i lack on retention of concept given its that i get my brain more active with certain individual so i do more complex explanation wich i dont fully understand. [Okay, now he starts showing the weirder beliefs he has from here on out!] there are level of enlightenment. i'm at stage 4.5-6.2 but some enlightened like 9.8 15.5. my wisdom is higher than most, so does my inspiration. [This reminds me of "Professing to be wise...."] to explain something at someone enilghtned 10.2 11.5 i sometimes do due to my high level of inspiration and wisdom. but my knowledge is lacking.
Me: so what scale do you use to gauge this?
Blio, still going (doesnt seem to answer that question): "its about my inspiration and wisdom and loyalty and enlightenment, i get mix with tact and tricks people use. if someone does small figurine [Think he means "figuring."] is only due that they sense your lack of happiness and want ore satisfaction for you to earn."
Me: i have never seen people apply d and d to real life until you! ok so how to count your inspiration, loyalty, etc?
Blio: "I dont comply with that [Again, i think he is going past my questions, just focusing on giving his beliefs.] I tend to be more accurate with other explaining the right thing for the right mesure then they do ther figurine if they want." [Ok, now i dont know what he meant by "figurine" in "Case Study: The Blio Worldview Part 2. From now on, i will use CS:BW(number), writing the full title takes too long. The number changes depending on what part is being referenced. And yes the abbreviation looks like "cs:go.]
Blio: loyalty is about level of need satisfying or ways to cope with things you would not do that way other individual lot more important wich fills your lack to count my inspiration would be to judge my certitude of importance on how I detail what needs to be listen and how to comply with questions.
Me: but you put numbers like 11.5, so yes counting was involved.
Blio: "it depends, you are in psychologic data lies are not everytime lies for everyone but certain individual understand only with the oposit. it aproximation of things i dont grasp but sense with ther fear.
Still Blio: "some people you think would discuss for your enlightenment they discuss for ther troubles of incapacity none sense. its that some would suggest supose an sentence written then they wait answer for how you comply with. and they register that data for knowing how you comply with your needs and wich needs you have. [Sounds like him!] i think your missing me some."
CS:TBW Part 4
Me: Anyways, many of your posts discussing your beliefs about the world and people (worldview) are quite confusing, and most ppl would not know what you say.
do you know of any better worldview to have? or do you think yours is the best? if so why?
Blio: "my worldview differs then yours threw my understanding if you have an different worldview you cope with people how you think they need distractions like if we wouldn't have distraction we would need to back in time"
Blio: "it's just certain individual exhausted from distracting you need to find right time where you can interact. when you see too much happiness and your not complying with it's state you can express yourself kindly for your perception of things."
Me: would you like to know mine?
Blio: "no its your secret, i must discover myself"
blio: "i think your an individual better at establishing an relation with things to construct then comply with info." [comment: Yes, I use logic and critical thinking. Meanwhile, you just belieeeve whatever comes your way. You believe movies are histroical records, in reincarnation, think the Dungeons and Dragons alignment chart is a good system to go apply to life , and you smoke!]
Me: ok
All these are great sites, do research in these, but most of sll, KEEP OPEN MIND
Many ppl dislike mine cuz they Lack Knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and love.
Blio: its ok im not intesrested in those but im sure thre great [comment: ? why? they entertain and intrest me.]
Me: also my view has an immense amount of things to back it. like archeology, history, and observed science, human behavior, and more. would you like to know the difference between observational and historical science.
Blio: "no to have faith it comply with its understanding in few movie watch"
CS:TBW part 5
Blio: "is that ther are movie from the past and movie from the future but the future is seperated in fragment of possibility"
Me: what do movies have to do with this?
Blio: "its about knowing the purpose of wich what you see at movie might be make up or might be real it depends sometimes its real and they make up to make it look make up"
Me: might not be intresting now, but youll research them later, right? yu said youd discover yourself.
Blio: "its that if you lose faith is that your love is gone since i love my mother i keep my faith" [comment: It entirely depends on which faith he's referring to. Applied to those contradicting the Bible, Blio's statement is false. Applied to Biblical Christianity, it's true.]
Me: wait you think that some movies are filming real siituations?? no! they are all made up, there are actors playing roles! and theres a budget of money
Blio: "some movie are from reality" [Comment: Ofc theyre FROM reality, that doesnt mean they RECORD it.]
Blio: "its way to grasp memory in head to back it in data" [[comment: No, events and characters in movies are not based on people's memories of things that really happened, but based on imagination. I think this odd belief stems from his belief in reincarnation, or vice versa.]]
Me: actually, it depends on what view you get. some views can improve your love [[Comment: Christianity does it the best.]], others will remove it. mine adds love thankfully. thanks to my view, i love enemies too, not only freind and family!
Blio: "being with another persob might change my being entirely. "
Blio: "its about leaving space to other so they comply how they can with what they can" [[Comment: What??]]
Me discussing hinduism (NOTE: blio ISN'T a hindu, he just belives reincarnation so far): but if its illusion how do you experience it? the medium refutes the idea!
Blio: "ya but i dont want to know" [[Comment: Why does blio like ignorance?]]
Me: why not? lack of knowledge is bad thing, is it not? i thought you said it turned people bad or whatever.
Blio: "certain religion require certain substace taken. I think hinduism require to smoke something it bring enlightenment and true to that knowledge how you comply with that drug." [[Comment: Now idk why hes talking about substances.]]