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Church Politics


The short answer is that every church has a politic, corporately, that is related to its basic theological makeup.
All others need not apply.
In other words, people who believe a certain way about the bible or who are interested in a certain aspect of Christianity, tend to find themselves involved, yoked, with the same "types".
This is why someone who thinks they can lose their salvation will huddle on Sunday or any day and any where with the like minded .
They'll do the same on a forum like this one.

Im on a few other forums like this one. And the mods on this unnamed but specific one fight me like hostile dogs, because nearly all of them are Grace hating Christians, who are dishonest, and so they'll use their "Mod Tactics" to ither block what i write or something like that, even tho they cant actually defend with scriptures or truth their unfortunate carnal theology.
So, as they cant deal with this situation, they just block me:)
They do have a really good site with regards to allowing large photo files, so, i do post a lot of photos there, and wish i could do it here, but, my files are way too large for the small capacity that this site accepts....unfortunately.
Yesterday i posted on this particular site many photos of my beautiful acoustic guitars, as the mods cant find a reason to stop it......tho im sure they would if possible....but they are really kinda stuck:)
The members there love me and i love them, and they read me, (when they are allowed) and the Mods there do all they can do to stop me from being read.
And not because of truth, but only because of carnal self righteous pride.
For example, i just posted a post here about "Millionaires" and talked about money.
I stated that you cant give to the poor, as God requires, if you are BROKE and in POVERTY.
Maybe you read it here????
LIsten, Saint, you cant give, if you dont have it..... and that is the #2 reason that God wants you to have it.....and the #1 reason is because you are his CHILD and what DADDY does not want His children to have more then enough?
They blocked the same "money" post, and non but the 4 or 5 mods saw it.
I even watered it down and tried to make it basically like soft jello so as not to cause any type of offense with it, and it was DOA at first read by the mods.
Their reason for keeping it from the members who could read it and respond?????....The mods there think that Christians are supposed to be sick, poor, and desperate, as this is in their opinion "proof of real Cross Bearing Christianity", i= their narrow minded self righteous view.
Its ridiculous, its devilish, its unfortunate for the other members there.....but, that is how it can be on a "Christian Forum" when the mods all have a very narrow view of the Bible, Grace, and of course any type of "prosperity" or any other theological topic...... and they will keep it from being considered by other members if it does not fit their .0005 wide theological mentality.

It is true that im saved a long time, ive been to seminary, ive traveled to foreign lands, ive been involved with church ministry, im an excellent New Testamant teacher, personally and very well trained for years by one of the foremost NT scholars of our time.. I have a brother who is a pastor and another who is a long time Missionary with his wife to The Ukraine, and he controls and directs the entire missionary part of one of the very largest denominations in the USA...and its true that im an Evangelist and a Professional Musician and have done a lot in my life, and its true that the way i "talk" on forums is designed to force you have to think about it......That is my GIFT from GOD......that is why i do it.
Its not personal, other then the fact that i love you and i want you to be more then you are, to surpass yourself, and for you to realize that you dont know it all, you are not there yet, and im here to push you farther into the LIGHT.
See, your Christianity, is to be FLUID and moving forward and not entrenched and stagnant.
Thats my gift, and its a real one and its a polished one and a highly highly effective one.
But i have to say.....that after many years on many forums and having helped thousands of people online, all over the world........there is a part of me that wants to beat the spit out of a couple of the Mods that ruin "forums" " for the other excellent members there.
Really....i would like to find out where they live and just kick them around a bit, while explaining that they are disqualified to be mods when they harm other members who could be helped by them, instead of being harmed because they use their position in a carnal way to impose their theology and ignorance on everyone at the expense of everyone there.
This is easy to justify as i would be resolving the pride in a few for the benefit of the many.
Im kidding........but, yeah, i feel it also.
That place is usually like a graveyard, and its because the mods keep them smothered.
However, they are difficult to find, so, i guess i'll just vent here and feel better.
Just did.

So, anyway........
This is why a person who is fascinated with "the infilling fo the spirit" and "tongues" and "signs" and being "slain in the spirit", will find themselves seated next to a tongue talking someone during a church service who is also pre-occupied with this "type" of time wasting religious pursuit.
In general, God has nothing to do with any of this, and its more a case of "flesh" and "feelings" that is in total control.
This is why a Charismatic Pastor will mock the Baptists from his pulpit, and the Baptists will mock the Catholics, and the Catholics will deny what they really believe about Mary or about "Justification by Faith alone".
Its all just one big carnal Christian game, and its a wonder that anyone ever gets saved...However, they still do, all the time.
And THANK GOD for that.
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I have not experienced thar at worthy forums though that is a heavy leaning premil,pretrib site.
I got elected to the church board once........never again.......

I have not experienced thar at worthy forums though that is a heavy leaning premil,pretrib site.

Forum Mods hate to be corrected.
Mods on forums, no matter if it be secular or Christian, tend to feel they are without fault, know everything, and that this must be true or they would not be a Mod.
The problem with this type of power, is that many are not able to use it wisely or fairly, after a while....if at all ever.
That is all just human nature working at being human nature.
Its the same thing you find with an employee who has been working too long in the same company and they behave as if they own it.
Mods on Christian Forums, sometimes behave as if they are so theologically correct ,and this without exception regarding everything, that if you resist this, then they will resist YOU, and not what you are discussing quite as much.
Once again, that is just the effect and behavior of power affecting people who in general are not going to be removed from their job if they mistreat a member who they dont like, and they dont like them because the member just might be right and they just might not be able to stand this in PUBLIC.
Everyone hates this, including me, but, correction is a part of the process of being brought closer to God-likeness and its for the purpose of being created to be more and more more pure and accurate in your theological belief system.
God is not kidding when He told us that we are going to be "conformed into the image of Christ", and that is not just when we get the new body.
Its gonna happen down here, and sometimes its going to HURT.
Your bible tells you that "Jesus learned obedience by the THINGS HE SUFFERED".
And when was the last time your Pastor preached that?.....

So, regarding that particular forum ive mentioned too much already, there is an extreme baby Christian.....he is a new mod......dont know how that happened, but, it did.
He's a mid tribber, hates the idea of "financial blessings", invites you to think you can lose your salvation if he can cause it, he hates grace, and wants you to save yourself instead of giving Jesus alone ALL the credit for it.....= this mod is a heretic.
Many are.
These types are everywhere... these grace pretenders... and like poison mushrooms they stalk the eternally secure on Forums hoping to infect them with doubt about their salvation.
They Obsess on this....Its their reason to be here.
You'll find them working in packs on Threads, attacking Grace, attacking believers who are Trusting in CHRIST ALONE to get them to heaven, just as God ordained it through the CROSS.
They live for the next "saved by Grace" thread to show up so they can make it last 100 pages while they try to convince the theologically honest but perhaps not quite certain, that they can "lose it" and probably have, and now its time to get to that confessing and that "enduring to the end" to save yourself, going strong.
This "mod" is one of them up to his skinny white neck and then some., so naturally he is going to butt heads with me, as i will not let him forget that God ALONE saved him and God ALONE gets all the credit that he would prefer to give to his sin confessing or his enduring to the end, or whatever other JUNK he uses to deny Christ His Sacrificial Accomplishment.
Ive been on this particular forum (where he has now become a mod) for quite a while , but he has not been a mod for a long time.
I was there April 4th and he was just ranting some craziness regarding a popular topic that Christians like to battle about on forums.
There, they are lost in Mid Trib vs Pre Trib, and many of the usual topics that attract the fish to the trolls.
So, i just embarrassed him about his ridiculous theology to try to make him THINK and now im in trouble there ever since.
Im getting PMs from him that he should not be sending me, but, as i said, he's still in baby diapers, while having the power to block me just to be hateful.
"all things must pass", it'll all work out eventually, and thats ok, as i can use the frustration training, and he can use a solid theological tune up thats coming soon and unexpectedly..
i told him it would, and it will.
What will eventually happen is, he will suddenly not be a mod there, and then i'll be again found there trying to get the members to stay focused on doing all they can to please God before they meet Jesus and have to explain why they didnt.
As thats what the focus has to be.
There is a JUDGEMENT SEAT that is heading our way and we have to live our lives DAILY as if today is the day we are to be found there.
And that is because not one person on the Obituary page today in your local newspaper, thought yesterday they would be in it TODAY.
This Judgement seat is not going to judge us for sin, as that is resolved on the CROSS, but, we will be "out of the body and present with the Lord", and He is going to want to know what we did for Him or why we didnt.
Thats a hot spot, and no MOD needs to use their authority to keep their members from thinking about it because they are preventing them from hearing about it.
Bad idea.
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I don't think it's very "worthy" to go on a forum and bash other forums. I'm closing this thread. I feel it's pretty unheroic to applaud one's self for challenging the moderators of any board on another board. Mods uphold the rules of a site, and members who can't abide by the ToS they agreed to when they registered call them out for being intolerant. I'll have none of that here.