I cannot believe myself lately. I have constantly been getting mad at people who I percieve are all nasty. Which is constantly it seems. Even certain moderators on forums. I am not going into detail, but it is far from pretty. I mustve given the devil a really good foothold. I am really serious. I have thought some very horrible things lately. Im fine until I get out in public or certain things on the internet.
I believe I need some prayer help here and it says in James, ' confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so that you maybe healed.'
I have also been feeling very hurt by women at my womens meeting. ( ok, im tall and pretty. ) Not popular a popular thing to be. But also something else. See, I left a church with more spirit filled people in that would be able understand certain things. The Lord showed me clearly He brought me to this church, and in which the people tho do not really understand. Youd think id have friends from my last church to call right? ( im not going to tell you why I dont call any, I just know for the last three years the Lord has planted my but down to read read read. It has been letting up in recent months tho. Now He has me doing something else alot.
So, back to my weird sinful self lately. I just need to stop it! But then, it just slips right back in. Aweful sinful thoughts. How do people 'suck it up?' 'Bless and do not curse'. I have done that. Uh, its been so hard.
God, I pray for more grace...
I believe I need some prayer help here and it says in James, ' confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so that you maybe healed.'
I have also been feeling very hurt by women at my womens meeting. ( ok, im tall and pretty. ) Not popular a popular thing to be. But also something else. See, I left a church with more spirit filled people in that would be able understand certain things. The Lord showed me clearly He brought me to this church, and in which the people tho do not really understand. Youd think id have friends from my last church to call right? ( im not going to tell you why I dont call any, I just know for the last three years the Lord has planted my but down to read read read. It has been letting up in recent months tho. Now He has me doing something else alot.
So, back to my weird sinful self lately. I just need to stop it! But then, it just slips right back in. Aweful sinful thoughts. How do people 'suck it up?' 'Bless and do not curse'. I have done that. Uh, its been so hard.
God, I pray for more grace...