even now they do not believe or accept and again ask instead "What must I DO to be saved" - fear not little flock it is your Father's good fortune to give you the kingdom for you were truly born again as little Christian children you have simply simply believed [Jn.20:31] - so do you simply simply believe this and have life in His name - twinc
John Chapter 20 speaks of the resurrection of Christ as He appeared first to Mary Magdalene and then to the Disciples, but Thomas could not believe it was Christ until Christ allowed Thomas to touch the nail prints to know that He was truly resurrected from the grave. Even when Christ rose and walked amongst them they did not recognize him. Actually it wouldn't be until Jesus came to the upper room in His now glorified body and gave them the Holy Spirit that all of them believed and received the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that opened their eyes to know it was Christ that stood before them. We come to Christ with a child like faith as we believe there is a Christ, but until we are Spiritually born again, John 3:3-7 and Romans 10:9,10 we will never know him or have a personal relationship with Him.
Whoever this Bishop John is or anyone else that have died can not believe once they are dead if they haven't received Jesus as Lord and Savior before they died.
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