For "Jesus", that question was irrelevant.
Hi, tks again for your time!
I definitely believe it's relevent, and it was relevent I believe in that day, When it was asked, "don't you know that Christ is in you" or " have you receive the Spirit sense you believed"
And it's even more relevant today seeing that we are at the mercy of our own ideals. Another words as the world and culture change so also does tranlation, and meaning. And what may have been passed on to the blank slate of our minds sense we developed understanding as children can be the lense in which we now view passages and derive at our understanding and therefore what we participate or not participate in as to Kingdom building.
That is a question for PEOPLE to ask and ponder (I know I do). God always seems more interested in HEARTS and RESULTS than in "logical discussions" ... and when God does engage in logical discussions with us (people), he turns logic on its head: "Love those that hate you."
Well in this case I am studying and meditating on his word, And not as one who needs to be puffed up by what I may learn. And therefore logic even in meditation is useful. And sense God knows my heart He has not convicted my conscience of any wrong doing.
Thank you
I do not think that "regeneration" fits neatly in any one place.
Ok, that is something to think about
[Caution, small sample size.] (You have been warned) ... I can speak with AUTHORITY about nobody except me. Mine is the only salvation that I have the inside information on.
So for this ONE salvation, I know that I would not have gone to Jesus without SOME regeneration of my "heart" to draw me to Him.
And this was one place a question came up in my mind. For reasons I may share else where.
For yes I
seem to have reconciliation and justification at the same starting point (which is one place I needed your wise critique at)
So I might further infer on where regeneration might fit there. For while you may have grown up with correct foundation and not in certain cultic ideals some of us may not have. Hopefully that sequential and may substantiate the reason for my looking into this enough to give you a clear conscience as to my motive.
Back to your thoughts, Yes I would think that we may have to be awaken first, and even before we can be forgiven. Maybe it's the light that shines on everyone that comes into the world. That light may illuminate truth that we can't help to see. And it may be in his creation and about, above, in and below the greatness of the whole universe.
For God seems to be seen in what He creates.
That is just an empirical fact. On the other hand, it is impossible to deny the progressive regeneration that occurred and still continues in my life that is commonly called "sanctification". As the saying goes "God loves me just as I am, but He loves me too much to leave me like this."
Good stuff, because this is a place I may have wanted to spur from in this thread.
Then again, I have a future promise that when I see Him face to face, I will be like Him ... so there is at least one more really big regeneration that I expect to take place.
Maybe that is why God doesn't waste time talking about WHEN He regenerates us
The scripures are the inspired word of God. And there are scriptures, and this one in Ephesians 2 that speak of beeing dead in sin and being made alive together with Christ.
Not only that when when Jesus Speaks to Nicademus.
and the rich man about entering the kingdom of heaven, and the one: have you received the Spirit sense you believed, and in Acts when Peter figures that God is no respector of person, and Ephesians 1:13 sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.
... it is a silly question for a God that started the process of regenerating
Is it? when they are asked to check themselves if they are in the faith...and asked " don't you know that Christ is in you"
us before He created the Earth and will complete it around the time He destroys the Earth and we gain glorified bodies to live in His House. When is "eternity to eternity".
niether here nor there, you went ahead and judge my motive before seeing what it was.
The message was "It is about BELIEVE, it has never been about DO." (Hearts, not foreskins).
Same as above response, yet it's about both
As we do what we believe, and the outside reflects what's in our hearts. Yet this is not what I'm here to discuss.
You are searching for Truth (the deep things of God), which is always good. Just don't forget that "theology" is important, but not "THE MOST IMPORTANT". Like so much in life ... it is WHO you know and not WHAT you know.
This is all true, but I was not asking where you thought my motive was. But if I were on track in regards to my thoughts in what I wrote.
But at least you care.