If the mark of the beast testing is at the end of the age, how is it that all who have lived before now have a chance to receive it?
There are only two options:
1. They all are on alive an on the earth today and will be forced to choose between Christ or the devil by taking some mark on their body.
2. Or each man has had the chance to either choose to live in the image of Christ, or the devil in his image having the mark of the beast. Cain was in the image of the Beast having his father the devil's attributes?
The problem has and always will be man's choice to live in godly character by seeking God to live by obeying His Word/Christ, or to live a dog eat dog self survival life in the image of the beasts of the jungle as their own god.
There are only two options:
1. They all are on alive an on the earth today and will be forced to choose between Christ or the devil by taking some mark on their body.
2. Or each man has had the chance to either choose to live in the image of Christ, or the devil in his image having the mark of the beast. Cain was in the image of the Beast having his father the devil's attributes?
The problem has and always will be man's choice to live in godly character by seeking God to live by obeying His Word/Christ, or to live a dog eat dog self survival life in the image of the beasts of the jungle as their own god.