i hate to say it, but...i applaud your decision. i was thinking about going with my dad to a local megachurch he really likes. then, i talked to my friend verna about it, prayed about, and...nah, not gonna happen. i dont want to encourage membership in a money making machine that might make one feel better for a little bit, but seems to do precious little to facilitate Christ's work in anybody's life.
personally, ive been condemned by church people. when i lived in another state, i was living off my parents. i didn't get a whole lot of $$$, but my rent was paid, i had a car, i was safe, etc. so, i popped in at this one church and i overheard some young lady, in her late teens, talking about how i "don't have a job, living off welfare..." and that was the end of that, right then and there.
the little presbyterian church i grew up in condemned me, too. presby's are supposedly tolerant, more liberal, etc. yeah...not so much. not when you're really down and out, one of the 'least of these," etc. that happened before the pcusa denomination as a whole decided to throw scripture out the window. needless to say...im not interested.
ugh. i just dont know. verna loves church. she's been in pentecostal churches her whole life. she's a bona fide christian, she helps people, she cares, etc. there are christians like her out there, in churches all over america. there's also a lot of self-righteous hypocrites, people using the church as a form of therapy, etc. i know people on this forum tend to criticize the liberal/progressive christians, but...as i see it... churches tend to do a lot of re-shaping Jesus into whatever their audience wants. A Jesus who will bless your same-sex union and materliasm? PCUSA, Episcopalians. A Jesus who loves violence, guns, the status quo even more than you do? Any number of Baptist churches, at least where I live.
sorry to ramble. I am sorry that you and your wife are now staying home. I'm sorry you're disillusioned. On the plus side...you both still love The Lord, and you're not spending time and $$$ on an organization that's clearly more about their needs, power, etc. than they are about facilitating Christ's work in peoples' lives.