That's true, if the billionaires would help out, no one would be homeless and we'd need no welfare system. The thing is though, is that us bottom of the barrel Christians making 30K per year or whatever would give anyway, it would still make a difference, perhaps even more of a difference than if the billionaires gave. (Remember the little old poor woman who gave two cents in scripture, and was said to have given more than the others who gave more?). Yeah, it's like that.
It's not whether or not we can afford to help, it's whether or not that we realize that...freely we have been given, so we should freely give. We can't afford not to give! Us, in the body must help regardless of our own personal circumstances, and do it with cheerful heart and in total faith that we will be ok. The Lord takes care of His own. We are to take care of our own.
Somewhere...(In Psalms?) it says that helping the poor is like loaning money unto the Lord. We KNOW that the Lord will repay. SO don't be afraid to give to help the poor.
There's a member on this board which shall remain nameless, that gave away his rent money. He was already a little behind and if he didn't pay within like two more days I think it was, that a lot of extra fees would kick in. The Lord blessed him with work or money, I forget. But he had the money to make the payment on time before the extra late fees would be assessed, and then the Lord impressed upon him to give it all to a brother who needed help. His wife said no way, we pay our rent. Our brother listened to the Lord instead of his wife... and gave the money away that he had just received.
The very next morning, he received a windfall of income. He was able to help his brother in Christ, obey the Lord, and make his payment on time after all. I totally believe this brothers testimony of this. This is how the Lord works. He wants to see our faith in Him unto the end no matter the circumstance. And he will continue to take care of us too. This has been my experience.