Many inner city pagan school systems are counter productive for children in at least 2 ways.
1) During the day, children are taught paganism in a bully ridden environment. Demons use this environment to teach children hatred.
2) Expensive pagan schools further impoverish their parents/neighbors, affecting their home environment after school. Teachers tend to regressively take things from their neighbors, so the poor are affected most.
Some rich suburban schools may work just fine. Their parents can afford the teachers' $70,000 salaries, elaborate security patrols to keep their children safe there, and tutors to teach them the Bible outside of the schools. The model is dysfunctional in many inner city neighborhoods. The original question was why is their so much violence in inner city neighborhoods? In Rwanda witchcraft led to demons making people hate.. The Hutu massacred a million Tutsi with machetes in Rwanda. Inner cities are not that bad yet, but demons make people hate there when the Lord's influence is removed. Inner city schools are part of the problem in some neighborhoods.