is our Father and the Father of Jesus Christ to whom we pray direct. in this instance, the Father of the Jews, Muslims and others or as Christ said they have the devil for Father[Jn.8:44] - twinc
Our Father (God) is the Creator of all things good and His will is to love which carries over to our enemies. We are saved by the sacrifice of the blood of Christ and by faith through Gods grace that His son Jesus paid the ultimate price in giving Himself as the final sacrifice that we now can reconcile ourselves back to the Father. Many Jews have yet to see that Messiah has come already and will return for His true Church which is we who believe and have been Spiritually born again by that of John 3:3-7 and Romans 10:9,10. Muslims only see Jesus as a prophet that died, but never risen from the grave. Their false god Allah teaches them to hate and kill the infidel (Jew and Christians).
is our Father and the Father of Jesus Christ to whom we pray direct. in this instance, the Father of the Jews, Muslims and others or as Christ said they have the devil for Father[Jn.8:44] - twinc
God is the God of all existence. But He is the Father of those who are His Childeren. Those who believe Jesus and trust in His atonement are indwelled by the Holy Spirit and God is their Father.
Prayer in Jesus' name is taught in John 14:13-14.Praying in Jesus' name means praying with His authority and asking God the Father to act upon our prayers because we come in the name of His Son.
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