Douglas Summers
Because Christ Jesus was also the Son of Man, He experienced everything that man has been tempted with. Not only that, He was in agony and anguish to the point of sweating drops of blood, even to the point of asking the Father to remove this cup from Him.....but nevertheless, your will be done. (Luke 22:39-42).
Even more, He was hungry, He was homeless (Matt. 8:19-21), He wept (John 11:35), He was rejected by the religious and was plotted to be murdered (Luke 11:49-53), He was tortured and made fun of, (all the time knowing), He was dying for them (John 19:1-24).
(1 Tim. 2:5) makes it clear, There is one God and One mediator between man and God and that is the Christ Jesus. You see, Christ Himself is interceding before the Father, therefore, He is able to save them completely for those who come through Him, because he always lives to intercede (Heb. 7:25). The Holy Spirit is constantly interceding for us, even when we do not know what to pray, when we just know we need God mercy (Rom. 8:26-27). Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of Grace (Heb. 4:16). God answers prayer, not on who is praying, but on prayer, according to His will. If you have confidence in God, He will answer. (1 John 5:14-15). He is our only and eternal intercessor and our Sabbath Days Rest. (Hebrews Chapters 4 and 5) Study them, it will give you a closer walk with God.
Prayers requested in Scripture by the Saints (2 Cor. 1:3,11; Eph. 1:16; Eph. 6:19; Philippians 1:19)
Search your hearts, We need more Spiritual prayer for body of believers and our missionaries.
Prayer is not always genuine until a man is hurting or grieved. Take a look at the world and the United States decline into immorality and murder. If that does not make you pray for the return and the strength of those out in the field who are against such things, Well?
In Christ Grace that sustains me
Douglas Summers
Even more, He was hungry, He was homeless (Matt. 8:19-21), He wept (John 11:35), He was rejected by the religious and was plotted to be murdered (Luke 11:49-53), He was tortured and made fun of, (all the time knowing), He was dying for them (John 19:1-24).
(1 Tim. 2:5) makes it clear, There is one God and One mediator between man and God and that is the Christ Jesus. You see, Christ Himself is interceding before the Father, therefore, He is able to save them completely for those who come through Him, because he always lives to intercede (Heb. 7:25). The Holy Spirit is constantly interceding for us, even when we do not know what to pray, when we just know we need God mercy (Rom. 8:26-27). Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of Grace (Heb. 4:16). God answers prayer, not on who is praying, but on prayer, according to His will. If you have confidence in God, He will answer. (1 John 5:14-15). He is our only and eternal intercessor and our Sabbath Days Rest. (Hebrews Chapters 4 and 5) Study them, it will give you a closer walk with God.
Prayers requested in Scripture by the Saints (2 Cor. 1:3,11; Eph. 1:16; Eph. 6:19; Philippians 1:19)
Search your hearts, We need more Spiritual prayer for body of believers and our missionaries.
Prayer is not always genuine until a man is hurting or grieved. Take a look at the world and the United States decline into immorality and murder. If that does not make you pray for the return and the strength of those out in the field who are against such things, Well?
In Christ Grace that sustains me
Douglas Summers