I wonder though, does meeting together also need to include Christian Communion and fellowship? I believe it does because gathering together in Christian community is far more than just a social gathering. Just as nonbelievers are capable of loving one another and treating others well so too are they able to gather together but that is not the same as Christian fellowship.
I believe the adage "Out of sight, out of mind" fits here. Even participating or viewing online is not the same as attending in person. During the lockdowns of March and April, we began experimenting with live streaming our Sunday worship services and have continued to do this going forward.
But, even so, members including myself began to recognize that we were missing something important. We were missing the bond of Christian fellowship with one another. So, when our governor relaxed the lockdown situation, we were more than happy to find a way to once again open our church for personal attendance. Our church is a small country church and even with everyone in attendance we probably don't exceed 20% capacity. We rearranged the pews to force social distancing, provided masks and hand sanitizer at the entrance, and personally employ social distancing practices.
Even though this change was welcome and we felt needed, there was still something missing in our regular gatherings....Holy Communion. So, about six weeks ago our pastor and deacons met to discuss how we could resume Holy Communion in our worship services while practicing recommended social distancing to help people feel as comfortable as possible and a month ago we started doing just that.
And as of last week we are now discussing how to resume our Bible study groups beginning the first of October. Judging from how members interact here on CFnet, my own experiences with in-person studies, and other online Bible studies, I feel quite confident that verbal in-person discussions are far better and the people are far more polite with each other.