Haven't been able to get motivated this weekend, then thought - "You PROMISED yourself you'd work on your cardio training"... so, I ended up hiking in the North GA mountains. Had a little Snafu, my three hour hike turned into 5 1/2 hours - GPS says I walked 17 miles, but that cant be right. My count is 12-13 miles.
I'm tired, filthy, and greasy from sun block - but I bet I sleep tonight.
I ended up lost and not in the spiritual sense, either! This never happens to me!
My GPS let me down, not sure what happened to it but I suddenly could not lock and this was while I was doing one of my off-trail hikes in a national forest! I walked and walked generally north (with the sun in the western sky, I at least knew what North was). I finally, after I dont know how long, sat down and prayed:
"Ok, Lord, I am not the hiker I think I am. Or, at least, Im not the NAVIGATOR I think I am. Send me a sign of what direction to go, 'cause the road should be here somewhere."
Id not heard any traffic sounds, I wondred if the road was way above me or way below me on the other side of the ridge. I thought I was within 200 feet of it or so.
Well, as soon as I prayed, I heard the first sound in about 20 minutes, a Harley suddenly made his loud noise as he went down the road. I listened, and could tell where the road was, as his sound moved to the compass heading I was walking, he went silent - must be a big hill there.
Well, anyway, I knew then I was within 1000 feet of the road. Turns out, I was about 500 feet from it - I was there in 15 minutes - had to go thru a terrible think underbrush patch, but I got there! From there, it was almost two miles back to the car.
It wasn't so muhc that I prayed, I think it was that I layed it in His lap and confessed my inability - or at least my doubt in myself.