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[__ Prayer __] Prayers about my childhood abuse.

Seasoned by Grace

Staff member
My parents were abused themselves, and didn't want kids, but then I came along.
Needless to say, they messed up some area's of my life, and I guess it's time to deal
with the fears I have periodically, that flair up, and I have no way to deal with them, but call out to the Lord, and study verses about fear, and pray a lot, and speak those verses to God.
Fear has always been a constant companion, along with nightmares, but I guess God wants me to deal with it once and for all now.
We all have issues and this is a big one for me.
Please pray for me and put me in God's hands.
The anxiety I'm experiencing is pretty harsh.

In God's loving care for you all.
Seasoned by Grace
My parents were abused themselves, and didn't want kids, but then I came along.
Needless to say, they messed up some area's of my life, and I guess it's time to deal
with the fears I have periodically, that flair up, and I have no way to deal with them, but call out to the Lord, and study verses about fear, and pray a lot, and speak those verses to God.
Fear has always been a constant companion, along with nightmares, but I guess God wants me to deal with it once and for all now.
We all have issues and this is a big one for me.
Please pray for me and put me in God's hands.
The anxiety I'm experiencing is pretty harsh.

In God's loving care for you all.
Seasoned by Grace


Here is something that has helped me over the years with similar issues. The Lord helped me to understand that words are are seeds, whether words of blessing or words of cursing. Seeds grow and take root. Things our parents spoke over us can either be a blessing or curse.

But He answered and said, “Every plant which My heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted. Matthew 15:13

Our Heavenly Father knows this better than anyone.

I have prayed this over my life many times and over my children’s life, while breaking any curse words that were spoken and asking God to uproot anything in my life that has not been planted by Him.

Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.
Ephesians 4:29

We can impart grace, life and blessing by what we speak over ourselves and others.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue,
And those who love it will eat its fruit.
Proverbs 18:21

Praying that our Heavenly Father will uproot out of you, any words of fear or cursing that have been spoken over you by your parents or anyone in authority over you, in Jesus mighty name.

I pray the Lord will fill you with His Spirit today and heal any wounds from your childhood, and bless you today with a fresh anointing.

You are blessed today. God loves and desires only blessing upon you.
Speak His words of peace and blessing constantly over your life.

Most of the healing and deliverance from childhood issues in my life have come from me speaking God’s word over my life, and breaking the power of curses spoken over me. Words spoken by us are more powerful than we can understand, especially if we have the Spirit within us.

Here is an example of a biblical curse.

Now the next day, when they had come out from Bethany, He was hungry. And seeing from afar a fig tree having leaves, He went to see if perhaps He would find something on it. When He came to it, He found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs. In response Jesus said to it, “Let no one eat fruit from you ever again.”
And His disciples heard it…Now in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots. And Peter, remembering, said to Him, “Rabbi, look! The fig tree which You cursed has withered away.” Mark 11:12-14, 20-21

A curse is any negative word spoken over us or others. The fig tree was dried up and withered, which can happen to us spiritually when our parents speak things over us as children.

JLB my dear brother.
Thank you so much for your beautiful words of Godly encouragement, and your much-needed prayers that give me peace. So very much appreciated and spot-on for me at this time of my life.
I have carried these issues with me for a lifetime, and I am exhausted beyond belief, trying to carry all this without really knowing how, and not knowing how to let God be a part of it all, and be my " Jehova-rophe" - MY HEALER, and at the same time, trying to live out my faith to the best of my ability, because God is so worth all we can be for Him and to Him, and have the privilege to be loving and kind to others, and if possible share with them the Christ that has been my life.

Your words of wisdom and your prayers have been soothing, like a Balm of Gilead.

I will read your post over many times, for the refreshing and encouragement, your words, and God's words you posted, have brought to me.
God has opened up a floodgate of pain from the past, that I haven't dealt with, and I am feeling wounded, but not defeated.

Thank you again for your loving, kind words, and may God bless you richly for them.
Seasoned by Grace
Thank you everyone for your prayers :pray.
I haven't had it like this in quite a while, but maybe this is where God heals me, after a lifetime of torment.
James 1, say's to be thankful for all our trials, and over the many years, I have learned to do just that at times like this.
Praise God I can go through this, and as I struggle I can find thankfulness He is with me, and comforts me in His super-natural loving ways, and has things to use this for, for the sake of others, and he can teach me new things.
This isn't just about me, but how I can understand what others go through and support them in wisdom and love.

God bless you all for praying.
Seasoned by Grace
I will be praying for you every day Seasoned by Grace
A similar thing left me with fear and nightmares. The first thing I learned was to forgive him.I found a way to stop the nightmares by telling myself, before I went to sleep, that if a nightmare started I would turn it around into a pleasant dream. It worked. Also if there were evil people in it I rebuked th om the name of Jesus Christ, they disappeared immediately.
The fear thing went away after many years by prayer and God's word.
The post by JLB is amazing.
God will take it all away from you.
Tessa my dear sister in Christ
Thank you for your prayers, words of wonderful support, encouragement, and wisdom.
It's amazing to me how we can know with all our hearts that God is with us when things like this can take over our lives, and that there is a purpose that belongs to God alone.
I'm so grateful He is the center of my life.

Thank you beyond words, everyone, for your loving kindnesses and prayers.
Seasoned by Grace
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The Lord will get you through all this Seasoned by Grace
You are on your way out of it.
God is amazing.
My problem was not my parents but rather a ridiculously cruel community. Ongoing actually. Ugh. Prayers are with you.

Tessa, Christ_empowered, JLB, and others here who have prayed.
Thank you all so much for your prayers and concern.
It's crazy how you can be going along in life and all of a sudden not only does this happen, but now I have a SCIATICA FLAIR also in my right leg.

James 1:2-4 says, "2 Consider it all joy, my brothers and sisters, when you encounter various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. 4 And let endurance have its perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."

I've been through similar situations where life became pretty unbearable for some time, and it wasn't until much later after it was over, did I understand and learn from it. God has his own plans for us, and I've had to ask for prayers like never before this time, and I thank all of you for responding.

God bless you all so much
Seasoned by Grace
I have been praying for you Seasoned. I'm really sorry you went through that. I had PTSD from sexual abuse from my father. My mom would lock him in a back room also with a deadbolt and chain... just weird things that was my normal...It effected me for years and self injured for ten years. Forgiving my parents was the most freeing thing. But I went through faith based programs in working through things. I have learned through these trials to not stay in the jail cell of my past, because I am not that little girl anymore. When I got saved, I became His child, never alone again. But I focus my eyes on Christ Jesus. Things from the past may come up and things, but I give them to God and not think on them anymore (okay that may be a struggle at times. I'll have bouts...) . I am here now and live a wonderful life. I will continue to pray for you. You have been on my heart, and glad to officially be back. :) In Christ Jesus, it becomes a testimony of forgiveness and overcoming what the enemy meant to use for destruction.

I have been praying for you Seasoned. I'm really sorry you went through that. I had PTSD from sexual abuse from my father. My mom would lock him in a back room also with a deadbolt and chain... just weird things that was my normal...It effected me for years and self injured for ten years. Forgiving my parents was the most freeing thing. But I went through faith based programs in working through things. I have learned through these trials to not stay in the jail cell of my past, because I am not that little girl anymore. When I got saved, I became His child, never alone again. But I focus my eyes on Christ Jesus. Things from the past may come up and things, but I give them to God and not think on them anymore (okay that may be a struggle at times. I'll have bouts...) . I am here now and live a wonderful life. I will continue to pray for you. You have been on my heart, and glad to officially be back. :) In Christ Jesus, it becomes a testimony of forgiveness and overcoming what the enemy meant to use for destruction.

Thank you so much Sister for your beautiful message and your prayers, also.
My situation has been especially hard, but in the middle of it all, there have been ongoing blessings also.
God uses trials and the difficulties of life to mold and shape and grow us to new levels of our faith.
What I love so much is knowing that God is so especially close to me right now, and would you believe He still brings people to me I can minister to in their trials, to comfort them as they suffer. Just last night I was able to minister to a neighbor who was feeling overwhelmed by life.
What an incredibly awesome God we serve.

God bless you Sister for praying for me. It's so comforting in my hour of need.
Seasoned by Grace
Thank you so much Sister for your beautiful message and your prayers, also.
My situation has been especially hard, but in the middle of it all, there have been ongoing blessings also.
God uses trials and the difficulties of life to mold and shape and grow us to new levels of our faith.
What I love so much is knowing that God is so especially close to me right now, and would you believe He still brings people to me I can minister to in their trials, to comfort them as they suffer. Just last night I was able to minister to a neighbor who was feeling overwhelmed by life.
What an incredibly awesome God we serve.

God bless you Sister for praying for me. It's so comforting in my hour of need.
Seasoned by Grace

I know it is not pleasant dealing with nightmares and things... I do not have them anymore. But it helps praying when you wake up, repeating affirmations of who you are/where you are now, and forgiving. Sometimes for us humans, forgiving is a continual process... I just remind the devil of his end when he brings up the past about anything. We are defined by Christ, not our past. We are healed. God is near to the brokenhearted. Bless you.
Seasoned by Grace you have been given some great advice. I will add from my own experience with abuse that I had to learn to forgive my tormenters, and I really mean "God help me to deep gut forgive" as I could not do it on my own. For years I thought I had forgiven my father and ex-husband for the abuse they put me through, taking away all my self esteem, but to only know it was only on the surface as I kept living it over and over and so many times I ask God to take it away to no prevail. It actually got to the point I was contemplating suicide after going to a former Pastor for help and all he did was pat me on the back and told me I was strong and could handle it. How sad that was!!!

It was only when I could not take it anymore is when I took all my feelings and poured it out to the Lord like a flood literally hitting the dirt pouring my heart out to Him. After I was done pouring I just laid there on the ground and could not move. The most amazing thing happened. I saw and felt the warmest brightest light that I have ever witnessed and felt the arms of the Lord wrap around me so tenderly and for the first time in my life I felt real genuine love and from that God showed me first how to forgive and love myself for all the bad feelings I carried all those years and forgiveness for my father and ex came pouring out of me and joy entered in.

Forgiving others comes so quickly now as I will never allow Satan to ever steal my joy and peace of mind ever again.

:pray for you and love you brother :hug
:pray for you and love you brother :hug
for_his_glory .
What a dear sweet sister you are in Christ.
My issues aren't forgiving or loving my parents that hurt me. Never any grudges or feelings of anger or bitterness towards them.

What happened to me, is, through the abuse, they created a spirit of fear and uncertainty, and rejection.
If I'm not in control, or sense the danger of not being in control, I just loose it in the form of a panic attack, sometimes pretty major like a week ago. Been many moons since being hit this hard out of nowhere.

The situation, to most people, they wouldn't even sense a problem, but just the right event, can send me spiraling out of control emotionally, and totally consume me in fear, resulting in a major, major panic attack, like last week.
Some call it an unexpected "TRIGGER," that is crippling and disabling, and leaves me feeling totally lost and nearly incapable of functioning.

I had it happen like this one other time 15 years ago, but it was so much worse. I have a history of panic attacks since I was in my mid thirties, so... over 40 years, but I was caught off-guard this time because it had been so long, I didn't know what was happening or why. It took me until this morning after praying about it for a week, to figure it out, through the Holy Spirit speaking it to me, and revealing this to me and reminding me through my past events, about what was happening.
God is so good !!!

I know I'm in Gods hands. I know he loves me. I know he will heal me.
I know He takes His time with me, while he is doing the work he needs to do, to take me to my next level of faith.
Suffering is what God brings to me, to teach me new things of my faith, so I can be more like Him, and heaven can become my new home, when he decides.
Praise God for the pain and suffering, and the Joy it brings me, to grow closer to Him and possibly be perfect enough like Him some day, to enter into our eternal reward.

Thank you all, so much, for loving me, and supporting me in my hour of need.
You'll never know how much it means to me, that you have responded in such beautifully magnificent love.

Your brother in Christ.
Seasoned by Grace
It would do us all good to know why we face these trials and tribulations in our life as they draw us closer to God.

Why God allows us to go through trials and tribulations:
1. Training as God prepares us for the future
2. Patience as we rely and trust in God's timing
3. Perseverance through trials that we remain in Gods will
4. Trust as God's ways are not our ways and He has a better plan for us
5. To learn from our mistakes
6. To humble ourselves before Him
7. To discipline us
8. Teach us to be dependent on Him alone
9. To spend quiet time with God so He can speak to us
10. To teach us of His protection
11. That we also share in the sufferings of Christ that we be not ashamed
12. Strengthen us to become more like Christ
13. To develop character
14. Build up our faith in the Lord
15. For a testimony and witness to help others
16. To show us sin in our lives that we need to own up to having
17. To remind us that God is in control
18. Helps us gain knowledge and understanding God's word
19. Teaches us to be thankful
20. To take our mind off the things of the world and and put them back on God