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Seriously just consider this one!


Psa 89:14 Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face.

“Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy throneâ€Â


God cannot do wrong, it is impossible for God to do wrong. (James 1:13) “God cannot be tempted with evil, and he himself tempteth no manâ€Â. (Hab 1:13) “Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil, and canst not look on iniquity“ God is a lover of righteousness and certainly there must be an hatred of all unrighteousness, thus because of His righteous nature, He must hate and be enemies with all unrighteous people. (Psa 5:5) “The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.†The Lord had to give His son on the tree, on that cross, just so we can even be forgiven at all (see proverbs 17:15) , so that any of us through the entire span of human History could even have eternal life by the mercies of God. This, because of God’s righteousness, His absolute righteousness, is why we were “by nature the children of wrath. Each day, our sins would stack higher and higher, and the scripture Romans 6:23, clearly indicates that even one sin is worthy of death. God burns in indignation against sin and every way of transgression.

You cannot separate God from His righteousness and have the same God. Many people think that God would actually be pleased with them, even though they live in the ways of unrighteousness and rebellion. What happens is that people tend to separate God from His righteousness, and thus forget that God certainly has not slacked on wanting us to flee from sin, and as people of God, we should continuously just as our God, love the good and hate the evil, not tolerating leniency in one’s life toward sin? Thus they created a god in their own mind that will satisfy their want to sin, their want of conformity to this world, that is to not break from its patterns; and will gladly tolerate their carnal living. Certainly as we can see looking through biblical history, when the people lost sight that they were under the eyes of a righteous God, they started to drift toward and conform to sinful ways. Therefore, let us remember that we are under a righteousness God, one that has (despite what modern teaching says) standards, He has called us to be a holy people separate from the world, to be unconfirmed to its unrighteousness, and to be separated unto Him, following after righteousness.


(1 Corinthians 4:5) “Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and will make manifest the counsels of the hearts†O how people forget there God is a God of JUDGEMENT, (Genesis 18:25) “Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?†Shall God not punish the children of disobedience? People in today’s world have completely lost touch with this fact. They (unrepented people saying “Lord, Lord“, people that think they can be saved without Jesus etc…) see God as a judge that will bend the rulings, who will stretch the arm of judgment to their own favor so that they don’t go to hell: even when the evidence is right before their faces screaming guilty, guilty, GUILTY! (proverbs 20:6) “Most men will proclaim every one his own goodness†and will erase or minimize their sins in their own mind, belittling the fact that they have sinned against a PERFECT and RIGHTEOUS God who is going to JUDGE THEM by a PERFECT STANDARD.

I know this may sound strange, but the next part came to me as well

If I were to hold my Son Jesus Christ up as the standard against the people, they would all melt before me because their iniquity and their sin would be like unwashable blood before my face. If someone does a life time of good deeds, the scripture says (Romans 3:23) “for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God†, and yet people act like there will not be a day when my righteousness and their sins will collide, like people can live in iniquity and not be judged; like I would look right over all their sins which are stacked over their heads; and say I forgive you, and not deliver Justice to their faces! Woe unto them that try to escape the judgment of God by their works and not by my son Jesus Christ! Woe unto them that come before me naked and ashamed, clothed with the ways of idolism! Woe unto them that are wearing iniquity, and have not been covered, whose luxuries are to dip their bodies in the works of sin; O how they will be snatched, plucked down, ripped from the heavens of their pride; who defy the living God. (Hebrews 10:31) “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.†O how are they fallen! O how the house of the wicked is cut off, dismantled, and burned, left in desolation. How swiftly shall my judgment and my wrath come upon this land. (Proverbs 6:10-11) “Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth, and thy want as an armed man.†They that sleep and choose not to flee from the pit of hell shall fall their in. They that muse on the ways of sin to go into the crooked path, O how they will fall over the ledge leaning into hell; falling into the furnace of my anger and my indignation.

“mercy â€Â

(Isaiah 55:7) “Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon.†I will be merciful unto those that seek my face. Those that seek the ways of the Lord, who is (Isaiah 9:6) “Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.â€Â

“and truthâ€Â

Certainly, I hold the ways of truth. I hold the keys of everlasting life, saith the Lord. I give grace to the humble, but my face and indignation burns against the workers of iniquity and proud. I have set my face against this nation. O America, America, land of them that dealt treacherously, the land of the proud, the land that is about to be cut off by my judgment. Thou that art spoiled in a moment, made a plunder unto men, taken by the armies of Russia. This is thy fate, stripped, naked, desolate, and certainly crushed under the weight of my judgment. O flee from out of her my people, flee from out of her while there is time left. Hearken unto the voice of your God. If you do not flee from her sins than you are partakers in them; if you conform to her, then you are cut off from me. I am merciful unto those that fear me, unto they who fear my Holy name.

P.S. About the Russian army part, I checked to see if others had this same telling. ... erica.html ... 3;t=001009 ... 3;t=001009