thanks for the replies. I just think...its an interesting concept, and I think the devotional hits on a point that I've never heard discussed in Protestant circles.
for example...sodomy is called an 'abomination' in the OT. In the NT, its lumped in with sins that happen when people exchange the truth for a lie. As a former gay dewd, I've thought on this a bit, and...
I think it is termed an 'abomination' not because its 'icky,' but because of what happens when individuals give themselves over to it, as a lifestyle. so...its an 'abomination' because...well, because of God's moral order+the way He designed things, horrible things happen when people practice that sin. and then...
murder. In the OT, it is punishable by -death- . Take a life, lose one's life. Cain was marked and cursed for life because he murdered his brother. In the NT, 1 John 3:15 comes down harshly on those who kill and harbor hatred towards a brother. Elsewhere...
one sees that adultery is harshly condemned, as is fornication. In the 10 Commandments, 'honor thy mother and thy father' brings with it a blessing of a long life, here on earth...while other places in the OT condemn rebellion as being the equivalent of witchcraft.
rambling. The -big deal- for me, personally, is that I (somehow...) came to truly, genuinely believe upon Jesus. sins are forgiven, and I hope to one day be in a position to do things that will bring some sort of rewards in the hereafter. and yet...
part of a Christian Worldview is viewing morality, sin, mistakes more closely to how God views them, to whatever extent possible. so, this devotional intrigued me, on that point.