not to push my 'alternative health' stuff on you (or anyone...), but maybe try a supplement or two? I favor Orthomolecular, which is just high doses of -commonly available- vitamins (B, C, E, etc.) at high doses, combined with whatever treatment(s) are prescribed for the condition.
I took astaxanthin for a while. Its...a carotenoid, its made from algae commercially, and its the same substance that makes pink flamingos pink and gives salmon its hue. true story. anyway, it also functions as a potent antioxidant and seems to have anti-inflammatory properties (true of many antioxidants). I took the 12mgs/capsule daily, with a meal containing a good bit of fat (fat soluble...absorption...), and it seemed to "top off" my protocol, back then. if I recall correctly, there's some --limited data-- suggesting helpful effects in joint pain and inflammation and also typical antioxidant stuff...cholesterol levels, skin health, energy levels, etc.
some people swear by curcumin, tumeric. alpha lipoic acid is generally inexpensive(ish), and it is an antioxidant in its own right (commonly found in organ meat, maybe?), and it also regenerates C, E, and coenzyme Q-10. When I can remember and I'm not already in vitamin-overload mode, I take 1200mgs/daily.
random suggestions, just that...suggestions. One reason I stick with Orthomolecular is because of the relatively minimal drug-supplement interactions, vs what one might find with herbal supplements, but...that's me, your mileage may vary, as they say...
still praying.