Hello? Yes?
Rev. 22:14-15, "Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they might have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. Outside are the dogs..."Where does jesus say that the dogs, etc. will wash their robes? If all will go through the gates, then why does Jesus even tell su who will be outside, Dean? According to you, there will be no one outside, will there not? Therefore, you are again saying that Jesus is lying.
This is silliness. Jesus isn't lying. Outside are the dogs. Many places (Ephesians 1:9-11 is one) we see that ultimately God will bring all things under Christ's headship. So it doesn't suprise me to see how that occurs. It doesn't say (though you see it there as if it did) Outside, forever, are the dogs. Actually, in his letter to the Church at Philadelphia, Jesus tells overcomers that they will never leave, so there is no-one else who can come through the gates.
In addition, do you even know what Jesus is talking about when he says wash their robes, Dean? And where does the bible say anywhere when, and how those in the lake of fire will ever come out?
Weren't you suprised to see them outside the New Jerusalem in 22, after so confidently frying them in Chapter 21. What wonders the Lord has in store will amaze us all, of that I'm sure.
Your "assumption" that Jesus will forgive men their sins is again, just that, and not based on Christ's words at all. Jesus said to Peter, "If you forgive anyone their sins; their sins will be forgiven; If you do not forgive them their sins, they will not be forgiven." The fact that Jesus gives Peter a choice here, shows that not all will be forgiven Dean! "If you do not forgive men their sins, then neither will your father forive your sins." Jesus makes it very clear that some will be forgiven and others will not be. Only those who forgive men their sins will be forgiven. Those who do not, Jesus clearly says they will not be forgiven. Therefore, your assumption is again not based on Christ's words, but instead your own imagination.
If anyone else could follow that, please chime in here. Clearly, prior to anyone's forgiveness, they need to cleanse themselves of hatred and unforgiveness. Perhaps that's what "washing one's robes" means.
Are you saying that Jesus is lying here, Dean?
You know, Heidi, I'm going to go with "No" here.
So you finally agree with Jesus that few will find the road that leads to life and many will enter the road that leads to destruction.
When did I stop beating my wife?
Do you know what destruction means, Dean? Do you know what the word "destroy means, Dean? Do you know what Jesus means by life, Dean? it can't be life on earth because life on earth is not a narrow road. Everyone alive is on that road. Therefore, the life that Jesus is talking about is eternal life with Christ. Therefore, you have admitted that few, not all, will have eternal life with Christ.
All I know is that in Christ we are a "new creation", that the old is passed away, crucified with Christ. Since this is our experience, why would non-believers not similarly experience absolute destruction of that Sinful Nature, that selfish, vulgar, self-seeking person that causes sin. That was destroyed in us, and Scripture tells us it will be destroyed in them.
So what is the name of the place that the murderers go to, Dean? Are you saying they won't be in heaven? Jesus said not all will go to heaven. Do you believe him here?
Actually, Jesus said the "Kingdom of Heaven". But you've gotten confused on this before. See my prior notes on the Kingdom of Heaven, the Millenial reign of God's elect, and their priesthood (presumably to the non-elect)
Sorry Dean, but Jesus says all the sins of men will be forgiven in those who believe him, except the sin against the Holy Spirit.
I think it's the Gospel according to Heidi that adds the words I've underlined above.
Jesus makes it quite clear in many other of his words, that only those who believe him will be forgiven. So you have once again, distorted his meaning. Jesus does not lie, Dean.
I know he doesn't, Heidi. It has to happen. And it will. All will confess him as Lord, and be reconciled to his headship.
Do you know what "reconciling the world in Christ means, Dean? It means those in Christ. I think you better read what Jesus says about those who receive the Holy spirit in John, 14:20, "On that day (when you receive the Holy Spirit), you will realize that I am in my Father and you are in me and I am in you." In Christ means all those who have received the Holy Spirit. But since you don't understand what that means, then you interpret any passages that says "in Christ" as being the whole world. You have a lot to learn, Dean. This whole passage in 2 Co 5:17 is talking about born again Christians once they receive the Holy Spirit.
I understand, now. We're ambassadors...to ourselves!!
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, is the crux of that passage. He therefore, is not talking about those who are not in Christ, or he wouldn't have even mentioned having to be in Christ! They become new creations, the old is gone, the new has come. the reconciliation Paul is talking about is for believers only! You cannot be reconciled to God if you don't believe him!
Am I talking to myself, here?
You have clearly shown that you do not know what it is like to be born again, Dean. If you did, you would the difference between heaven and hell instantly. And you would also know that if you died withoutthe Spirit, there will be no way to ever receive it once you are dead because your heart & brain will have rotted away. You would also know what Jesus means by the last day. But now, you're leaving it up to your imagination, not the Holy Spirit in you because the Holy Spirit inside a person does not lead to twisting or denying Christ's words.
Are you not forgiving my sins, here, Heidi? Must...stay...awake.
Your persistent lack of ability to understand what Jesus, Paul, and John mean by the eternal fire where the unbelievers will be, will lead you to pass on Satan's lie, "You will not surely die." Therefore, there is nothing i can do for you. Only God can show you the truth. Jesus said; "Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to understand what I say. Your father is the devil, the father of lies, and you want to carry out your father's desires." Only the Holy Spirit can lead you to believe Christ's words without contradicting other words of his.