Excellent point JLB, amen . I lovingly call Bible the great story of God's LOVE and redemption. If we have not learned to love , I believe we are not true Christians. I also believe it's easier said than done (learn to love). But like you correctly point out that Jesus makes it abundantly clear in Luke 8: 21
My mother and My brothers are these who hear the word of God and do it.”
What it simply means that those who hear the word and yet do not do it , Jesus has no relationship with them.
I was deceived by my church teachers for almost 13 years that salvation is merely by believing, nothing else needed. This is falsehood and not Christ's teaching which revolves around love, repentance, righteousness and obedience .... complete and comprehensive rejection of sin. I exhort you my brothers and sisters to be doers of the word . Believing and doing nothing about it will bring about judgment. It's very plain and clear in the Word. We cannot defy Christ's commands. I'm learning to love, be more tolerant, humble , try to walk in Holiness and understand only God is my portion , and nothing else. My plate is filled with my failures. I have no achievement or anything else to boast about. In fact by World standards I'm such a monumental failure that often I despise my existence . That being said , my hope is in the Lord Jesus. Following His ways , doing His will versus mine is what I am learning to do . I stopped going to churches which teach Believing is salvation doctrine. I have learned the hard way that to avoid obedience and the hard walk , this false doctrine was crafted . Millions of brothers are living in that deception. But I wish not to anymore . Jesus says in John 9:41 "If you were blind, you would have no sin; but since you say, 'We see,' your sin remains."
Now that He made me see my error , I have no excuse left to NOT obey . I falter each day as I pick up my cross daily and attempt to deny my ( carnal) flesh and follow the holy one, our Lord. I cry out to him. Often i weep in solitude . Honestly I even wish for cessation to occur , so that I can see his great glory .I now better understand what Paul meant when he said " But if we are to share Jesus' glory, we must also share his suffering." (Romans 8:17)
But Jesus' words come as soothing balm to my troubled soul
John 16:33
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
Sorry friends , kind of digressed a bit from JLB's exceedingly important post . Loving is being Christ like . To love is to obey . To me walking in love is walking in the holy Spirit because Bible says God Is love
◄ 1 John 4:8
Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love.
I wish to know God. I wish to have a relationship with God . I wish to be saved . I wish to have an eternal life. For all this to happen I know I have to OBEY. I know I have to learn to love..... Godly love , not as the world loves but as God loves.
Through this post and this platform, I shared my thoughts, my trials, my life, and my emotions and experiences with you dear brothers and sisters . One line which I remind myself daily and share with you "Lord let your Will be done, and not mine "
Blessings to all.