Is any nation really "Christian" ? Even in a church, you have the wheat and the tares. Imagine what a whole society (with religious tolerance, no less) will look like.
More things change, more they stay the same. Sure, no more Jim Crow laws. Now, we have a disproportionate number of minorities (particularly men) in prison, many because of "The War on Drugs." Our nation locks up more people per capita than any other Industrialized nation (I think at one time we were neck and neck with the Soviet Union). Speaking of treatment for "mental illness," how do you think they "treat" that? If you're poor, "treatment" often involves forced and/or coerced (heavy) drugging. Court orders mean that people who are law abiding, but are usually poor, are subjected to involuntary antipsychotic treatment in order to remain outside of a mental hospital. Although de-institutionalization has largely closed the older state mental hospitals, we now have group homes and still some long term places where people can be "treated" against their will. Social class is an issue. I have mental issues. Meds ***do*** help, but psychiatry really isn't about meds, its about control. Since I have upper middle class people behind me, I can stay a voluntary outpatient and pick my own meds. If I were poor, I'd be in a state mental hospital right now.
That was a lot on mental illness. Let's talk about sexism. Sure, some things are better. We have rape shield laws, so now women can file charges against an alleged rapist and not worry about their own sex lives being put on trial. That's good. We have criminal domestic violence protections. That's...good, I guess (good to be protected, bad to have to get the state involved). Women also have the "freedom" to be porn stars and the "freedom" to get abortions and the "freedom" to join the rate race so their family won't have to make do with less. People forget...the shift towards letting women enter the work force in droves wasn't because of angry feminists. The feminist ideas were only put into place (in watered down form) once the economy changed in such a way that lots and lots of families *needed* 2 incomes.
Gay rights. How sweet. I was raised liberal Presbyterian. My first impulse is to shrug it off and say "fine, let gay people get married. They'll pay taxes, none of my business.:" Then I remember...I was gay, once, in another life. Gay rights means that we, as a society, are increasingly affirming a life style marked by rampant promiscuity, sexual exploitation, various diseases (including, but definitely not limited to, hiv/aids), high rates of mental health and substance abuse issues, and an unusually high suicide rate. Just like the original sodomites--the people of Sodom and Gomorrah--sodomites today tend to be more affluent than your typical heterosexual, which may explain why such a relatively small minority gets so much respect and media attention. Money talks. Personal story: I was a random, kinda girly gay teenager about 10 years ago. No more promiscuous than any other gay dude. 10 years later, after repenting and being healed by the Lord, gay dudes (and a surprising number of straight dudes) are furious with me around here for not "knowing my place." Sissies, apparently, are supposed to be dead by 25. Seriously. The gay community has too much power. Because gays--white gay men in particular--tend to be more affluent than heteros (remember Marx: sodomy is a disease of capitalism...its true; sexual sin is more rampant at the upper and lower ends of the social hierarchy), their values have affected the whole culture. Gay marriage? Why not! Its love, isn't it? Right. Love. Gay marriage is only possible because marriage is largely dead anyway. I blame increasing affirmation of "the gay way" for the rise in hook up culture (other factors involved, to be sure, but...follow along....). Used to be that gay dudes did hook ups, straight people actually got to know each other. Now, straight people often go at it like gay dudes.
I've been rambling. OK. WItch trials, 1692, they hanged some "uppity" women for witchcraft. What do we do with uppity women these days? 10% of American women take at least 1 antidepressant. Women are over-represented in both outpatient and inpatient psychiatry. Read in between the lines: psychiatry (not psych meds, which can be helpful...psychiatry, the pseudo-scientific dogma masquerading as medicine) functions in part as a sort of modern day witch hunt. At least witches had trials....poor women can be thrown into mental hospitals "for their own good" with little to no recourse.
And addictions. Yes, we treat addiction. We hand them over to addiction psychiatrists who drug them up and switch them from fun drugs to (often expensive) un-fun drugs and condemn "addicts" to a lifetime of "treatment." While billion$ are spent locking up poor non-whites in the "War on Drugs," billion$ more are spent on "treatment"---that's docs, hospitals, therapists, and then meds--for a "disease" that isn't really a "disease." Its undesirable and/or illegal behavior that's been "medicalized." We don't call addicts "dope fiends" anymore, we talk about their faulty genes and we put them into "treatment" for a lifetime of drugged up, psycho-babble infused misery. White, middle and upper class people get "treatment"; poor and/or non-white people get incarceration. Billion$ are thrown away every year as Satan, working through drugs, continues to run rampant in our society.
We've never been all that Christian a nation. The Good News is offensive to those in the world. That's one reason they crucified Jesus. I would say, though, that our world is not only becoming less humane, we're increasingly less honest, even with ourselves. I'm a recently Born Again Christian. I believe in repentance, redemption, rehabilitation, forgiveness, mercy, etc. I believe that, in a truly Christian nation, we wouldn't need a "War on Drugs" (we'd encourage people to repent of the *sin* of drug abuse and give them medical help for complications arising from such abuse). We wouldn't need/want to lock up so many people. I mean...why? Repentance, rehabilitation, forgiveness, etc. demands mercy on a large scale, and it demands that offenders be redeemed, with the plan of redemption and rehabilitation varying on a case-by-base basis.
We've always twisted God to suit our purposes. Its only human to do so. God used to be twisted into some angry patriarch in the sky who punished deviants. Now, He's supposed to be some kind of warm and fuzzy metaphysical hug or something...He loves us unconditionally, accepts us, etc. etc. The problem with oppression and abuse today is that its so carefully hidden behind medicalization, jargon, New Age and psychobabble-isms, that we don't see it. We don't even see the lies we've been made to tell ourselves, honestly. Speaking from my own experience, only Christ could save me, heal me, and then open my mind to the lies I've told myself and been conditioned by society to believe. We have some kind of creepy, smile, have a nice day oppression going on here. We're losing solid, real freedoms--the freedom to be left alone, to privacy, to redemption, to free thought and behavior--and we're being given cheap thrills (sodomy, open marriages, free divorce, fornication, drugs, binge drinking, etc.) masquerading as true "freedom."
I am rambling, I'm sorry. I just don't think American society is making any progress on any front. "Cruel compassion"...that's the term I'm looking for...its straight out of Dr.Thomas Szasz's work. "Oh, you can't help but be a genetically defective drug addict! Let's get you some help!" We never were all that Christian, and we've always had more violent crime and higher divorce rates than many Western European countries (that dates back to the 19th century, btw), but now we've crumbled into some kind of fundamentally oppressive, dishonest, decidedly inhumane society. Some of what goes on in America today is so dishonest, its borderline Orwellian.
I'll close my rant with this: as always, Jesus is the answer.