Let us take the movie "THOR" for an example:
In the movie a guy called THOR (Lucifer) is cast out of Asguard (heaven)
by Odin (representing God) to which point his brother Loki (Satan)
takes over the kingdom while Odin suffers a trail (the cross)
THOR is cast out of Asguard for his vanity and has to be on mudguard,
also called earth, here he must overcome his foolishness and
fight against his evil brother Loki who is out to kill everybody.
He learns what it is like to live among the human population,
realizes his wrong doings, and comes to once again raise his hammer (the law)
when he can use his hammer again (the law) he uses it to defeat
his brothers plot to become king.
Simply I am saying "most" movies are telling the same story over - over again.
One brother has to overcome his evil brother
Two brothers always at war
Cain > Able
Jacob > Esau
ect.. ect..
I say to throw
Lucifer Vs Satan into the mix, and test the "theory" by Scripture
which seems to agree with the interpretation all over the place.
Any thoughts? ,
In the movie a guy called THOR (Lucifer) is cast out of Asguard (heaven)
by Odin (representing God) to which point his brother Loki (Satan)
takes over the kingdom while Odin suffers a trail (the cross)
THOR is cast out of Asguard for his vanity and has to be on mudguard,
also called earth, here he must overcome his foolishness and
fight against his evil brother Loki who is out to kill everybody.
He learns what it is like to live among the human population,
realizes his wrong doings, and comes to once again raise his hammer (the law)
when he can use his hammer again (the law) he uses it to defeat
his brothers plot to become king.
Simply I am saying "most" movies are telling the same story over - over again.
One brother has to overcome his evil brother
Two brothers always at war
Cain > Able
Jacob > Esau
ect.. ect..
I say to throw
Lucifer Vs Satan into the mix, and test the "theory" by Scripture
which seems to agree with the interpretation all over the place.
Any thoughts? ,