When I'm presented with a Christians point of view about yahway, it really becomes about theirway. Theirway is the only way yahway can exist in their minds, and I must believe theirway or yahway will get mad.
But if I say, no! I want to live myway, they laugh and say
"There's a lot of people in hell who did it theirway"
Which is really just your way I say.
When I was younger and made the decision to be a Christian, the decision was made because I found it to be from God. Or at least the bare nuts and bolts of it, the scriptures were from God.
However beyond that I was lost in a simular "whosway" fog as to what
MayDay seems to be talking about.
First with the different philosophies within Christian beliefs that weren't yet explored and reasoned which ones could be right and which ones not, and of these some were were conflicting salvation based, others a muddying sets of views that have God in them but are not in the bible ("God helps those who help themselves," for example), these were false and not truely from the bible, but who can know while still new and in the fog, and others were sets of "how-to" behaviors that went from simple to complex. Things like how to pray, how to be saved (if you do it the wrong way what then), how to follow the comands, lessons, and teachings of Jesus.
Second was the people. Conflicting ways to be, some more deticated then others, some kind, others not.
So believe me when I tell you MayDay. I get what you mean when you ask "who's way?" And to make it simpler here was my final conclusion. God's way must be the bible's way. Thus from the fog of Christian perspectives I came out with a type of Occam's razor to cut through it all. If through reading the bible one philosophy contradicted what is said in the bible, then that philosophy was cut from being considered. Everything else would still remain as a possibility until that too can be confirmed or corrected. The bible became the standard for what way was really God's way.
However, there is one more consideration to hold on to. There is the search for God's way, and there is also the way of love. No one is perfect and even less have a perfect understanding. Act to love eachother in our weaknesses and our strengths, and to not place more of a burden on them then is nessassary. Even with correcting our brothers and sisters in faith, to do so for their benifit, not just to be right. That path even if you don't know God's way completely or understand how God can give another a different path of finding and following God, the way of loving another through it all hits on many of the teachings of Jesus so it covers a lot of ground. It's worth keeping and practicing as well, while still embarking on finding God's way.