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Interpretation of the Two Beasts and Prostitute of Babylon of Revelation - Summary


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When you "see" the devil, let me know.
As The Holy Spirit is not visible by sight of the eye, it is visible by it's nature and attributes. So it is with Satan. It was that disobedience in the beginning that God warned us of. (Gen. 2:9; 3:22) All men have the knowledge of good and evil. What man does not have is the ability to do just good and not evil. Man knows good and evil and does both (he has a conscience)...but no restrainer. If you can not see Satan, then you can not see God in His person (Spirit). Satan wears disguises, such as an angel of light to devour you like a roaring lion. Satan's throne is this world's (age) and it's principles. He is the prince of the power of the air. (the air means the first heaven) there are 3 heavens in Scripture. Satan is the great deceiver. For instance, Joy is the result of the work of God, Pride is the result of the work of Satan. Both feeling are similar, but pride is the original sin by Satan. The Boxer who gives God the Glory for letting him beat the other guy senseless is pride, The Beauty Pageant who give thanks to God as if thou He had something to do with her looking good in her bikini. The football player, basketball player and wrestlers who give praise to God are, has nothing to do with God. for it is not the Joy of God they are feeling, it is the pride of self and life (the nature of Satan). And if you follow their personal lives, they live sinful and depraved lives. They are giving really, Satan credit for the pride in their lives, calling him god. Look at the many people that thank God for winning the lottery. None of this is of our God Lord and Savior. Satan has a face, we need to know what he looks like, and we do that by his nature and attributes. The Church of Pegramum had settled down where Satan's throne is (The world's principles). The Church of Laodicea was blind, and could not see Christ.
As The Holy Spirit is not visible by sight of the eye, it is visible by it's nature and attributes. So it is with Satan.

I agree. Imagine that?!

It was that disobedience in the beginning that God warned us of. (Gen. 2:9; 3:22) All men have the knowledge of good and evil.

And not just the knowledge of, but the actions of.

What man does not have is the ability to do just good and not evil.

Again agreed. I think where we part sights is that I see my sin as being "of the devil" as well as the tempter being the 'source' of evil present with me. Romans 7:21. Most people don't like to get that close to the subject matter because it's offensive to them to think about their own evil and sin in that way, as being directly associated to the devil. I just have not been able to provide the devil that much cover myself and prefer Light Exposure on the subject.

Of this there is no doubt.

That the beast, the devil/dragon and the false prophet are all wicked/evil spirits. And as such they should be "discerned as such."

Revelation 16:13
And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.

14 For they are the spirits of devils,

Looking at MAN to be DEVIL/DRAGON, BEAST or FALSE PROPHET is a waste of time. We are dealing with unseen agents in these equations.

15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.

For the record I expect God in Christ to STEAL ME out from under my enemies. Right out from under their noses, if they have any.
Whose army surrounds the temple mount when a fight breaks out?
If an earthquake destroys the temple mount, are the muslims going to march into Jerusalem and rebuild it?
And for one very good reason; they don't control the property it is on because it belongs to Israel.
I'm surprised you highly intelligent people don't understand these things.
Or maybe it's just not part of your agenda.
Maybe it conflicts with what you choose to believe.
The nation of isreal if they tried to take it.well most of the arabs would Start a war.they don't have the west bank.which Jerusalem borders
You two are both preterists!!!!!
I'm a partial preterist. I take the bible I'm context
If one part is literal and the next sentence includes bull and goat offerings or the torah per moses then I must be wise and know that can't be literal if it's a prophetic utterance .why? The Cross is superior to the mosaic law.
If one part is literal and the next sentence includes bull and goat offerings or the torah per moses then I must be wise and know that can't be literal if it's a prophetic utterance .why? The Cross is superior to the mosaic law.
Ladies and gentlemen, let's give a warm welcome, from Brat City, here's Reba!!!

'Mystery Babylon' is first century apostate Judaism according to the bible.
Mystery Babylon is far more than that. It is worldwide paganism, idolatry, and all false religions (including false Christianity), which will eventually be amalgamated by the Antichrist into one world religion, which worships Satan, the Beast, and the image of the Beast.
Mystery Babylon is about to consummate the marriage..

One World Religion: Former Israeli President Proposes Pope to Head ‘UN for Religions’

A few months back, former president Shimon Peres met with the Pope at the Vatican and proposed that the Pope head up a UN for religions.

Via The Jerusalem Post:

But the main topic of conversation was Peres’s idea to create a UN-like organization he called “the United Religions.”

Peres said the Argentina-born pontiff was the only world figure respected enough to bring an end to the wars raging in the Middle East and elsewhere in the world.

“In the past, most of the wars in the world were motivated by the idea of nationhood,” Peres said. “But today, wars are incited using religion as an excuse.”

Vatican spokesman Fr. Federico Lombardi confirmed to reporters that Peres had pitched his idea for “the United Religions” but said Francis did not commit to it.

“The pope listened, showing his interest, attention, and encouragement,” Lombardi said, adding that the pope pointed to the Pontifical Councils for Interreligious Dialogue and for Justice and Peace as existing agencies “suitable” for supporting interfaith peace initiatives.
When bible interprets bible, there is no doubt, mystery babylon is nothing but mother jerusalum and her daughter inhabitants.
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Daughter of Zion
Daughter of Jerusalem

Mother = Jerusalem the great

Jesus with his whip at the temple.
Rome 70ad
Kings of Jerusalum
Daughters of Zion
Blood of the prophets
John 19:15
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Would everyone who criticizes the abundance of Christian denominations welcome a one-world-religion?


Revelation 13:8 And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Hello fellow believers in Jesus Christ, I would like to open a discussion concerning end time prophecy. This topic on the two beasts and prostitute is a very large topic, and I have a long study for it that I cannot fit into these limited threads, so I am going to post the interpretation of the two beasts and the prostitute of Babylon of Revelation in summarized format. If you wish to find out why I have interpreted this way, then please ask and I can certainly explain and provide scriptures. Since I cannot post links, I cannot give you the link to the full study on my own blog, so if you wish for me to provide you with the link, then private message me and I will certainly share it private (I'd imagine that's allowed). Here it goes,

The interpretation of the two beasts of Revelation and the prostitute of Babylon are,
  • First came the Egpytians, which is the 1st head,
  • then came the the Assyrians, which is the 2nd head,
  • then came the Baylonians, which is the 3rd head, and first beast of Daniel,
  • then came the Medo-Persians, which is the 4th head, and second beast of Daniel,
  • then came the Greeks, which is the 5th head, and third beast of Daniel,
  • then came the Romans, which is the 6th head, and fourth beast of Daniel, as a republic first before it became an empire ruled by emperors, which around this time came Jesus Christ, fulfilling the 70 weeks prophecy in Daniel from the decree to rebuild Jerusalem to his first coming 490 years later, at the end of the 70th week he is the one that was cut off, brought forth eternal righteousness, ended sacrifices, and confirmed a covenant with many, shortly after this was the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple which was predicted by Daniel shortly after the 70th week,
  • which then led to the breaking up of the 6th head, or the Roman empire, into 10 kings or monarchies, which are the 10 horns with diadems, which then brought forth an eleventh “little horn” among them, that subdued three of the 10 kings, then this “little horn” became known as the “papacy”, or the “antichrist”, and part of the “beast of the sea”. The papacy fulfilled the “time, and times, and half a time”, 3 and a 1/2 years (Daniel), or “42 month” (Revelation) prophecy which is equivalent to 1,260 literal years of persecution and killing of the saints,
  • during the reign of the papacy came forth the Ottomans, which is the 7th head,
  • around the end of the 1,260 prophecy of the papacy came forth the beast of the earth (United States), which came forth from the beast of the sea, which is now called "europe",
  • shortly after the formation of the United States the papacy was abolished by the french revolution and the pope was taken captive,
  • then came the the re-establishment of the Vatican (more of a political church than a governmental power) in 1929 with the Lateran Treaty given by Benito Mussolini which brought forth the prostitute of babylon,
  • then the scattered 10 horns without diadems, which are now republic nations in europe, began giving their authority to the formation of the European Union beast, which is the 8th and final head of the beast of the sea,
  • which the Vatican rides, as it came forth from the Vatican itself,
  • while this is happening the United States is expanding and promoting its republic form of government, or "democracy", all around the world as the “beast of the earth”, or the “false prophet”, which is also supported and closely allied with the Euro beast, and these nations that also take on the same form of government as the United States are "images of the beast", and the United States performing "signs" with use of its technology to bring forth wars by bringing fire and total destruction upon cities, and even using its own technology to send things into heavenly bodies like the moon and mars, and its mark of the beast is its financial debt system based on social security and the use of selling and buying using debts of mortgages, automobile loans, etc.
  • these two beasts continue to grow, America and the Euro, and spread their interests, form of government, culture, lavishness, and financial way of life all over the world,
  • while we have yet to see the fulfillment of the destruction of the Vatican by Euro nations that descend from the 10 horns,
  • which then paves way to the coming of Jesus Christ some time after.
Hello Brother, I will take a gander at this/these questions. To start with I do not think the 70th week has come to pass yet, nor do I think the RCC can ever be the Beast, I say this by interpreting the scriptures. Rev. 17:6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the Saints, and with the Blood of the Martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration. As you will notice, John used the Blood of the Saints and Blood of the Martyrs of Jesus, he no doubt did this on purpose. This means the Great Harlot was around for the deaths of the Saints way before the RCC was even heard of, and for the deaths of the Martyrs, thus the KEY, being the Great Harlot can not be the RCC, but has to be from the very beginning of Babylon all the way until the End Times, which will see the Ten Kings rule with the Anti-Christ for a short time. We know it is the End Times if we read Daniel, for it is at the End of the Indignation of Sin. I will take the Great Harlot first.

The Great Harlot is All False Religion from the beginning of Mankind. The very first verse says come see the Judgment of the Great Harlot. She was dressed in loud colors, with gold and drank of the abominations of the world. She had the Blood of the Saints and of the Martyrs of Jesus on her hands. So this entity has to have been of Old and New in Johns time, it could not be the RCC. It was ALL False Religion. Mystery, (COMMA) Babylon the Great, Abomination all descriptors, she began on a large scale in Babylon, she is an abomination (All False Religion is to God) and she is a Mystery....John dared not say Rome, so he only gave Hints at her Current (at his time) headquarters. So he says, Mystery, Babylon the Great, Abomination of the Earth.......Seven Hills..... Rome was the headquarters of False Religion during Johns life. you notice she is upon many waters, of many tongues, nations, peoples and multitudes, because False Religion has spread all over the world by the End Times.

We must remember, this is Her Judgment, God is showing John the Harlots Judgment. She is seen as a fornicator, this is how God described Israel every time they served false gods. She has made the Kings drunk with her wine, the Disciples were drunken with the Holy Spirit yin/yang. The Beast that carried her represented all the Beast Systems, and False Religion was a part of every Beast system, hence she rode his back. BUT........The last Beast and his Kings will do away with the Harlot (This is Gods Judgment, he placed this on their hearts). Now the Beast that was, and is not, yet is, is no mystery. Satan is the 8th King which will possess the 7th King (Anti-Christ) He rules from afar in the first 6 kings so is part of them, but he is ruling in absentia, via Demon Spirits, so he is not a part of them. So the Beast that was, and is not, yet is, is not really a mystery. Satan rules via his demonic beings but will rule by possessing the Anti-Christ. (who is an Atheist)

Rev. 17:16 And the ten horns which thou sawest upon the beast, these shall hate the Harlot, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire. { The Kings in League with the Beast do away with the Harlot, but WHY ? Because the Beast desires to be the ONLY GOD !! He Magnifies Himself in his own Heart (Daniel 8) So he does away with all False Religion and all Saints he will come against (Those that missed the Rapture)

17 For God HATH PUT IT IN THEIR HEARTS TO FULFILL HIS WILL, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled.

The Great Harlot is All False Religion from the Beginning of Mankind. God Judges her in Revelation 17, and she is no more. So anyone that says the Anti-Christ is in league with Islam, in my honest opinion, is way off, I think him doing away with Islam, will make him popular with the world that will be anti-Religion by that time, especially seeing as how many have harmed many in Islams name. No Islamist would stand for a Man being Worshiped as God, that is why I believe the Muslim angle to be wrong.

There will be no gods but the Anti-Christ, he will Demand Worship.We Christians will be in Heaven.

Rome and Babylon only represent False Religion as bastions for her folly.

I will answer the Beast questions in another post. God Bless brother.
Hello fellow believers in Jesus Christ, I would like to open a discussion concerning end time prophecy. This topic on the two beasts and prostitute is a very large topic, and I have a long study for it that I cannot fit into these limited threads, so I am going to post the interpretation of the two beasts and the prostitute of Babylon of Revelation in summarized format. If you wish to find out why I have interpreted this way, then please ask and I can certainly explain and provide scriptures. Since I cannot post links, I cannot give you the link to the full study on my own blog, so if you wish for me to provide you with the link, then private message me and I will certainly share it private (I'd imagine that's allowed). Here it goes,

The interpretation of the two beasts of Revelation and the prostitute of Babylon are,
  • First came the Egpytians, which is the 1st head,
  • then came the the Assyrians, which is the 2nd head,
  • then came the Baylonians, which is the 3rd head, and first beast of Daniel,
  • then came the Medo-Persians, which is the 4th head, and second beast of Daniel,
  • then came the Greeks, which is the 5th head, and third beast of Daniel,
  • then came the Romans, which is the 6th head, and fourth beast of Daniel, as a republic first before it became an empire ruled by emperors, which around this time came Jesus Christ, fulfilling the 70 weeks prophecy in Daniel from the decree to rebuild Jerusalem to his first coming 490 years later, at the end of the 70th week he is the one that was cut off, brought forth eternal righteousness, ended sacrifices, and confirmed a covenant with many, shortly after this was the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple which was predicted by Daniel shortly after the 70th week,
  • which then led to the breaking up of the 6th head, or the Roman empire, into 10 kings or monarchies, which are the 10 horns with diadems, which then brought forth an eleventh “little horn” among them, that subdued three of the 10 kings, then this “little horn” became known as the “papacy”, or the “antichrist”, and part of the “beast of the sea”. The papacy fulfilled the “time, and times, and half a time”, 3 and a 1/2 years (Daniel), or “42 month” (Revelation) prophecy which is equivalent to 1,260 literal years of persecution and killing of the saints,
  • during the reign of the papacy came forth the Ottomans, which is the 7th head,
  • around the end of the 1,260 prophecy of the papacy came forth the beast of the earth (United States), which came forth from the beast of the sea, which is now called "europe",
  • shortly after the formation of the United States the papacy was abolished by the french revolution and the pope was taken captive,
  • then came the the re-establishment of the Vatican (more of a political church than a governmental power) in 1929 with the Lateran Treaty given by Benito Mussolini which brought forth the prostitute of babylon,
  • then the scattered 10 horns without diadems, which are now republic nations in europe, began giving their authority to the formation of the European Union beast, which is the 8th and final head of the beast of the sea,
  • which the Vatican rides, as it came forth from the Vatican itself,
  • while this is happening the United States is expanding and promoting its republic form of government, or "democracy", all around the world as the “beast of the earth”, or the “false prophet”, which is also supported and closely allied with the Euro beast, and these nations that also take on the same form of government as the United States are "images of the beast", and the United States performing "signs" with use of its technology to bring forth wars by bringing fire and total destruction upon cities, and even using its own technology to send things into heavenly bodies like the moon and mars, and its mark of the beast is its financial debt system based on social security and the use of selling and buying using debts of mortgages, automobile loans, etc.
  • these two beasts continue to grow, America and the Euro, and spread their interests, form of government, culture, lavishness, and financial way of life all over the world,
  • while we have yet to see the fulfillment of the destruction of the Vatican by Euro nations that descend from the 10 horns,
  • which then paves way to the coming of Jesus Christ some time after.
Hello again Brother. I have written about the Beast/Anti-Christ so I will just share that with all. The False Prophet I think will be a Christian Religious Leader who is Left behind and turns against God, I think He might be.......I will just leave that blank, LOL.

The Birthplace of the Anti-Christ

Isaiah says the Anti-Christ is an Assyrian.The Anti-Christ is said to come to power via the fourth beast in the last days per Daniel Chapter Seven. The Anti-Christ is also said to arise out of the Grecian empire in the last days, so how do we reconcile these different understandings?

This is established fairly easily, Daniel did say the understandings would be bound up until the end. The Anti-Christ in Daniel chapters seven and eight is shown, if read properly, to arise out of two kingdoms at once, but how can this be ? Daniel chapter seven is fairly straightforward, we understand this to be about the four beast systems, the fourth beast is where the little horn (Anti-Christ) will arise out of, most everyone understands the fourth beast to have been Rome, but in the last days/end times this has to be the European Union.

Now Daniel chapter eight is explained in detail by Gabriel the angel, the He Goat was (Alexander the Great) conquering Persia (the Ram) and Gabriel interpreted this dream for Daniel. Daniel 8:19 And he said, Behold, I will make thee know what shall be in the last end of indignation: for at the time appointed the end shall be.

We should note, this is speaking of the end time, it is not speaking of Antiochus who came before Jesus was even born. The word Indignation means: ( Greek Word za'am meaning Gods Fury at Sin) so at the Last End of Indignation means right before Gods Judgment of Sin/Vials or Bowls of Gods Wrath (Revelation).

Daniel 8:20 The ram which thou sawest having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. 21 And the rough goat is the king of Grecia: and the great horn that is between his eyes is the first king. 22 Now that being broken, whereas four stood up for it, four kingdoms shall stand up out of the nation, but not in his power. ( The Four Generals that stood up in Alexanders stead were Ptolemy , Seleucus , Cassander and Lysimachus. ) 23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.

This is clearly speaking about the end times/last days when the sins have come full/ bowls of Gods wrath, a fierce king shall arise out of one of the four kingdoms that stood up in Alexander the Greats Stead, speaking dark sentences (understanding Riddles and conundrums) and he comes to power.

24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: (Satan Possesses him) and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people. 25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, (he claims to Be God) and by peace shall destroy many Through a Peace Treaty he deceives many) he shall also stand up against the Prince (Jesus) of princes; but he shall be broken without hand.

Jesus destroys the Anti-Christ his kings and their armies without hand ( with the Sword of the Spirit/Holy Spirit) by the countenance of his coming, Amen. This guy magnifies himself and says in the temple of God, I am God !!

Now, so many people say this is about Antiochus, so I always feel the need to prove that this is about the end times, when Gods wrath is come full. This is about the Little Horn/Anti-Christ. And he arises out of their kingdom in the last days, so in essence he arises out of one of the Four Generals kingdoms in the last days, but which one ? Well, since the Anti-Christ arises out of the fourth beast also, then this other Kingdom has to lie within the borders of the European Union. Only Cassander's kingdom of Greece is in the European Union !! The "Assyrian" arising from Greece would be very, very possible since Greece shares a border with Turkey, and many, many Turks live in Greece, so the Assyrian Anti-Christ is born in Greece, and comes to power in Greece, then in the European Union. But what does John say in Revelation about the Beast that arises out of the Sea ? By the way, he was on Patmos, a small Greek Island when he saw this vision.

Rev. 13:2 And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

The Main body is described by John as like a leopard !!

Put it all together, the "Assyrian" Anti-Christ is born in Greece, of Turkish parents or grandparents , he comes to power in the European Union.

This is where the Anti-Christ is from. Who he is I will not even try to say, though I do know by Revelation Thirty years ago that He is in the World Today, because in 1986, I was told...... "The Man of Sin is Here" in a Vision.

God Bless
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After the flood came Babylon then the torch was passed and passed and passed and passed and passed and passed again.. the final kingdom before the appearance of antichrist was Rome.. Antichrist was to come out of the seventh wasn't/isn't he?
The Great Harlot is All False Religion from the Beginning of Mankind. God Judges her in Revelation 17, and she is no more.
Dear Brother Rondmon, though I believe most false religion will be united through the efforts of Ecumenicalism at that time, the Church will be in the death throes of Laodicea & spewed out of the mouth of our Savior according to Rev 3:16.

I disagree to some extent that the Great Harlot represents only false religion because of Rev 18:4,
"Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."

Welcome again & I'm enjoying your input. Thanks. :wave2


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