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[__ Prayer __] I hate God

According to Christ, I should be able to do the works of Christ and greater works. John 14:12
“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do

If Jesus doesn't mean what he says at one part of Scripture, how can I trust that he meant what he said at other parts of Scripture. I'll believe that Scripture is true when God is faithful to his word, which he hasn't been.

The reason there is so much division amongst believers is because God likes to hide the truth and hide himself from those who seek. It's disgusting!
I'm sorry for you Matt. It sounds like you've tried to find God, but never found the Love of God that seems to be common in that search, that could be a beacon and an encouragement in that journey. For you, my suggestion is to try and understand and follow Jesu's teachings, and also to pray and wait on God. Be patient for Him. Jesus said at one time that if we love Him we should obey His commands. If you can try to follow God's teachings, and also talk to Him in prayer, then He might reveal the love and kindness that comes from Him because He sees how much you wish to be close to Him and to love Him.
On judgement day I guess I'll go to hell. I don't want to spend an eternity worshiping a God who hid himself from everyone, refused to be faithful to his word, then burned people in hell for not believing the right Dogma. I find such a God too disgusting that even Heaven would be hell for me.

You guess that you'll just go to hell? And all you have to do is to believe it, just receive it into your heart as fact. Then praise God and proclaim it!

You're stuck in this natural Realm for now, but understand that faith is the (spiritual) substance, of things hoped for (salvation&life, to meet & know Jesus.) ...the evidence of things unseen. Don't you get it? What you say, and what becomes, for you.

And you seem to be having trouble with negativity about God. Yes, it's a give and take relationship. They all are, even with mankind!

Try praising Him, and thanking Him, and trusting Him. You just can't go around putting the Word down in public and expect Him to come do miracles for you. That book is a masterpiece and it's all true.

He's helped me a lot. sent an angel to my garage sale and bought everything on one table for 2400 so i could pay my rent. Here's how it went;
How much do you need?
How much do you need?
How about 1900?
How about 2400?...

There's a brother on this board who some guys tried to kill by poisoning him with bleach. Put it in his drink. He's still alive today. Praising God.

A positive relationship with God can't begin on a negative note. You can't demand miracles from Him, He's not a vending machine.
He responds well to love praise & worship though. :)
Accordiyng to Christ, I should be able to do the works of Christ and greater works. John 14:12
“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do

If Jesus doesn't mean what he says at one part of Scripture, how can It trust that he meant what hea said at other parts of Scripture. I'll believe that Scripturde is true when God is faithful to his word, whitch he hasn't been.

The reason there is so much division amongst believers is because erGod likes to hide the truth and hide himself from those who seek. It's disgusting!

Your general reflections on matters of the Bible or God are a reflection of a problem of "thought control" from your end, which you know you are struggling with. I'm not saying some of your observations aren't accurate. But ultimately, in your own body/mind/temple the control and ordering of thoughts is in your hands.

When we turn open the pages of Gods Word or in prayer for example, it is to find "help" in ordering/controlling our own thoughts.
According to Christ, I should be able to do the works of Christ and greater works. John 14:12
“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do

If Jesus doesn't mean what he says at one part of Scripture, how can I trust that he meant what he said at other parts of Scripture. I'll believe that Scripture is true when God is faithful to his word, which he hasn't been.

The reason there is so much division amongst believers is because God likes to hide the truth and hide himself from those who seek. It's disgusting!
Hi Matt, I understood this verse to mean this > A earth population of 6 billion people who are hopeless, starving, sick, and dying, but Jesus in His earth suit, can only heal those he comes in contact with, in a tiny speck of region.
Do you follow me?
Since then millions of his disciples over a 2 thousand year span, full filled this Word of the Lord and have given hope to the hopeless, feed the starving, healed the sick, and gave eternal life through their witness of Jesus.
But I'll continue praying to Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. I'll continue invoking the precious blood and praying for the Angels to help, praying the Lord's prayer, and most of all praying for God's will to be done. At this time God wills there to be much darkness and suffering, so I'll pray for the grace to love that part of God's will as well.
You are on the right path, Matt
God can help me. That book cannot. It is a book that tells me I can pick up poisoness serpents, drink poison and it won't harm me...that book tells me I can heal the sick, make the lame walk, make the blind see and deaf hear, walk on water, move mountains, prophecy, and receive everything I ask for in Jesus name. Until I see any evidence that that is true, I have no reason to trust that book.

Just because a book says something doesn't mean God is telling me to do it or that I have the correct interpretation. God needs to give me discernment or the book is useless. I need God, not a book. Besides, the God I see in much of that book is cruel, legalistic, irrational, unjust, and simply not the God I understand God to be.
Matt, follow what you do understand, ask the Lord these questions also. And wait for His answers.
The part about snakes> I've read the earliest letters did not contain these words.
However evidence about poisonous snakes not hurting you, occurred to Paul.
And at a deeper level dramatically occurred to Jesus.
Poisonous satan lost no matter how many times he attacked Jesus,his venom did not hurt Jesus.
BTW : as His disciples, we are to be continually shaped into His image, not shape Him into ours.
Concerning > cruel, legalistic, irrational, unjust.
As you learn more about the culture in the days the Bible was written and learn the other details like the meaning of words of that day, all these accusations will fade.
Yes I tested it. These Scriptures are false. I have prayed without cease and asked the Holy Spirit into my heart and claimed these Scriptures. They and much of the promises in the Bible are simply falsehood. 2 billion Christians in the world and I don't know of a single Christian who is doing what Jesus said Christians would do. :
Mark 16:17-18King James Version (KJV)
17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

John 14:13
And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

Matthew 7:7
"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

Matthew 17:20
Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

John 14:12
“Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I am going to the Father.

Yes I tested it. It is falsehood! I have asked and did not receive, I seek and do not find, I have knocked and knocked and knocked and nothing is opened for me. Not one Christian can show me these Scriptures are true. I know of not a single Christian doing the works of Christ! NOT ONE!

On judgement day I guess I'll go to hell. I don't want to spend an eternity worshiping a God who hid himself from everyone, refused to be faithful to his word, then burned people in hell for not believing the right Dogma. I find such a God too disgusting that even Heaven would be hell for me.
Maybe the church you attend don't do these things. But these things are being done, and have been done for 2,000 years.
The Bible is filled with stories of people who can prophecy, heal, raise the dead, read hearts, call down fire from heaven, and other signs and wonders, and it just makes me sick. The Bible says we can do that if we believe in Christ, yet not a single Christian I know of out of 2 billion is doing that.

Really? Then you don't get out much, or watch YouTube. Because God is doing a lot of things with a lot of Christians.
I'm sorry for you Matt. It sounds like you've tried to find God, but never found the Love of God that seems to be common in that search, that could be a beacon and an encouragement in that journey. For you, my suggestion is to try and understand and follow Jesu's teachings, and also to pray and wait on God. Be patient for Him. Jesus said at one time that if we love Him we should obey His commands. If you can try to follow God's teachings, and also talk to Him in prayer, then He might reveal the love and kindness that comes from Him because He sees how much you wish to be close to Him and to love Him.

It doesn't sound to me like hes tried to find God. when anyone tells him about things God has done or is doing, he goes into a tirade about God...prolly to reaffirm his unbelief to himself. He prolly won't walk into a church either.
It doesn't sound to me like hes tried to find God. when anyone tells him about things God has done or is doing, he goes into a tirade about God...prolly to reaffirm his unbelief to himself. He prolly won't walk into a church either.
You couldn't be more wrong. I was in a Church this weekend and I've attended many churches of many denominations and even spent more than a year at a monastery seeking God. That's all I do is seek God, there is nothing else to do but seek God, but it's extremely annoying when God remains silent, hides himself, hides the truth, leaves Christians confused and divided, refuses to guide me, and refuses to be faithful to what his word says.

His word says "Ask anything of the Father in my name and it will be done for you". He wouldn't even give me understanding to do his will and I asked him thousands of times in the name of Jesus just for the grace to do his will and be his obedient instrument and servant.

Yet he left me confused. What is thoroughly disgusting about it is I was just praying for the grace to do his will. I want nothing more than the understanding necessary to do God's will, and he won't even grant that, it's sickening!

Christianity is a divided confused mess because God refuses to guide and shepherd his people. I see confused people everywhere quoting Scriptures and constantly wrestling with interpretation. I'm constantly seeing theologians and people who study the Bible winding up with opposite conclusions and each of them have Scriptures with an opposite message and a convincing argument for why they are right. It just makes me sick! Where's the Holy Spirit to guide this confused mess!
I agree with you on this. The Holy Spirit is here, but people don't listen to the Spirit. They have their own selfish desires.
I'd be more than happy to listen to the Holy-Spirit. I've given up on Scripture though. It is too inconsistent! Too many Scriptures say the opposite of what other Scriptures say and I'm so sick of how I see people using Scripture to justify their opinions. I can find Scripture verses that justify genocide. You might say those are Old Testament Scriptures, but whatever, that is still the word of God and people claim Old Testament Scriptures all the time. Most of the Bible is the Old Testament, and if we lived by it, people would be executed for working on the sabbath.

Numbers 15:32-35, “And while the children of Israel were in the wilderness, they found a man that gathered sticks upon the sabbath day. And they that found him gathering sticks brought him unto Moses and Aaron, and unto all the congregation. And they put him in ward, because it was not declared what should be done to him. And the LORD said unto Moses, The man shall be surely put to death: all the congregation shall stone him with stones without the camp. And all the congregation brought him without the camp, and stoned him with stones, and he died; as the LORD commanded Moses.”

God orders someone to be put to death for working on the wrong day of the week?? I can't think of a more ridiculous reason for killing someone!

So who decides what part of the Old Testament is for us to follow and which part isn't?? God often commanded the opposite of what he formerly said. Like he said "Thou shall not make of the a graven image" and then commanded the Israelites to make a bronze serpent and healed everyone who looked at it. Yahweh indeed loves images of bronze and gold. He chose to meet with the Israelites between two golden cherubim.
Exodus 25:22
There, above the cover between the two cherubim that are over the ark of the covenant law, I will meet with you and give you all my commands for the Israelites.

Numbers 21:8
The LORD then instructed Moses to, "Make a fiery serpent, and set it on a standard; and it shall come about, that everyone who is bitten, when he looks at it, he shall live" (v. 8). This "look" involved a look of faith in God to save them.
"And Moses made a bronze serpent and set it on the standard; and it came about, that if a serpent bit any man, when he looked to the bronze serpent, he lived"

He commanded them to do the opposite of what he previously forbid, and they had to turn to a bronze serpent for God's grace. God literally had them indulge in a pagan practice of turning to a graven image for healing. And the image he chose was a serpent, the image used for Satan in Genesis! God often commands people to do the opposite of what he formerly "thou shall not kill" and then commanding the Israelites to kill everyone, including women, children, and babies!

I need God to guide me, not some book that repeatedly contradicts itself!
Thank you for reading this God! Please speak up or let me die as soon as possible, in Jesus name!
I'd be more than happy to listen to the Holy-Spirit. I've given up on Scripture though. It is too inconsistent!
I need God to guide me, not some book that repeatedly contradicts itself! Thank you for reading this God! Please speak up or let me die as soon as possible, in Jesus name!

You do have to read the Bible with Spiritual goggles on. It sounds like you don't have them and most people don't.

Jesus is what love looks like and that is what those who have the Holy Spirit are supposed to look like also. There is a lot of noise in the world that suppresses what love does look like. And this is what most of us crave at the end of the day.
I can find Scripture verses that justify genocide.

You just don't understand what was going on at the time. Satan knew that a Messiah was to be born, (and had to be born of a pure blood line, so he tried to contaminate the world's blood lines & dna, to thwart God. There were giants in the earth in those days, and also after that when the sons of God (fallen angels) saw that the earth women were fair and took themselves wives which bear children to them...and had supernatural offspring (nephilim) which were to be wiped out, so that mankind had a chance.

It wasn't genocide of human people. Not a lot of people believe that but it's sure what scripture says, and is a good reason for the (so called) genocide.

It does go deep down the rabbit hole. God will reveal Himself to you, but He's very insistent that it be done through the reading of His Word. So..if you won't read it, then...He might not ever reveal Himself to you. ? I don't know.
You do have to read the Bible with Spiritual goggles on. It sounds like you don't have them and most people don't.

Jesus is what love looks like and that is what those who have the Holy Spirit are supposed to look like also. There is a lot of noise in the world that suppresses what love does look like. And this is what most of us crave at the end of the day.

LTD is spot on. I still don't get a lot of Scripture. To be honest, I generally skip over the Old Testament and breeze on into The Gospels and Acts. Part of it is that I genuinely enjoy The Gospels and Acts, part of it is that I'm not "there yet" when it comes to really understanding the Old Testament and appreciating it.

But, yeah..."spiritual goggles." Good way of putting it.

Please don't let bad experiences, bad churches, or a literal reading of Scripture put you off of Jesus. Jesus is Lord, and He wants a genuine relationship with you. But the relationship can only move along on His terms which, thankfully, are fairly straightforward+beneficial to us, His children.

As for God speaking to people, I think God speaks to everyone, just in different ways. For me, thus so far its been through Scripture and other Christians, life experiences, etc. I don't get anything directly spoken to me from on high, and maybe its better that way. --But-- He has done cool things to put my mind at ease, like the time some lady in front of me paid for my Dunkin Donuts, somewhat overpriced coffee when I was going through it. Or the time a Christian neighbor opened up to me in her yard, even though nobody else in the neighborhood will talk to me, ever.

Scripture is important in your Christian walk, but I've found that "getting it" requires first getting saved and moving along a little bit with Jesus. I used to be so bored with The Bible and Pentecostal-isms, even though I played nice and tried to get it. I didn't get genuinely interested until after I got saved.

I think its good that you're here at CFnet, and I appreciate your honesty.