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[__ Prayer __] Help a Brother out...


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I don't need money, lol but have a somewhat odd request. I have a pretty big decision to make, and can't make up my mind on what would be best. I've prayed about it and have not yet received an I figured to come here and see what happens.

I can't give any details at all, it's too personal. God knoweth. :wink

Could I get some of you Brothers and Sisters to pray about this for me, just to see if God will give you an unction of what should I do? Pray and ask if Brother Edward should do or should not do, what he is pondering to do. Then just give it a moment or three to see what the Spirit says...and tell me.

What it is, is a fairly big thing as far that goes. The outcome could be a blessing...or not. That's why I'm split on the answer. God works in mysterious ways so I wouldn't want to reject it and say no, if it is something in His plan.

Clear as mud? lol. Thank you very much Brothers & Sisters, bless you.

I'll prolly let you all in on it later, it's just too soon right now...:nag:confused2:dancing
Hi Brother Edward, having known you for some time I trust in your spirituality to know you wouldn't ask something wrong for your life, and I can join in prayer with you. I've not been given a spiritual message, and will not ask for a sign as Gideon did in Jdg 6:36-39, but knowing a bit of your background I'm aware that you had your own business located in the Springs, and may be wanting to reestablish ties in that, maybe where you're at, or with family. I have no reservations in seeing you following those ambitions the Lord may lead you. God bless you buddy in Jesus' name.
Hi Brother Edward, having known you for some time I trust in your spirituality to know you wouldn't ask something wrong for your life, and I can join in prayer with you. I've not been given a spiritual message, and will not ask for a sign as Gideon did in Jdg 6:36-39, but knowing a bit of your background I'm aware that you had your own business located in the Springs, and may be wanting to reestablish ties in that, maybe where you're at, or with family. I have no reservations in seeing you following those ambitions the Lord may lead you. God bless you buddy in Jesus' name.

Thanks, Brother. There's no clear cut answer on this. It could wind up being a good thing or a bad thing no matter if I decide to go with it or not to. Personally, I am 51-49 in favor of it...but I also know that, there is a way which seems right unto man, but in the end leads to destruction. It's one of hose odd situations that could be a blessing or an attack. I'm having trouble foreseeing probable outcomes.

It is not Colorado or that business. The Lord clearly told me to come here and give that business to my son. I love Colorado (more than Columbus), but I can't go back there unless the Lord sends me, or if it was just to visit. I am thinking about hanging up the HVAC completely because it's just too taxing on me with my back problems. But that's really not that big of a decision because the Lord will take care of me. I wont go hungry. I thank you for your concern Brother. I tried going to the Word about it and found mixed messages, sort of a Romans 14 type of thing, no clear answer, aarggh!
Hi Brother Edward, having known you for some time I trust in your spirituality to know you wouldn't ask something wrong for your life, and I can join in prayer with you. I've not been given a spiritual message, and will not ask for a sign as Gideon did in Jdg 6:36-39, but knowing a bit of your background I'm aware that you had your own business located in the Springs, and may be wanting to reestablish ties in that, maybe where you're at, or with family. I have no reservations in seeing you following those ambitions the Lord may lead you. God bless you buddy in Jesus' name.

Ironically, I had a dream last night, lol. Ohhh boy. It had to be related because of the nature of the dream. But I'm not good at dream interpretations. I know a nice Sister which runs a christian dream interp board, but I got banned because I made her angry at me over not prosecuting my kids for stealing from me.

It seemed like a positive dream, but I know enough about dream interpretation to know that that doesn't necessarily mean it was a good dream. Or that it was even from the Lord. We have to be careful with stuff like this.

I know it's a long shot asking for prayers about this, but it could be helpful and certainly not hurt anything for asking at least. It'll come out in time. It isn't anything sinful so I'm gonna try to maybe get an interp from somewhere else I guess. I wish the dream interp lady wasn't mad at me, she's very good at it. God bless her.
Ironically, I had a dream last night, lol. Ohhh boy. It had to be related because of the nature of the dream. But I'm not good at dream interpretations. I know a nice Sister which runs a christian dream interp board, but I got banned because I made her angry at me over not prosecuting my kids for stealing from me.

It seemed like a positive dream, but I know enough about dream interpretation to know that that doesn't necessarily mean it was a good dream. Or that it was even from the Lord. We have to be careful with stuff like this.

I know it's a long shot asking for prayers about this, but it could be helpful and certainly not hurt anything for asking at least. It'll come out in time. It isn't anything sinful so I'm gonna try to maybe get an interp from somewhere else I guess. I wish the dream interp lady wasn't mad at me, she's very good at it. God bless her.

hello Edward, dirtfarmer here

Scripture states that we are to live by faith. Faith is the substance of things hope for and the evidence of things not seen. Are Christians really suppose to be "dream interpreters". My understanding of living by faith is to understand that if we make a bad(wrong) decision in our life, God will use that decision and cause good to come from it if we are truly dependent on him.

I may be off base but in my experience, there are times when we don't know God's will until we make a decision and step out by faith and make a decision and then God confirms it by blessing us.

Will be praying that "God's will" will be accomplished in your life and that he will guide you in the right direction.
hello Edward, dirtfarmer here

Scripture states that we are to live by faith. Faith is the substance of things hope for and the evidence of things not seen. Are Christians really suppose to be "dream interpreters". My understanding of living by faith is to understand that if we make a bad(wrong) decision in our life, God will use that decision and cause good to come from it if we are truly dependent on him.

I may be off base but in my experience, there are times when we don't know God's will until we make a decision and step out by faith and make a decision and then God confirms it by blessing us.

Will be praying that "God's will" will be accomplished in your life and that he will guide you in the right direction.

I do think Christians are supposed to interpret or have interpreted dreams from God. Daniel interpreted the Kings dream in the OT. In fact, I think it's about 30% or so of the entire bible came through dreams and visions. Dreams and visions are a language of God that He uses with His people.

The reasons He uses dreams and visions are at least twofold. Because a picture is worth 1000 words, and because many times God speaks to us, and we don't hear it because we're so wrapped up in the world that we get distracted and question God and generally inhibit the conversation He's trying to have with us. So at night when we sleep...He has a captive audience!

Job 33:
14 For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.

15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed;

16 Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction,.../

Agreed, we are to live by faith and that faith is the evidence of the things that are unseen. In 2nd Corinthians 4:18 we are instructed to look towards what is not seen, rather than those things which are seen. So even though most are hesitant to actually give validity to dreams and visions because it's sort've fringe or so called occultic, it is clearly spoken of in scripture that we most certainly should be doing that very thing. Being cautious of course because not all dreams are from God. We are clearly in the last days, Brother. Acts 2:17 tells us that in the last days, that God will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh and that young men will see visions and old men will dream dreams. So the answer to your question should we, would have to be yes.
I do think Christians are supposed to interpret or have interpreted dreams from God. Daniel interpreted the Kings dream in the OT. In fact, I think it's about 30% or so of the entire bible came through dreams and visions. Dreams and visions are a language of God that He uses with His people.

The reasons He uses dreams and visions are at least twofold. Because a picture is worth 1000 words, and because many times God speaks to us, and we don't hear it because we're so wrapped up in the world that we get distracted and question God and generally inhibit the conversation He's trying to have with us. So at night when we sleep...He has a captive audience!

Job 33:
14 For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.

15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed;

16 Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction,.../

Agreed, we are to live by faith and that faith is the evidence of the things that are unseen. In 2nd Corinthians 4:18 we are instructed to look towards what is not seen, rather than those things which are seen. So even though most are hesitant to actually give validity to dreams and visions because it's sort've fringe or so called occultic, it is clearly spoken of in scripture that we most certainly should be doing that very thing. Being cautious of course because not all dreams are from God. We are clearly in the last days, Brother. Acts 2:17 tells us that in the last days, that God will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh and that young men will see visions and old men will dream dreams. So the answer to your question should we, would have to be yes.

hello Edward, dirtfarmer here

I personally don't believe that God speaks to us through dreams. I know in Acts that Peter fell into a trance and God spoke to him. I also know that Paul had a bright light, brighter that the noon day sun, shine on him on the Damascus Road. I will say that there are times in my sleep that scripture has been made clear to me. But, I believe that was my spirit, that has been separated from my soul and made is subject to the Holy Spirit, that is making thing clear.

While I will agree that dreams and visions were occurrences before Christ, we are told in Hebrews 1 that God hath in these last days, spoken unto us by his Son. In John 14:16-17, Jesus states that he will send " another comforter" and in verse 26 it is stated: "he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you."

Acts 2:17 is in reference to Joel 2:28-32, which is in reference to Israel during the kingdom period at the end, just " before the great and terrible day of the LORD come."

Hebrews 1:1-2 states," God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in times past unto the fathers by prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds:"

This is just my .02$
While I will agree that dreams and visions were occurrences before Christ, we are told in Hebrews 1 that God hath in these last days, spoken unto us by his Son.

I'm trying to follow your reasoning here Brother. God has indeed spoken to us through His Son, Jesus, but how then do you reconcile the other scriptures? Like; Job
14 For God speaketh once, yea twice, yet man perceiveth it not.

15 In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed;

16 Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction,.../

Now Job was before Jesus came and His Apostles were here, so at that point there was more history behind them than ahead so I can see where them calling that time the last days would be technically accurate. However, if we then go to the NT in Acts and read 2:17...

17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:.../

The wording there indicates that it has not happened yet, as in, it shall come to pass...and they had just received the comforter (same chapter. So, that said, I don't see how you conclude that the Lord is not or wont be speaking to men through dreams in this day and age.