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Genesis 3:21


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Genesis 3:21
21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them.../

Lately, I've been wondering if the Lord made for them coats out of skins for them...or our skin itself?

Our Spirit used to have the preeminent position within our being, and Adam & Eve actually glowed as spirit beings made out of light. When we fell, the flesh took the preeminent position and our spirit got pushed inside of us...or was it covered by mans skin.

This might be hard to accept. I'm sure I'll get jumped on and told I'm wrong...but I'm not so sure that I am. "Coat" in Hebrew usually means linen, but not absolutely always. Our skin is a garment, akin to a tent or temporary dwelling. Just something to think about...:thinking
Genesis 3:21
21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them.../

Lately, I've been wondering if the Lord made for them coats out of skins for them...or our skin itself?

Our Spirit used to have the preeminent position within our being, and Adam & Eve actually glowed as spirit beings made out of light. When we fell, the flesh took the preeminent position and our spirit got pushed inside of us...or was it covered by mans skin.

This might be hard to accept. I'm sure I'll get jumped on and told I'm wrong...but I'm not so sure that I am. "Coat" in Hebrew usually means linen, but not absolutely always. Our skin is a garment, akin to a tent or temporary dwelling. Just something to think about...:thinking

hello Edward, dirtfarmer here

Judges 6:34, " But the spirit of the LORD came upon Gideon, and he blew the trumpet; and Abiezer was gathered after him." In the literal interpretation of this "came upon" it is literally " clothed Gideon.

2 Corinthians 5:2-3, " For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven." If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked."

Genesis 3:21
21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them.../

Lately, I've been wondering if the Lord made for them coats out of skins for them...or our skin itself?
Most likely animals. That would be the simplest, most straightforward, obvious answer.

Our Spirit used to have the preeminent position within our being, and Adam & Eve actually glowed as spirit beings made out of light. When we fell, the flesh took the preeminent position and our spirit got pushed inside of us...
Please provide biblical evidence for all of this.

This might be hard to accept. I'm sure I'll get jumped on and told I'm wrong...but I'm not so sure that I am. "Coat" in Hebrew usually means linen, but not absolutely always. Our skin is a garment, akin to a tent or temporary dwelling. Just something to think about...:thinking
There is nothing in the entirety of Scripture to suggest that we were not created in the manner in which we now exist. Nothing has changed in how we look or exist.

Why would just our skin be akin to a tent? Do you really think that Adam and Eve walked around without skin? You would be far better off to try and argue that they were only spirit and God gave them bodies after they fell, although that would not be supportable either, but it would make significantly more sense.
If they were spirits they wouldn't have needed the food of the garden

Gen 2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:
Genesis 3:21
21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed them.../

Lately, I've been wondering if the Lord made for them coats out of skins for them...or our skin itself?

Our Spirit used to have the preeminent position within our being, and Adam & Eve actually glowed as spirit beings made out of light. When we fell, the flesh took the preeminent position and our spirit got pushed inside of us...or was it covered by mans skin.

This might be hard to accept. I'm sure I'll get jumped on and told I'm wrong...but I'm not so sure that I am. "Coat" in Hebrew usually means linen, but not absolutely always. Our skin is a garment, akin to a tent or temporary dwelling. Just something to think about...:thinking

I think the description of the creation of Adam and Eve would indicate they had skin.

The animal killed was a type of Christ....innocently killed to cover sin.
If they were spirits they wouldn't have needed the food of the garden

Gen 2:16 And the LORD God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat:

I'm not saying they didn't have a body. Just that we got rearranged in the fall. At first our body was innermost, then soul, then the spirit on the outside. They were clothed in light as God is, because they (we), were created in the image and likeness of God. When they fell, then the clothing of light went inside and they knew that they were naked. They always could eat because their body was present, but probably didn't need to in an unfallen state.

Personally, I believe that in heaven, they eat, but only for fellowship, not that they need to, because how could one die in the very presence of God?! But I bet God can throw one heck of a good BBQ because that's how He rolls.

Most likely animals. That would be the simplest, most straightforward, obvious answer.

Makes sense to me. Maybe He made our skin out of an animal?

Please provide biblical evidence for all of this.

I tried to before with that we're made out of light thread. There's scriptures is Psalms saying God is clothed in light, in Isaiah 60 He instructs us to Arise and Shine, let our light shine before's all over the place but you wasn't receiving it for you had a hard time intellectualizing it so rejected it. So why go through it again? I agree with you...leti it be so according to your faith. I have my faith. So why not agree to disagree and respect each other's walk. You are not wrong. You are where you are because God wrote your book that way. I'm someplace else, howdy Brother!
I know I don't have everything right. But I'm not wrong about all of it.

Please provide biblical evidence for all of this.
There is nothing in the entirety of Scripture to suggest that we were not created in the manner in which we now exist. Nothing has changed in how we look or exist.

With all due respect Brother, that's absurd. Are you suggesting that we are, right now, in a sinful fleshy state, in the image and likeness of God? Do you think that Jesus is still walking around looking like we do? We may be bipeds like Jesus right now, but if He walked through the wall and said don't think that there'd be any differences?! Lol. That's a good one Brother. Yes, here's your scripture

1 John 3:2-3
2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

3 And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.../

We obviously lost something in the fall of man. If we are like we are going to be, then there wouldn't be a need to transfigure us in the twinkling of an eye when He returns. Think about it. We will be changed, that means that we will be in an unfallen state again. We are in spirit now, having been born again, but the transformation is not yet complete! So to surmise that we probably glowed before we fell, is probably accurate. They could prolly fly too.

We haven't even went into all those scriptures which speak of shine your light before men. I suppose you reject those too, as metaphors?
This stuff is true Bro.
I think the description of the creation of Adam and Eve would indicate they had skin.

The animal killed was a type of Christ....innocently killed to cover sin.

You're prolly right. I prolly took that thought too far, lol. But what do you think that we were like before we fell by disobeying God?
I think we lost more than people realize.
For one thing, there is no light in us apart from Christ. The whole 'spark' inside a person theory is of Gnostic origin. I'm not saying that's what you are basing your thoughts on, but humans pre-fall and post-fall only have 'light' from the Spirit of God - apart from Him man has zero light in him or on him.

Jhn 1:1-5
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Pre-fall I have no doubt they were 'clothed' with the light of God, but I would not call it their skin - but rather like a robe. When they fell that light 'died/was removed' and they could then see their nakedness. The Genesis account makes sure to make it known that pre-fall they were naked, just not ashamed of it.

Moses is about the best description(aside from the mount of transfiguration) that we have about how man was before the fall. Moses was the first noted account of being closer to God than anyone else since Adam and Eve. For a period of time after Moses would be with God, he would begin to glow. Eventually it would start to fade though because Moses still lived in a body of sin.

Adam and Eve however, before the fall, did have that light as a garment - but it was because of God, not that God made them with the light as skin.

That's what it will be like in heaven for us. We will be clothed with 'white' robes - which is very much a picture of 'light' clothing.

Mat 17:1-2
And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James, and John his brother, and led them up a high mountain by themselves. And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became white as light.

Notice that it was His clothes that became white as light, not His skin.
Makes sense to me. Maybe He made our skin out of an animal?
He gave them garments of animal skin--clothing.

I tried to before with that we're made out of light thread. There's scriptures is Psalms saying God is clothed in light, in Isaiah 60 He instructs us to Arise and Shine, let our light shine before's all over the place but you wasn't receiving it for you had a hard time intellectualizing it so rejected it.
It isn't all over the place. There is nothing in Scripture to suggest the truth of anything you have said about man being made of light. You simply do not seem to be understanding what "light" refers to in different contexts.

So why go through it again? I agree with you...leti it be so according to your faith. I have my faith. So why not agree to disagree and respect each other's walk. You are not wrong. You are where you are because God wrote your book that way. I'm someplace else, howdy Brother!
I know I don't have everything right. But I'm not wrong about all of it.
You are using relativism. I don't have "my truth" and you have "your truth" and we're both right. Either you're right or I'm right, or we're both wrong. We most certainly are not both right.

With all due respect Brother, that's absurd. Are you suggesting that we are, right now, in a sinful fleshy state, in the image and likeness of God? Do you think that Jesus is still walking around looking like we do? We may be bipeds like Jesus right now, but if He walked through the wall and said don't think that there'd be any differences?! Lol. That's a good one Brother. Yes, here's your scripture

1 John 3:2-3
2 Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is.

3 And every man that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as he is pure.../

We obviously lost something in the fall of man. If we are like we are going to be, then there wouldn't be a need to transfigure us in the twinkling of an eye when He returns. Think about it. We will be changed, that means that we will be in an unfallen state again. We are in spirit now, having been born again, but the transformation is not yet complete! So to surmise that we probably glowed before we fell, is probably accurate. They could prolly fly too.
You do understand that my comment was made within the context of your opening post, particularly that "Adam & Eve actually glowed as spirit beings made out of light. When we fell, the flesh took the preeminent position and our spirit got pushed inside of us," yes?

We haven't even went into all those scriptures which speak of shine your light before men. I suppose you reject those too, as metaphors?
This stuff is true Bro.
You misunderstand what a metaphor actually is. Something being a metaphor does not mean that it is not true. Metaphors are used to convey the truth of something by drawing a comparison to something else. You are presuming meanings of "light" and "shine" and reading those into the texts.
I'm not saying they didn't have a body. Just that we got rearranged in the fall. At first our body was innermost, then soul, then the spirit on the outside. They were clothed in light as God is, because they (we), were created in the image and likeness of God. When they fell, then the clothing of light went inside and they knew that they were naked. They always could eat because their body was present, but probably didn't need to in an unfallen state.

Personally, I believe that in heaven, they eat, but only for fellowship, not that they need to, because how could one die in the very presence of God?! But I bet God can throw one heck of a good BBQ because that's how He rolls.


hello Edward, dirtfarmer here

Jesus, in his resurrected body, the one that ascended into heaven, ate broiled fish and honey comb when he appeared in the upper room. Also the trees in Revelation 22:2 states that "the tree of life bare 12 manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit ever month, and the leaves of the tree were for healing of the nations."

I don't know about BBQ because there will be no death in heaven.

I think that vegetarian will be the norm there.
Alright you GUYS who is going to do the clean up ... from your bar b cue

hello reba, dirtfarmer here

You seem to be the one that "cleans up" post, so, how would you feel about also being "the BBQ cleaner up'er. It includes all the BBQ that you care to eat. Is that a deal?????
You're prolly right. I prolly took that thought too far, lol. But what do you think that we were like before we fell by disobeying God?
I think we lost more than people realize.

I don't think we can imagine just how far we fell. Total depravity.