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Bible Study The Promised Land

Well Jesus said, " Matthew 5: 31 It was said also, [1] Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement:*n8
32 but I say unto you, that every one that putteth away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, maketh her an adulteress: and whosoever shall marry her when she is put away committeth adultery.

So what would Jesus have to do with a wife that has been "put away" for adultery? He wouldn't! So He is free to be married to the New Israel, who has been born from above.
Considering this in the light of the entirety og scripturee I have such a problem reconciling this with the rest of the Bible. you have failed to specify your intended meaning of the New Israel, leaving me to use the Common Usage and therefore I may be all wet but there is no value in Replacement Theology, a Theory unsupported by scripture. In Duet, 7:9 and Psalm 105:8 God promised the faithful of Israel that for a thousand generations He would not abandon them that remain faithful. Using the currant, smaller, number of the common generation that is 25,000 years.

I know both Fundamental and Messianic Jews that are faithful to God, they compose the Israel, the Spiritual Israel God speaks of and as a Christian, a Follower of Jesus the Christ, I am grafted into the Family but I replace nobody. I am an adopted brother to the Jewish Faith, the Jewish Brothers.

Early on God took Abraham for His own and the sons and daughters of Abraham and His descendants as His People. This is best understood if we think about a litter of Puppies. We love everyone of them but there is always one that just grabs our heart,our Inner Person, and we will give it a bit more leeway than the others. The one does not replace the other, it just magnifies the experience of Love.

My 2 cents worth.
I have always studied that Israel never possessed all the land that God promised.
Dear Brother Douglas Summers, I purposely do not read further, or other’s comments first so as to maintain a possible complete different thought of what the Promised Land is.

The land of Canaan was not the heaven many believe it to have been. Israel must needs take the land, and in the case of heaven, it has been won for us who believe.

In our present spiritual walk we are learning to overcome the habit and dominion of sin just as Israel must overcome the people living there. Num 13:30, 33. Moses didn’t even qualify to enter the battle because of unbelief. Num 20:12.

Do we take all the freedom we have in Christ Jesus, or set boundaries of our own understanding of God’s word?
Jesus Himself had trouble with many of the Jews in His time on earth, Even said that He never found such great faith in all Israel, than He did with that Roman Soldier... Read the Gospels again and see how Jesus dealt with the Jewish people He ran into... Because He had so much trouble convincing them of the Truth, He took the Truth away, and offered it to the gentiles....{ not saying that some didn't come to believe in Him, }
If the Jews don't get born again, and receive the Spirit, than they are none of His.
Romans 8: 9 But ye are not in the flesh but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you. But if any man hath not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.

This is not a " replacement " theology, but one of " New Birth!"
Jesus Himself had trouble with many of the Jews in His time on earth, Even said that He never found such great faith in all Israel, than He did with that Roman Soldier... Read the Gospels again and see how Jesus dealt with the Jewish people He ran into... Because He had so much trouble convincing them of the Truth, He took the Truth away, and offered it to the gentiles....{ not saying that some didn't come to believe in Him, }
i can't tell to whom you speak, you neither quoted nor mentioned, quite rude.
Well Jesus said, " Matthew 5: 31 It was said also, [1] Whosoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement:*n8
32 but I say unto you, that every one that putteth away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, maketh her an adulteress: and whosoever shall marry her when she is put away committeth adultery.

So what would Jesus have to do with a wife that has been "put away" for adultery? He wouldn't! So He is free to be married to the New Israel, who has been born from above.
One might deduce that, But you forgot about God's grace who came to the lost sheep of Israel (Matt. 15:21-28), but here is what God says about The commitment of His promise to Israel through the royal line of David (Psalms 89:20-37) and (Ezek. 36:18-38). God says, He will NEVER forsake His promise to David, for God says of Himself, He would never lie to David, and even more, he would annul the Old Covenant and create a New Covenant (Psalms 89:30-37) (Heb. 8:6-13) and restore them to their own land.. But since The Jew refused the Kingdom of The Heavens (Matt 4:12-23) (Matthew Chapter 12) He begins to preach to the Gentile also along with the Jew, preparing them for the calling out of the Church (a people of His own) Acts 15:14).....Then after that, He will build up the house of David (Royal Throne) and establish all Israel as The head of all nations that the saved nations bring their glory in to it. (Acts 15:12-19) (Rev. 21:21-27). The Parables in Matthew Chapter 13 span the time of Christ preaching the Gospel to the multitudes, to the times between and up unto His second coming of the Lord when the angels will separate the wheat from the tares and throw them into the fire (Christendom) . Please STUDY the Scriptures with the subject you are teaching in mind prayerfully.
Christ in us
Douglas Summers
The land of Canaan was not the heaven many believe it to have been. Israel must needs take the land, and in the case of heaven, it has been won for us who believe.

In our present spiritual walk we are learning to overcome the habit and dominion of sin just as Israel must overcome the people living there. Num 13:30, 33. Moses didn’t even qualify to enter the battle because of unbelief. Num 20:12.

Do we take all the freedom we have in Christ Jesus, or set boundaries of our own understanding of God’s word?
Yes, many do set boundaries now that I think about it. They limit what an infinite God can do by their finite minds. Thanks for reminding me, that while I believe Israel will obtain all their land during the millennium, but in the end, the new earth and new heaven and new Jerusalem will be the promised land for all the saints after the 1000 years. (Rev. 21:1; 22:1-5) (Heb.12:21-24)
One might deduce that, But you forgot about God's grace who came to the lost sheep of Israel (Matt. 15:21-28), but here is what God says about The commitment of His promise to Israel through the royal line of David (Psalms 89:20-37) and (Ezek. 36:18-38). God says, He will NEVER forsake His promise to David, for God says of Himself, He would never lie to David, and even more, he would annul the Old Covenant and create a New Covenant (Psalms 89:30-37) (Heb. 8:6-13) and restore them to their own land.. But since The Jew refused the Kingdom of The Heavens (Matt 4:12-23) (Matthew Chapter 12) He begins to preach to the Gentile also along with the Jew, preparing them for the calling out of the Church (a people of His own) Acts 15:14).....Then after that, He will build up the house of David (Royal Throne) and establish all Israel as The head of all nations that the saved nations bring their glory in to it. (Acts 15:12-19) (Rev. 21:21-27). The Parables in Matthew Chapter 13 span the time of Christ preaching the Gospel to the multitudes, to the times between and up unto His second coming of the Lord when the angels will separate the wheat from the tares and throw them into the fire (Christendom) . Please STUDY the Scriptures with the subject you are teaching in mind prayerfully.
Christ in us
Douglas Summers

When Jesus went down into the place of death, do you not think that David and all those of the old testament were there? He preached the Gospel, to them all, before taking all those in captivity, who believed, out.

If any man or woman is not born anew, and receives the Spirit, then they aren't His. It is offered to those that were dead, and those alive.

When Jesus went down into the place of death, do you not think that David and all those of the old testament were there? He preached the Gospel, to them all, before taking all those in captivity, who believed, out.
I'm not completely sure about all of what or who Christ preached to, for Elijah (2 Kings 2:10-12) Moses and Elijah (Matt. 17:1-9) were seen with Christ before the Cross. Christ did not preach to those who were in hell that were destroyed by the flood, but by the Holy Spirit through Noah Christ preached to them, For there are no second chances, but Christ led the OT saint out. But I'am not sure about Enoch, Moses and Elijah.
I'm not completely sure about all of what or who Christ preached to, for Elijah (2 Kings 2:10-12) Moses and Elijah (Matt. 17:1-9) were seen with Christ before the Cross. Christ did not preach to those who were in hell that were destroyed by the flood, but by the Holy Spirit through Noah Christ preached to them, For there are no second chances, but Christ led the OT saint out. But I'am not sure about Enoch, Moses and Elijah.
Mr Summers,
Christ preached to those from Adam, till the time of Christs death, save for Enoch, and Elijah, who were taken up beforehand. ( Where? it doesn't say ). For all had died in sin. And the wages of sin, was death. You can't get away from that! The scene with Moses and Elijah, was a vision, Jesus said.
When Jesus went down into the place of death, do you not think that David and all those of the old testament were there? He preached the Gospel, to them all, before taking all those in captivity, who believed, out.
If any man or woman is not born anew, and receives the Spirit, then they aren't His. It is offered to those that were dead, and those alive.

All the OT saints knew the Gospel of God's grace and The Kingdom. It was revealed to them beforehand. Every OT saint and Prophet knew the Gospel that they would live again by God's grace by a sacrificial lamb. From Adam and Eve to The last Prophet of the OT (John The Baptist) (John 1:28-34) They just did not know the Time. (1 Pet. 1:10-12) Starting with Adam and Eve (Gen. 3:5) (John 13:18) (Gen. 4:1-7) (Heb. 11:1-40). And all from Adam and Eve to the resurrection of the Lord are in His presence, but all those who rebelled against the Lord God are still in torment and are awaiting the Great White Throne Judgment before they are cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:11-13). God gives them their day to reason why they should not be condemned by the opened books of good works and book of names. But their names were not in the books, for they were never washed in the blood of Christ that would take the blackest soul and make it white as snow. They may have done some Good works, but they tried to climb over the fence instead of being led through the Shepherds Gate. (John 10: 1-18) It is the Church that is born into Sonship (Rom. 8:16-17). The OT Saints are The friends of Christ. (James 2:22-23) (John 3:22-30) And will be guest at the wedding of the Bride of Christ. (Rev. 19:6-9)
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Mr Summers,I won,t argue with you,but will wait till the Lord shows you your error!
I walk with Him Daily, unworthy as I'am. Christ is our wisdom. It is God who created us from the ground and breathed life into us, yet many a men create a god in their mind, then try to call him Jesus.
I walk with Him Daily, unworthy as I'am. Christ is our wisdom. It is God who created us from the ground and breathed life into us, yet many a men create a god in their mind, then try to call him Jesus.

Douglas, if I may use your first name...I have to jump in on this one for sure. But if you knew the Lord Jesus, you would know He is God, and His name is Jesus. Same with the Spirit, His name is Jesus...
1 John 5:20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.

God is His job description, same as King David. David is his name. The trinity is for the babes in Christ. Same as younguns learn their numbers with objects, but there comes a time when objects aren't needed, because they know that 3x20 is 60.
1 Cor. 12: 3 Wherefore I make known unto you, that no man speaking in the Spirit of God saith, Jesus is anathema; and no man can say, Jesus is Lord/God, but in the Holy Spirit.

1 John 1: 1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
... 14 And the Word became flesh/and blood, and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father), full of grace and truth.
And the word was Christ Jesus, who is God.
John knew Jesus in the flesh and blood, human nature kind. BUT on Isle of Patmos he came to see Jesus in a whole new light, and he fell at His feet.

Jesus is God Almighty..