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Bible Study From The Beginning

Genesis 1:22-25

Gen 1:22a . . God blessed them, saying: Be fertile

The blessing of fertility is pretty amazing. It not only enables creatures to
reproduce their own bodies, but also to transfer the breath of life from one
generation to the next.

Gen 1:22b . . and increase, fill the waters in the seas, and let the
winged creatures increase on the earth.

Aqua creatures exist in the most unlikely places. When the crew of the
bathyscaphe Trieste descended into the 35,761 feet Challenger Deep located
in the deepest part of the Mariana Trench in 1960, they didn't really expect
to find anything living down there; but to their surprise, they saw a flat fish
similar to sole and flounder.

The video camera on board the Kaiko probe spotted a sea cucumber, a scale
worm and a shrimp at the bottom.

The Nereus probe spotted a polychaete worm (a multi-legged predator)
about an inch long.

Gen 1:23 . . And there was evening and there was morning, a fifth

Gen 1:24-25 . .Then God said: Let the earth bring forth living
creatures after their kind-- cattle and creeping things and beasts of
the earth after their kind, And it was so. And God made the beasts of
the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and
everything that creeps on the ground after its kind; and God saw
that it was good.

We've come now to the sixth day when all terra life was created; including
dinosaurs and humans.

This grouping of creatures (except for Man) isn't specifically given the
blessing of fertility. But if God would bless aqua creatures and those with
wings, why ever would He not bless the terra species too who are just as
important? But since they've been reproducing all this time, then I'd have to
say there is sufficient empirical evidence to support the assumption that that
they were equally blessed with fertility just like everything else.

The Hebrew words for "living creature" are chay (khah'-ee) and nephesh

Chay makes it first appearance at Gen 1:20 in reference to aqua creatures
and winged creatures; and many times in the Old Testament thereafter;
including fifteen times in reference to God; e.g. Jer 10:10, indicating that
the originator of life actually exists as opposed to a totem pole or a mythical
fantasy. There is a very large number of instances recorded in the Old
Testament where God speaks of Himself as "I am".

Nephesh first appears in Gen 1:20-21 in reference to aqua creatures and
winged creatures; again at Gen 1:24 as terra creatures; viz: cattle, creepy
crawlies, and wild beasts; and again in Gen 2:7 as the human creature.

Terra critters consist of the very land masses upon which they live. They,
like Man, weren't created out of thin air; but rather, God used earthly
materials and ingredients already at hand to construct them. Neat-O. Not
only are the various plants and animals indigenous to planet Earth; but they
are part of it too and blend right back in when they die and decompose.

The word for "beasts" (of the earth) is chay, which, in this instance, simply
refers to wild life as opposed to domesticated life.

The word for "cattle" is behemah (be-hay-maw') and means a mute beast
(a.k.a. dumb animal). Behemah are the herd species from which came those
that can be domesticated for Man's uses. They can pull plows and wagons,
provide tallow for candles and soap, and hide and wool for clothes, meat and
dairy for table, carry loads on their backs, and give people rides.

Not all herd animals can be tamed. Zebras, for instance, and male elephants
are not particularly suited to domestication.

The plural of behemah is behemowth (be-hay-mohth') a word which some
have construed to indicate dinosaurs; citing Job 40:15-24 as their proof text.
However, it's easily proven that the era of monster reptiles was long gone
before Mr. Job was even born.

It's no accident that some of the animals are so useful to Man. God made
them for the express purpose of serving people. Although they're nephesh,
same as Man, that doesn't make them equals with Man. However, although
beasts are below the rank of the image and likeness of God, people have no
right to be cruel to animals. But Man does have the right, by the Creator's
fiat, to take advantage of them; and to induct them into slavery for Man's

"creeping things" is the word remes (reh'-mes) and means: a reptile; or any
other rapidly moving animal. Dinosaurs would've been included in this

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Sorry about the length of my posts. Fortunately they're in writing instead of vocal
lectures so you can go at them a little at a time at your convenience.

I first began compiling a Genesis thread in 2001 on Lycos back when they had message
boards. I thought it would be easy, but discovered right quick that Genesis requires a lot
of thought and homework. I can't imagine where people like J. Vernon McGee find the
energy to compose commentaries on the whole Bible. You know, if it weren't for this
being my favorite hobby, I would have given up on Genesis years ago.

I appreciate your gratitude; honest. Most of the feed-back I get is in the form of
opposition rather than encouragement.

I can tell you this...
People usually write in opposition.
Those that enjoy something rarely will make a comment.
Since you have really no opposition (I remember seeing one poster)
I'd say that you're doing a good job. A great job. And most probably many are reading along that you don't even know about.

I encourage you. There's much to learn and it's good to take advantage of someone who knows more than ourselves!

God bless you!
In that passage "day" on Earth is clearly, conclusively, and without
ambiguity defined as when the Sun is up, and "night" is defined as when the
Sun is down.
II Peter 1:19 KJV
We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:

Jesus is the light that shines in the darkness of the desperately wicked heart. It is not the glaring light of daylight that shows the physical, but the softened same light that sheds light like the moon,

To hunger and thirst after righteousness is more abstract / spiritual.

Midrash in operation.

Mississippi redneck
I can tell you this...
People usually write in opposition.
Those that enjoy something rarely will make a comment.
Since you have really no opposition (I remember seeing one poster)
I'd say that you're doing a good job. A great job. And most probably many are reading along that you don't even know about.

I encourage you. There's much to learn and it's good to take advantage of someone who knows more than ourselves!

God bless you!

What Niyoe'es:ah is posting is for the most part considered as bad hermeneutics.
Niyoe'es:ah is trying to mix a scientific interpretation with a biblical interpretation.
For example Niyoe'es:ah has man and dinosaurs formed on day 6...which is true....but then stretches out day six to be longer than 65 MY's

More holes open up in his "commentary" when on day 5 which he calls "pritt-tee long fifth day" birds are created. (post 17). According to the science Niyoe'es:ah is using...dinosaurs preceded birds. It will be interesting to see how Niyoe'es:ah gets around this issue as well as the other issues I've brought up.

I'll be waiting for Niyoe'es:ah to finish his commentary on Genesis 1.
What Niyoe'es:ah is posting is for the most part considered as bad hermeneutics.
Niyoe'es:ah is trying to mix a scientific interpretation with a biblical interpretation.
For example Niyoe'es:ah has man and dinosaurs formed on day 6...which is true....but then stretches out day six to be longer than 65 MY's

More holes open up in his "commentary" when on day 5 which he calls "pritt-tee long fifth day" birds are created. (post 17). According to the science Niyoe'es:ah is using...dinosaurs preceded birds. It will be interesting to see how Niyoe'es:ah gets around this issue as well as the other issues I've brought up.

I'll be waiting for Niyoe'es:ah to finish his commentary on Genesis 1.
This is a bible study.

I have quoted people many times and missed what the Bible says. I have been corrected and have corrected myself.

Bible study allows us to work through issues. By grace, at times, we learn.

The only thing I think I know.
Day 5 was a 24 hour day.
Day 6 was a 24 hour day.
Day 7 was a 24 hour day.

Why would I think this?
Day 4 built the time clock. Everything after that follows the solar / heavenly body clock.

Jesus on the cross shook the clock. His days of death, grave, resurrection, and assertion set up eternal life.

This could be a learning experience.

Continuing from post #21

Genesis 1:26-27

Gen 1:26a . . And God said: Let us make Man in our image, after
our likeness.

Because of the terms "image and likeness" there are some who believe that
man's creator is a human being; or at least resembles one. But according to
Christ, creation's God is non physical.

"God is spirit" (John 4:24)

Spirits don't have solid bodies. (Luke 24:36-39)

Moses instructed Yhvh's people to avoid making any kind of mannequin,
figurine, totem pole, or statue representing God since no one has any true
concept of what creation's God actually looks like in person. (Ex 4:10-19)

There exists absolutely nothing in nature physically resembling its creator;
except maybe the air in front of your face-- neither Man, nor beast, nor
plant, nor bird, nor bug, nor reptile nor anything out in the void (Rom 1:21
23). Concepts that portray creation's God as a human being are purely
fantasy. (Rom 1:25)

The introduction of the plural personal pronouns "us" and "our" into the
narrative at this point has given rise to some interesting speculation
regarding the identities of the antecedents.

Gen 1:26b . . let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of
the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the
creatures that move along the ground.

Humanity's right to dominate the earth is where we find its image and
likeness of God. In other words: Man's image and likeness of God is all about
sovereignty, power, control, and authority. (cf. Gen 44:18, and Ps 82)

The word for "rule" is from radah (raw-daw') and means: to tread down, i.e.
subjugate; specifically: to crumble off.

I saw a pretty interesting bumper sticker some time ago that went like this:

We are not above the Earth;
We are of the Earth.

Well . . I respect the Native American cultural sentiment underlying that
statement; and must admit that I agree with it to a certain extent. But
creation's creator decreed that though Man is of the earth; he is very
definitely above it too, and has the God-given right to subjugate every living
thing on the planet including its forests, its grasses, its rivers, its seas, its
soil, its rocks, its air, its minerals, its mountains, its valleys, and even its
tectonic plates and the earth's very atmosphere itself. According to Heb 2:8,
humanity is on track to take control of even more.

Gen 1:27 . . So God created man in His own image, in the image of
God He created him; male and female He created them.

The language of that verse is inconsistent with verse 26. In that location
Man was created in "our" image. In this verse Man is said to be created in
"His" image. It appears to me that the difference is due to the word "own".
In other words; "our image and likeness" is not quite the same as "His own
image". There seems to be a subtle difference between "us create" and "He
created"; or maybe it's just my imagination.

NOTE: The pronoun "them" in Gen 1:27 is a bit ambiguous. It can refer to
the first male and the first female; but it can just as easily refer to the
human race in total. In other words: Gen 1:26-27 is where we all began.

Some women would be offended to be called a "him" but it's a biblical
designation nonetheless. Regardless of one's gender, all human beings are
of the Adam species and can be legitimately referred to as a him or as a he
because all of us, regardless of gender, are extensions of Adam; including
Eve because she was made from a human tissue sample amputated from
Adam's body. Bible students really have to watch for that because when
they run across the word "man" and/or "men" in the Bible, it doesn't eo ipso
indicate males

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The language of that verse is inconsistent with verse 26. In that location
Man was created in "our" image. In this verse Man is said to be created in
"His" image. It appears to me that the difference is due to the word "own".
In other words; "our image and likeness" is not quite the same as "His own
image". There seems to be a subtle difference between "us create" and "He
created"; or maybe it's just my imagination.

Image of God is interesting....Could mean a lot of things.

In Gen 5:3 we meet up with the word again.....When Adam had lived 130 years, he fathered a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth.

Adam fell and lost the original image, or some aspects of it.

! John 3:2 seems to indicate our original pre-fall "Adam" image will be restored....Beloved, we are now children of God, and what we will be has not yet been revealed. We know that when Christ appears, we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He is.
Image of God is interesting....Could mean a lot of things.

In Gen 5:3 we meet up with the word again.....When Adam had lived 130 years, he fathered a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth.

Adam fell and lost the original image, or some aspects of it.

! John 3:2 seems to indicate our original pre-fall "Adam" image will be restored....Beloved, we are now children of God, and what we will be has not yet been revealed. We know that when Christ appears, we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He is.
You may have a fairly stable view on imagery.

When you hear what I say you will have to help.
Your bible quote
When Adam had lived 130 years, he fathered a son in his own likeness, after his image, and named him Seth. ”

Imagery was holding true:
Man was made in the image of God
Man was able to pass on that imagery and have a Son (after his image).

The imagery is then physical:
Liver, kidneys, lungs, blood, skin, etc

The imagery was not spiritual:
Man left the will of God, murder began, following evil began, etc.

Kidneys are an image of removal of sin. Eventually Jesus would have his kidneys / reins pierced in his beating.

The law of Moses was full of blood sacrifice (the images continued, till Jesus became our sacrifice).

If we do imagery we can lose the intended imagery God set in motion. Seeing Jesus is the intent of the body of man. We are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Not because he is there in the flesh, but because the flesh has symbols that point to God wanting to be in the body he created.
Revelation 3:20

Ask me questions.
Challenge me.
Fuss at me.
In bible study you search for answers. The word became the flesh of Jesus, so his life reflects the word.

You didn't address what the fall did to mankind.

Part of my post did address the fall (or I thought it did).
1. The fall: do not eat of the tree of good and evil —they left the will of God
2. The Cain and Able correct and wrong sacrifices led to murder.
3. etc
The imagery was not spiritual:
Man left the will of God, murder began, following evil began, etc.

If Eve had been spiritual she would have said (redneck paraphrase):
Get the behind me Satan.

Adam might have said:
I perceive the evil one has led you astray.

No word of knowledge or wisdom from Adam or Eve. They were expelled from the physical tree of life.

Shall we turn away from Christ Jesus?

Continuing from post #27

Genesis 1:28-30

Gen 1:28a . . God blessed them and God said to them: Be fertile
and increase,

Some interpret that verse to be an edict requiring married people to have
children; and that they have no business getting married for any other
reason. But the wording is so obviously a blessing rather than a law;
especially since God said the very same thing to the winged creatures, and
the fish, and the reptiles, and the bugs, and the beasts.

It's always best to regard blessings as benefits and/or empowerments
unless clearly indicated otherwise. Some blessings have to be merited (e.g.
Deut 28:1-13) but not this one. It was neither requested nor was it earned--
it was freely given without any strings attached and nothing asked in return.

NOTE: The belief that couples should enter marriage for no other reason
than procreation is an invention right out of an ascetic imagination; and if
truth be known, it's in defense of a celibate clergy. According to Gen 2:18
24 and 1Cor 7:7-9, marriage is primarily for the purpose of companionship
rather than procreation. If in fact deliberately childless marriages are wrong,
then Catholicism's platonic union of Joseph and the Lord's mom would be a
sinful relationship.

Without the empowerment of fertility, Man would be just as sterile as a soup
spoon. So it was a very essential blessing. And a very interesting blessing it
is because the blessing of fertility empowers living things to pass their own
kind of life on to a next generation. God quit creating after six days. So
unless creatures were enabled to reproduce, all would soon die out and
become quite extinct in a very short time.

Libido therefore, is an essential element of the blessing of fertility. God
intended for His creatures to reproduce; and to ensure that they did, He
wired them all with libido rather than instilling within them a sense of duty.
It isn't necessary to cajole creatures to mate; no, they will do so on their
own, propelled by built-in sensual proclivities and predilections.

Gen 1:28b . . fill the earth and master it; and rule the fish of the
sea, the birds of the sky, and all the living things that creep on earth.

The Hebrew word for "master" is from kabash (kaw-bash') which emphasizes
coercion and force; and means: to disregard; to conquer, and to violate.

The word for "rule" is from radah (raw-daw') and means: to tread down; to

kabash and radah are very strong language. Those two words combined
leave no room for doubt regarding Man's supremacy in the sphere of things.
God blessed humanity with the authority to dominate and to violate planet
Earth at will, and exploit it to his own advantage. Man answers to no plant
nor animal on this entire globe. The whole Earth is within the scope of
humanity's purview. If aliens ever come here unannounced, they can be
arrested for trespassing, and/or charged for parking because this earth is
Man's domain.

But the interesting thing is; the Adam species is also the monarch of the
whole cosmos; not just the dinky little third rock from the Sun where he
hangs his hat.

"For in that He put all in subjection under him, He left nothing that is not put
under him." (Heb 2:6-8)

Gen 1:29-30 . . God said: See, I give you every seed-bearing plant
that is upon all the earth, and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit;
they shall be yours for food. And to all the animals on land, to all the
winged creatures of the sky, and to everything that creeps on earth,
in which there is the breath of life, I give all the green plants for
food. And it was so.

Prior to the Flood; man, beast, bug, and birds too-- even the lions and tigers
and hawks and eagles and vultures and crocodiles --subsisted on fruits,
nuts, grains, and vegetables. Precisely what kind of diet God intended for
sea life is not stated.

That raises an interesting question: why do carnivores have teeth so
uniquely suited for killing other creatures and ripping their flesh? Well, I
think it's obvious that they didn't use their teeth like that at first.

For example; buck-toothed beavers have incisors that could take your hand
off but they don't use them for that purpose. Male musk deer have saber
like upper canine teeth and their diet is moss and grass and sometimes
twigs and lichen. And everybody knows about Wally the walrus' big ol' tusks;
which he doesn't use to kill his food, but rather, to plow up the sea bottom
in search of his favorite mollusks.

Though the fossilized remains of a therapsid, named Tiarajudens
, exhibits saber tusks, it is believed to have efficiently chewed
leaves and stems with interlocking incisors and cow-like molars.

In the kingdom of God, carnivores won't be carnivorous any more, and
nothing in the animal kingdom will any longer pose a danger to either Man
or to each other. (Isa 11:6-9)

In Genesis man has dominion over a physical world by his works.

In the New Testament man has dominion over demons, sickness, anger, ignorance, etc.
Sin no longer has dominion over man. Sin is still here but the dominion of sin is defeated by the work of the Messiah.

The children are spiritual children of God. Jews and Gentiles are made into one new man. A reproduction, but not a sexual thing.

I Corinthians 7:36 KJV
But if any man think that he behaveth himself uncomely toward his virgin, if she pass the flower of her age, and need so require, let him do what he will, he sinneth not: let them marry. This sort of relationship is past the OC understanding. The NC missionary journeys were about a people who would live forever in heaven. Not physical children who would live forever if they ate of the tree of life in Eden. Not all men see this concept. The single person is free to serve God, but the married person is responsible in pleasing his spouse.

I Corinthians 7:32 KJV
But I would have you without carefulness. He that is unmarried careth for the things that belong to the Lord, how he may please the Lord:
33 But he that is married careth for the things that are of the world, how he may please his wife.

Man is the image of relationship in marriage.

The reality is to be in heaven for eternity with a relationship with God. Eternal life is through belief in the work Jesus accomplished.

Sure Genesis existed. Hidden in Genesis are hints of what is today and into eternity. The reality is Christ for eternity. The shadows are family in Genesis.

Types and shadows. To see a bird shadow on the ground gives a hint that a bird is overhead. Grab a camera and try to get a picture of the bird. A picture of the bird gives reality, but a picture of the shadow will give limited understanding.

To study Genesis is like studying a bird shadow. There are tremendous amounts of information, but the reality is Christ and eternity.

Colossians 2:16 KJV
Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days:
17 Which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ.

When day 4 happened all the sabbaths and holy days were established in time.
Creation days established plants and animals for food (eventually).

The food of today can be the word of God.

To some this makes sense. Others will think a call to the funny farm is needed to establish reality.

Mississippi redneck
I can tell you this...
People usually write in opposition.
Those that enjoy something rarely will make a comment.
Since you have really no opposition (I remember seeing one poster)
I'd say that you're doing a good job. A great job. And most probably many are reading along that you don't even know about.

I encourage you. There's much to learn and it's good to take advantage of someone who knows more than ourselves!

God bless you!
And then comes someone like me. One
Who sees things that others may not think exist. Things that are thought to be vain imaginations.

The link I am about to post is just one of many on the subject of Midrash. I did not start with Midrash and use the method. I was talking to a Methodist Jewish pastor and he was rolling his eyes as I looked at a scripture passage. He googled parts of my thoughts, and found this Jewish concept.

Midrash is a term for levels of understanding. My words would probably be:
Literal physical
Parallel hidden things with physical
Spiritual explained
Jesus the reality / body behind everything

So I am drawing out of Genesis hidden things (?)

Continuing from post #32

Genesis 1:31

Gen 1:31 . . And God saw all that He had made, and found it very
good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.

Some feel that the cosmos-- all of its forms of life, matter, and energy --was
created incomplete, not quite up to snuff: that it was to Man that God
entrusted the task of putting on the finishing touches. But that is very
doubtful. Why ever would God, after an overall inspection, conclude His work
by pronouncing it all good-- and not just good, but "very" good. Why would
He say the creation was very good if in truth it was incomplete?

In reality, Man hasn't improved the planet at all. He has actually ravaged it
and left it with terrible damage-- leveled mountains, dried up rivers, emptied
lakes, drained marshes, indiscriminately obliterated habitat, wiped out
animals to extinction, scraped away perfectly good cropland and replaced it
with warehouses and factories and malls and residential communities.

A prime example of this kind of destruction is INTEL's massive Ronler Acres
Campus located on what was once agricultural land in Hillsboro Oregon.
Thousands of cubic yards of perfectly good topsoil was scraped away during
construction of the facility. What did they do with it? Was it transferred
elsewhere in order to use it for farming? No, instead INTEL used it to build a
massive berm all around the facility where the soil will never again grow
food. NIKE did the very same thing with the topsoil scraped away during
construction of its facility in Beaverton.

Man's denuding of watersheds has caused unnecessary erosion and stream
sedimentation. He's dammed rivers, thus disrupting ancient fish migration
routes. He's over-exploited natural resources, filled the atmosphere with
toxins and greenhouse gas emissions, poisoned aquifers, contaminated soil
and waterways with chemical fertilizers, pesticides, GMO vegetation; and
made possible super germs, and seriously upset the balance of nature.

It seems that everything man touches, he ruins; and as if the Earth isn't
enough, he's moved out into space where in the years since Russia launched
its first Sputnik into low Earth orbit on Oct 04, 1957, humans have littered
the sky around their planet with 13,000 catalogued pieces of space junk,
which is only a fraction of the more than 600,000 objects circling the globe
larger than one centimeter (a centimeter is a little over 3/8ths of an inch).
Humans have even discarded 374,782 pounds of litter on the Moon,
including the golf balls that astronaut Alan Shepherd left behind.

So; when God looked over His work and "found" that it was very good, does
that mean He was surprised it came out like it did? (chuckle) No. It would be
a strange craftsman indeed who couldn't look over their work with pride and
satisfaction in a job well done.

I believe creation's creator knew precisely what He was doing, and where He
was going with creation; and was highly pleased that it came out exactly as
planned. I seriously doubt that God was feeling His way along like
experimenters in medicine and rocket science. Nobody could build a fully
functioning cosmos and all of its forms of life, matter, and energy unless
they knew what they were doing from beginning to end.

"O Yhvh! . . what a variety of things you have made! In wisdom you have
made them all. (Ps 104:24)

NOTE: The information disclosed in the first chapter of Genesis is
incorporated in the text of a gospel labeled "everlasting".

"And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting
gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the Earth, and to every nation, and
kindred, and tongue, and people, announcing with a loud voice: Fear God,
and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship
him that made heaven, and Earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters."
(Rev 14:6-7)

The everlasting gospel is very elementary. Pretty much all it says is:

1• There's a supreme being.

2• He deserves respect.

3• There's a frightful reckoning looming on the horizon, and

4• The cosmos-- all of its forms of life, matter, and energy --is the product
of intelligent design.

Of particular interest to me is the inclusion of water in the everlasting
gospel. Scientists theorize the origin of the Earth's amazing quantity of water
without really knowing exactly where it came from, nor how it got here.
Well; that is one of the things that I like about Genesis. It takes an
essentially unsophisticated, uneducated blue-collar welder like myself and
gives him answers to questions that people much brighter, and better
educated cannot answer.

Giving "glory" simply indicates giving someone credit where credit is due;
and "worship" can be roughly defined as reverence, i.e. honor and respect.

It's quite natural to admire celebrities, pro athletes, and super achievers-- to
give them credit where credit is due --but not quite so natural to do the
same for their creator.

Anyway, point being: people either believe in intelligent design, or they
don't. If they do believe, then they will admire both the designer's genius
and His handiwork. If they don't believe; then they will neither admire nor
respect anything about Him: simple as that.

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In reality, Man hasn't improved the planet at all. He has actually ravaged it
and left it with terrible damage-- leveled mountains, dried up rivers, emptied
lakes, drained marshes, indiscriminately obliterated habitat, wiped out
animals to extinction, scraped away perfectly good cropland and replaced it
with warehouses and factories and malls and residential communities.

Humans are a fallen race...what did you expect?
Humans are a fallen race...what did you expect?
Do you suppose the two of us fallen humans can go to the first post and begin to discuss the thread, without fussing? I have a few bible verses to add and discuss with someone, and I am sure you do too.

Do you suppose the two of us fallen humans can go to the first post and begin to discuss the thread, without fussing? I have a few bible verses to add and discuss with someone, and I am sure you do too.

You guys should probably start a Genesis thread of your own in an area
where debating is permitted instead of cluttering this one. You're making it
increasingly difficult for me to continue posting a systematic, verse by verse
commentary like I started out to do.


You guys should probably start a Genesis thread of your own in an area
where debating is permitted instead of cluttering this one. You're making it
increasingly difficult for me to continue posting a systematic, verse by verse
commentary like I started out to do.

Actually some open study does usually occur during bible study.

A blog is where a person puts down his or her ideas without anyone else commenting actively.

I like blogs myself. This web site has helped me discuss with others. Am I perfect? No.

I have invited others to comment if they feel I am wrong. I still do invite others to tell me if they feel they must. Even now you are expressing your thoughts.

Plate techtonics are an interest to me. Because the foundations of the New Jerusalem are built on the foundations of the apostles of our Lord. IMHO plate tecthonics are a hidden hint (at creation) that foundations exist when spiritual things are created in the New Covenant. To leave off Christ hidden in Genesis is a great loss. I can just go away.

Mississippi redneck
Actually some open study does usually occur during bible study.

That's because some people are undisciplined and unprincipled; they're
naturally disruptive because they're head strong and lack self control; and if
anything is said to them about it, they just get all the more stubborn and
determined to hijack the thread. I've seen it to happen numerous times
during the twenty plus years that I've been active on internet forums.

Plate techtonics are an interest to me. Because the foundations of the New Jerusalem are built on the foundations of the apostles of our Lord. IMHO plate tecthonics are a hidden hint (at creation) that foundations exist when spiritual things are created in the New Covenant. To leave off Christ hidden in Genesis is a great loss. I can just go away.

You really should start a thread of your own for discussing spiritual
theories having to do with natural geological processes.

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