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END TIMES Open Discussion, ALL comments welcome,


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Anyone can post anything they wish about anything/any subject dealing w the Epoch we live in today.
No ones comment will be considered OFF TOPIC. A=Z, Alpha - Omega,, THis way we can all share whatever we see/hear/know about this epoch we live in today.
We are Children of Light, Let us enlighten each other on this topic.
Anyone can post anything they wish about anything/any subject dealing w the Epoch we live in today.
No ones comment will be considered OFF TOPIC. A=Z, Alpha - Omega,, THis way we can all share whatever we see/hear/know about this epoch we live in today.
We are Children of Light, Let us enlighten each other on this topic.
Most people of the earth/ world are not at all in the light, let alone are they children of light.
As far as can be determined, and as seen by so many false arguments, there is no restriction on line to only post what is truth.
This is directly in line with all God's Plan, Purpose, as Revealed by His Word
about "end times" we are now in ---- it is or is becoming as in the days of Noah.... (few righteous) ....
Greetings YeshuaGlory,
No ones comment will be considered OFF TOPIC.
I suggest that you will end up with a wide variety of opinions with such an open invitation. There are many schools of thought on the End Times. I will start with a statement on the perspective that I endorse.

I believe in the Pre-Millennial view of prophecy and also the Continuous Historic view of the Books of Daniel and the Revelation based at first on Daniel 2 and Daniel 7. I also believe in the near return of our Lord Jesus Christ to establish the Kingdom of God upon the earth for the 1000 years, with Jesus sitting upon the Temple Throne of David, ruling over a significant remnant of converted natural Israel and the mortal nations subjected and learning the ways of God.

Kind regards
Most people of the earth/ world are not at all in the light, let alone are they children of light.
As far as can be determined, and as seen by so many false arguments, there is no restriction on line to only post what is truth.
This is directly in line with all God's Plan, Purpose, as Revealed by His Word
about "end times" we are now in ---- it is or is becoming as in the days of Noah.... (few righteous) ....
I had a dream last night which ties in exactly what you are saying. It was a semi long dream, many parts,, I will make more attempts to unravel all the meanings. I am telling you guys it was one heck of a dream series,
God does this with me all the time,, Whenever I visit any assembly, jewish or gentile,, I have their dreams,, = I dream exactly whats going on in that group,,,and I might even get a head ache
I am wondering if my dream has something to do with this forum group..
which is why i opened this forum to all/every comment, as this last epoch is wide in experiences/thoughts /ideas,,
why exclude any ones ideas..
,, by embracing anyones comments, Nothing is **off topic**
Yes people of the world are embracing a FALSE light, = They think they have light, when in fact it is a deceptive light = Acceptance of AI on all university campuses. This is a major player in antichrist kingdom
Greetings YeshuaGlory,

I suggest that you will end up with a wide variety of opinions with such an open invitation. There are many schools of thought on the End Times. I will start with a statement on the perspective that I endorse.

I believe in the Pre-Millennial view of prophecy and also the Continuous Historic view of the Books of Daniel and the Revelation based at first on Daniel 2 and Daniel 7. I also believe in the near return of our Lord Jesus Christ to establish the Kingdom of God upon the earth for the 1000 years, with Jesus sitting upon the Temple Throne of David, ruling over a significant remnant of converted natural Israel and the mortal nations subjected and learning the ways of God.

Kind regards
Some of what you say I accept, others are questionable, others I do not accept.
Daniel's prophesies some are future, others have poast.
Like the antichrist setting up in the temple, slaying the pig, = past event., Antiochus Ephineses 4th.
as to the 7 yrs, Its archetypal. The jews have gone through COUNTLESS 7 yr tribs. ,, although many would say in Isreall, ((can I hold out 7 yrs like this**
Its archetypal, 7 yr tribs COUNTLESS times.
Of course the one spoken of in Revelation is The Grand Tribulation, **like unto no other 7 yr trib in history***
WE will not live to witness this.
There is no such ideas as THE 7 Year Tribulation, which implies exclusion of any other 7 yr trib. I am in a 7 yr trib now,, have 4 years to go.
I am praying I can hold out.
Anyone can post anything they wish about anything/any subject dealing w the Epoch we live in today.
No ones comment will be considered OFF TOPIC. A=Z, Alpha - Omega,, THis way we can all share whatever we see/hear/know about this epoch we live in today.
We are Children of Light, Let us enlighten each other on this topic.

Let's start with recognizing the three main things that happen at the coming of the LORD.

Hopefully we can start by finding common ground and build on that.

Three main things that occur at the coming of the lord.

Context: 1 Thessalonians 4:15-5:11

For this we say to you by the word of the Lord, that we who are alive and remain until the coming of the Lord will by no means precede those who are asleep. 1 Thessalonians 4:15

  • The first thing we see is the resurrection of the dead in Christ.

For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. 1 Thessalonians 4:16

  • The second thing that occurs at his coming, after the resurrection of the dead in Christ, is the rapture of the church.

Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.1 Thessalonians 4:17

Notice here the resurrection and rapture are one event that occurs at His coming!

The third thing we see that occurs at His coming is the destruction of the wicked including the antichrist.

But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night. For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape. But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-4

Notice here the coming of the LORD does not come as a thief in the night for the watching Church; watching the signs He gave us to watch for.

Context: 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12​

And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will consume with the breath of His mouth and destroy with the brightness of His coming. 2 Thessalonians 2:8

The three mains things that occur at the coming of the LORD:

  1. The resurrection of the dead in Christ.
  2. The rapture of the church.
  3. The destruction of the wicked: including the antichrist

Acceptance of AI on all university campuses. This is a major player in antichrist kingdom
Even if someone does not realise the antichrist kingdom today (all our lives on earth so far)
a few may see the extreme damage done and threatened to be done by computer control of
the world agencies, rulers, methods and methodologies, and overturning men's minds more and more
to wasteland, void of life; void of spirit; void of the Creator ; void of the Messiah Jesus.
Hopefully we can start by finding common ground and build on that.
What if someone, as many have, has built on quicksand for the last ten, twenty, thirty years though ?
See ? Before building , what is in error , what is quicksand, what has been taught to them, must be done away with.
Jesus will not share leadership of a person's life with a false teacher, yet even not with a 'good' teacher,
but everything a person has received in their life up to the point of meeting Jesus - Jesus Says they must give up everything to follow Him.
So many false teachers are present, this is a miracle to see someone set free from them after years listening to them.
Even if someone does not realise the antichrist kingdom today (all our lives on earth so far)
a few may see the extreme damage done and threatened to be done by computer control of
the world agencies, rulers, methods and methodologies, and overturning men's minds more and more
to wasteland, void of life; void of spirit; void of the Creator ; void of the Messiah Jesus

Yes even as of last yr, when news broke about AI on all major news channels, where a congressional hearing was discussing **THe dangers, the threats, the possible futures** of AI,, I had no understanding of what they were so afraid of
I asked a loacl tech geek (genius in all things electronics)),, about AI,, he went like **yeah well, the end of humanity as we know it..** But was not willing to give more insights.
Then I noted Tulane University Book Fair, big event,, has 2 days of speakers/authors on all things , most promote antichrist agenda, yet ina covert, subtle vain of language.
There was one speaker promoting AI.
So I researched it on his YT channels and other YT videos.
NOW I realize what AI is somewhat all about.
= Men will become EVEN MORE robotic than they are now with this AI Agenda in all universities curriculum.
The AI Robotic thinking vs
creative INSPIRATIONAL thinking/reflectional/intuitional process
AS we know from Revelation, AI will win out.
Most people have no understanding what AI is all about and really do not care.
AI is a major player in antichrist kingdom, = The Illuminati Agenda.
Things are out of the control now of Illuminati,, they are just going w the flow, but making sure whenever they can see opportunity to manipulate they will use their powers to do so.
What if someone, as many have, has built on quicksand for the last ten, twenty, thirty years though ?
See ? Before building , what is in error , what is quicksand, what has been taught to them, must be done away with.
Jesus will not share leadership of a person's life with a false teacher, yet even not with a 'good' teacher,
but everything a person has received in their life up to the point of meeting Jesus - Jesus Says they must give up everything to follow Him.
So many false teachers are present, this is a miracle to see someone set free from them after years listening to them.

The poor sheep must do their part,
There are countless books and abstracts to expose how people in the past have been hoodwinked, bamboozled by religion. If they are too lazy to make efforts to study american protestantism,, then they are in part culpable.
I am just now studying american/european protestant history, Mind Blowing experience.
Of course my previous studies in Jung has helped me to understand what I am reading.
We should always remember it was The RELIGIOUS AUTHORITIES that determined to have Yeshua persecuted, beaten, crusified.
That fact alone should give us a big fat red flag.
= Antichrist is in the churches.
What if someone, as many have, has built on quicksand for the last ten, twenty, thirty years though ?
See ? Before building , what is in error , what is quicksand, what has been taught to them, must be done away with.
Jesus will not share leadership of a person's life with a false teacher, yet even not with a 'good' teacher,
but everything a person has received in their life up to the point of meeting Jesus - Jesus Says they must give up everything to follow Him.
So many false teachers are present, this is a miracle to see someone set free from them after years listening to them.

That's why I desire to see us discuss this topic from a position of common ground, that is founded upon the words of Christ.

I hope to see some unity of the faith in this discussion.

  • that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine

And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ— from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love. Ephesians 4:11-16

That's why I desire to see us discuss this topic from a position of common ground, that is founded upon the words of Christ.

I hope to see some unity of the faith in this discussion.
All Ephesians is Great of Course, being The Creator's Way. His Word.

Re 'unity of the faith' - it is to me a delight each time any day I meet anyone, someone, who is honest.
Truthful. Not religious usually.
Being religious and honest does not fit together in most people I've ever met. They cannot serve both God and man, and a mixture is not good. And they seem almost never to recognize that if they serve the man/group/teacher they follow, they are at best building on quicksand , as well as being opposed to Jesus.
That's why I desire to see us discuss this topic from a position of common ground, that is founded upon the words of Christ.

I hope to see some unity of the faith in this discussion.

  • that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine

And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ— from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love. Ephesians 4:11-16


This is the reason I read,
To find out the HOSTORY of protestantism.
Why even joing a ORGANIZATION w/o knowing at the very least some miniscule portion of its history
Bet if I go to Joel Osteen's aassembly, their personal homes library, bet any money i find zero books on american protestantism,, MUCH LESS any book of Jung.
There ya go = Ignorance is Bliss.
Yeshua's very words ((NOT in english, but in old oldddd spiritual greek, which beats out old hebrew)
I'll take Yeshua's word over any religious organization beliefs any day
How about you guys??
Same I hope.
Lets focus on what Yeshua is trying to say, vs a religious org's interpretations.
This way we can never ever go on the wrong path.
All Ephesians is Great of Course, being The Creator's Way. His Word.

Re 'unity of the faith' - it is to me a delight each time any day I meet anyone, someone, who is honest.
Truthful. Not religious usually.
Being religious and honest does not fit together in most people I've ever met. They cannot serve both God and man, and a mixture is not good. And they seem almost never to recognize that if they serve the man/group/teacher they follow, they are at best building on quicksand , as well as being opposed to Jesus.

Well thing is the religios protestants do not have wish to know anything about their history = History is past = dead, has no meaning, no importance.
Completely contradicts what the bible teaches.
The seminarians know after yrs of study what happened to protestantism,, but they are afarid to let the sheep know ... I mean look,
Could you expose the very org that will pay your bills throughout your life???
I will be honest,, I could not,, I mean how could i tell my wife, family ..&&& yeah well today at the seminary's free speech I explained how protestantism is not of God based on my studies at the library..***
Now unemployed, and divorced and HOMELESSSSSS.
No I could not, I will be perfectly honest,,, I've been near homeless many times, and trust me it is the most horrific experience you can ever ever go through.
Now is this debying Yeshua's Kingdom of truth??
Yes it is. I will be perfectly honest,, right now i am a coward,, But hopefully in my last yrs on earth God will transform me into a david where I have courage to battle Goliath.
I am being perfectly honest here.
Do I want to be a coward and deny Yeshua?? No I do not. I want to only be true and faithful to Yeshua..
But as I say I just came through HORRORSSSS, So I am in recovery, I could not risk my career in a church position.
But remember at least 2 x's the scriptures say **the fearful, the cowards, will have a hard time passing heaven's gates**
Thats why I say I want God to trans me into a mighty David. As I do not want to get stuck at heavens gate.
These are The End Epoch
The acceptance of AI is coming everywhere in a hurry , are you ready ?
Yes considering what my tech geek friend hinted to me.,
I had to do what I always do, RESEARCH
and I did,
Just googled Tulane AI program, Yep its active
Louisisna State University AI,, Yep there also.
AI is growing.
As I say most people have no clue what AI is, and could care less what it will become..
AI is now OFFICIALLY accepted on all major Univerisites cirriculum.
Now THATS scary.
= Hook Line and Sinker
You can not have Anti-AI beliefs on campus, Otherwise your student access to computers will have the nasty yellow Triangle = You no longer have access to our website. = Acct Deleted.
Now just what R U going to tell your parents, fiance???
= Cowards will have a hard time passing heavens gates.
what about christians who work in tech??? Now here is going to be a test.
We should always remember it was The RELIGIOUS AUTHORITIES that determined to have Yeshua persecuted, beaten, crusified.
That fact alone should give us a big fat red flag.
= Antichrist is in the churches.
Religious Authorities = Jewish Leaders of that day .

Church = The people that follow Christ .

Are your definitions different ?
We should always remember it was The RELIGIOUS AUTHORITIES that determined to have Yeshua persecuted, beaten, crusified.
Who according to Scripture was/is the first to determine that Jesus would be crucified, persecuted, beaten ? And that Jesus' followers would/do today/ suffer the same treatment ?
Hint: Who according to Scripture determined all this before Creating the world ?
.. I mean look,
Could you expose the very org that will pay your bills throughout your life???

I will be honest,, I could not,, I mean how could i tell my wife, family ..&&& yeah well today at the seminary's free speech I explained how protestantism is not of God based on my studies at the library..***
I gave up everything and never regretted it. Sheer Grace in Christ Jesus - not "of my flesh", rather instead joyous freedom daily in Christ Jesus step by step seeking and following as always in His Word - His Way; not mine own way.
No I could not, I will be perfectly honest,,, I've been near homeless many times, and trust me it is the most horrific experience you can ever ever go through.
Been there. Homeless several different times, a few times still with wife (sometimes pregnant) and one or two children. Yet always Jesus was our deliverer as PROMISED IN HIS WORD.
Hebrews 13:5 a three times repeated in the original and in some English - "I WILL NEVER; I WILL NEVER; I WILL NEVER forsake you or leave you as orphans" ... and so much more in His Word, Perfect.
So I am in recovery, I could not risk my career in a church position.
Risk ?
Whoever seeks to save his own life in this world will lose ......... lose what ? Very serious in truth, in life, indeed !
Greetings again YeshuaGlory,
I had a dream last night which ties in exactly what you are saying.
It may be difficult for us to understand your dreams as well as your understanding of the various End Times prophecies.
Some of what you say I accept, others are questionable, others I do not accept.
That's fine, but I have yet to see a detailed, consistent assessment of what will happen and what will be the outcome.
Like the antichrist setting up in the temple, slaying the pig, = past event., Antiochus Ephineses 4th.
What happened with Antiochus may have been typical, but I consider Daniel 8 as referring the 2300 years from BC 334-333 to AD 1967.
There is no such ideas as THE 7 Year Tribulation, which implies exclusion of any other 7 yr trib. I am in a 7 yr trib now,, have 4 years to go.
I really have no clear picture of what is termed the 7 Year Tribulation, and it is NOT part of my beliefs, and what I have heard seems very speculative. I have a fairly clear picture of most of the Book of Daniel, chapters 2, 7, 8, 9, 11:40-45 and 12 and a reasonable framework of understanding of the Book of Revelation, considering the Seals, Trumpets and Vials are part of the Continuous Historic view of interpretation. We are now in the midst of the 6th Vial period.

Kind regards
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