Oh, so we still have to slaughter the lamb and eat bitter herbs and all that is a part of the Passover and the Feast of Unleavened Bread. I'm guessing that we also have to keep the Feast of Booths?
Well, respectfully I disagree that that's what God asks of His children who have returned to Him through the blood of His Son. It I were of some Jewish descent, maybe I'd feel inclined, but I think the new covenant was for the whole world. Both Jew and Gentile. It's why Paul got into disagreement with Peter when he was trying to keep the old covenant law when he was with his own. But you are free to understand the great work of God however it suits you. It's why Peter spoke when God offered him a blanket of all kinds of 'illegal' foods to him that he cried out that unclean food has never crossed his lips.
God rebuked him for that attitude and told him to take and eat. Friend, the old covenant was a covenant that God gave unto a special group of people that He was working through to attain His will and goal. Once the Jew completed the task for which God raised them up, that old covenant was also put to death. We now, those who have trusted in the final perfect sacrifice of God's Son, Jesus, for our sin penalty, live under the new covenant. The one that Jesus spoke of and introduced just prior to his death.
I strongly contend, that while yes, the 10 commandments stand forever, all the lesser commands are of no value to God. And even the keeping of the 10 are no value to God. Their value is in our enjoying a peaceful life now. Do not steal from your neighbor doesn't really glorify God in our keeping it, but it helps us to be better in living with others in a society. Do not murder. Do not covet something that someone else has, etc. That's why, as I understand them, that they were written in stone and kept in the Ark of the Covenant. All those other laws and restrictions were merely on parchment and had no particularly special place to be kept. They would pass away. The stone commandments would not.
But the mixing of clothing materials and the days that a woman had to atone for her uncleanness after her period, the eating of certain meats or other foods does not apply to the believer who comes to God through the blood of His Son. And as far as I can tell, it really isn't of any value to the Jew any longer either.
BTW do you willfully ignore that this command opens up with God telling us 'who' these commands were for. He says to Moses "say to the children of Israel". I'm not a child of Israel.
God bless,