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Would Jesus Be a Democrat or a Republican?


Ran across this so I thought I'd post it. I would hope that He would have been a Republican.

Republican Christians certainly would not think that Jesus would be a Democrat, yet -- as with most things -- they are wrong.

We are given some hints in the Bible and the Catholic Church's teachings about whether Jesus would be a Democrat or a Republican:

· In Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus proclaims that how you treat the hungry, the thirsty, the sick and other "least of these," is how you treat Jesus himself. And if you fail to help the "least of these," Jesus promises, he will send you to Hell.

· Catholic social doctrine holds that the resources of the earth, and the output of man's work, are meant to be shared equitably by all.

· The Catholic Church calls for a "preferential option for the poor."

· An overwhelming concern for the poor and for economic justice permeates the Old Testament.

· There is the redistribution of wealth injunction of the Old Testament Jubilee Year, when slaves were released and land returned to its original owners. [67]

· And last but not least, do I even have to bring up the clarion words of Jesus repeated in virtual identical fashion in three of the Gospels:

Mark 10:25

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God. [other translations] [68]

Such a teaching directly out of the mouth of Christ does not indicate a favorable attitude towards the type of unbridled accumulation of wealth celebrated by Republican right-wing pseudo-Christians. [69]

To hear the Republican pseudo-Christians, the Messiah's real name must have been Jesus “Adam Smith” Christ. Could someone please tell me where Jesus extols the effectiveness – let alone the morality -- of trickle-down economics? Or the genius of the "free market"? Or where Jesus indicates even in the slightest way that the Matthew 25 suffering "least of these" should not be helped?

The average Democrat, at least in his or her concern that the world's goods be distributed equitably and that the suffering "least of these" be helped, seems a lot closer to the words of Jesus, the entire Bible, and Catholic Church social doctrine than does the blind, idol-level market-worship of Republican pseudo-Christians. [70]

In short, is not "Do unto others…" the very essence of Democratic goals, and the opposite of the operating principle of the Republican Golden Calf, unregulated capitalism?
Democrat vs. Republican Jesus: The Big Picture

On the overall question of redistribution of wealth and income, having rich people is fine, as long as no one is dying because the rich hoard too much of the wealth. Once everyone is at least minimally taken care of, then the super-greedy can be allowed to have more than their fair share. [71]

The Democratic case, however, is that because the rich monopolize such a grotesquely huge share of the income and wealth, there's not enough left for everyone else. [72]

The top 10% of individuals in the United States receive 46% of the income and control 71% of the wealth in this country. Globally, 25% of the people receive 75% of the income, and the richest 20% of the world's population monopolizes 86 per cent of global wealth. [73]

In other words: 80% of humanity must try to survive on a mere 14% of the world's wealth. To look at it in perhaps more comprehensible terms: Dividing up $100 among ten people in the same proportions would produce two people with $4.30 each, and 8 people with 18 cents each. How can anyone doubt that such an inequitable division of the world's resources means that those at the bottom will suffer and die as the very least of "the least of these"? [74]

Bottom line: it really isn't about Democrats, Republicans, liberalism, conservatism, or any other -ism. It's only about ensuring the well-being of "the least of these."

The purpose here is not to argue that Jesus would be a "Democrat" and not a "Republican" if he were alive today. It is to point out how ludicrous it is for people who profess to be Christians to hyperventilate solely because serious measures to ameliorate economic injustice are proposed.

At the very minimum, Jesus would be for enough regulation of capitalism to accomplish the Matthew 25:31-46 goals, not for the law-of-the-jungle, let-them-suffer-it's-their-own-fault Hobbesianism of the the Republican right-wing.
by Jack Clark
This article is an adapted short excerpt from my extended essay entitled:

Matthew 25:31-46: WWJD?
What Would Jesus Do? Jesus Would Send All
These Right-Wing Pseudo-Christians Straight
To Hell (And Democrats May Not Be Far Behind)

Here are some of the issues discussed:
Jesus Would Be Democrat or Republican?
He wouldn't be either!!!!

Exactly. It seems that everybody wants Jesus to support their own group. But what did he do? Did Jesus support the Pharisees? Was he a Saducee or an Essene? Was he a Zealote? No. He didn't show any support for any of the political or religious groups of his day. Why would he do anything different today.
Exactly. It seems that everybody wants Jesus to support their own group. But what did he do? Did Jesus support the Pharisees? Was he a Saducee or an Essene? Was he a Zealote? No. He didn't show any support for any of the political or religious groups of his day. Why would he do anything different today.
But God is involved in politics, that is through out the Bible.
But God is involved in politics, that is through out the Bible.

He's also involved in the lives of sinful people, but He doesn't support sin. God used the Babylonian political system to punish Israel, but He didn't support that system.
He's also involved in the lives of sinful people, but He doesn't support sin. God used the Babylonian political system to punish Israel, but He didn't support that system.
Daniel 2:21
And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding

Daniel 4:17
This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.
Exodus 18 reads to me like a plan, Reads like God sent Jethro to help Moses.

Jesus would not support the killing of the unborn so he would not be a democrat.
Exodus 18 reads to me like a plan, Reads like God sent Jethro to help Moses.

Jesus would not support the killing of the unborn so he would not be a democrat.
I agree that Jesus would not support the killing of the unborn. But He would certainly support universal health care - so its pretty clear He would not be a Republican either.

I am uneasy with the question - people are too attached to their "tribe" - Democrat or Republican. I think its is clear that Jesus' worldview would share elements of both and reject elements of both.
Exactly. It seems that everybody wants Jesus to support their own group. But what did he do? Did Jesus support the Pharisees? Was he a Saducee or an Essene? Was he a Zealote? No. He didn't show any support for any of the political or religious groups of his day. Why would he do anything different today.

Amen. Jesus would be too busy helping the broken hearted in Japan, the diseased in Africa, and the dying in the Middle East to be concerned with politics.
Amen. Jesus would be too busy helping the broken hearted in Japan, the diseased in Africa, and the dying in the Middle East to be concerned with politics.
I agree with the spirit of this, but Jesus is indeed a "political" king in the sense that the Bible has Him (right now) in the position of being "lord" over all earthly kings. So it is an error to think that Jesus does not want His Kingdom of God principles to be enshrined in the institutions of government.

He is Lord of all, after all, and not merely Lord of "inner spirituality".
One more time

Daniel 2:21
And he changeth the times and the seasons: he removeth kings, and setteth up kings: he giveth wisdom unto the wise, and knowledge to them that know understanding

Daniel 4:17
This matter is by the decree of the watchers, and the demand by the word of the holy ones: to the intent that the living may know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will, and setteth up over it the basest of men.
The Lord Jesus would not seek office by the ballot box. He would not identify with political parties. He would not deal and bargain with politicians.

He is 'king of kings, and lord of lords'. He has been given 'a name that is above every name'.
He'd be a Regan republican (what some might call a Libertarian :thumbsup ) But what we see in the republican party today would probably offend Him as much as the democrats.

Jesus would defend the unborn, but He would not command the government to care for the poor, He commanded us ALL to do that.

You can't be a democrat and a Christian, and it's really getting to where you can't be a republican and a Christian, either.
I agree with the spirit of this, but Jesus is indeed a "political" king in the sense that the Bible has Him (right now) in the position of being "lord" over all earthly kings. So it is an error to think that Jesus does not want His Kingdom of God principles to be enshrined in the institutions of government.

He is Lord of all, after all, and not merely Lord of "inner spirituality".

That doesn't mean He'd be caught up in politics. Mud slinging? Corruption? Abuse of power? Name one honest politician and I'll give you a million dollars :D

Christ's Kingdom needs to physically come form heaven to earth, and we all know Revelation and how that's going to happen.

Jesus is on the political side of "My will." There are no "politics" in the Kingdom of God because it's a monarchy. One King who holds all the power, while His people adore Him. :yes
theLords Wrote
That doesn't mean He'd be caught up in politics. Mud slinging? Corruption? Abuse of power? Name one honest politician and I'll give you a million dollars
Now that is very true.
I agree that Jesus would not support the killing of the unborn. But He would certainly support universal health care - so its pretty clear He would not be a Republican either.

His kind of Health Care no doctors needed ;)
I am uneasy with the question - people are too attached to their "tribe" - Democrat or Republican. I think its is clear that Jesus' worldview would share elements of both and reject elements of both.

I agree Drew and at the same time i am thankful He placed me in the USA. I am the best citizen i can be. That sure can mean different things in different places