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I dont know what you think but please be honest, say what you really believe!


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As a christian for along time I have had some unusual experiences over the last year that have challenged preconceived thoughts on our reality.

As a Christian I have experienced the holy spirit as an external force to myself and I know it is real from my own meeting and union with it.

In many times over the last few months I have encountered things that make me think that maybe as people we have other senses that are in tune with another reality around us.A spiritual one or something.

Just as with anything the lord gives some gifts of prophesy and that is just like being an athlete or good business manager access to a natural ability or abundance of a special sense or muscle.

I have watched people say things with unseen knowledge and be accurate as to their revelation of it. I have seen it as a gift from Jesus to believers but also to some non believers. This makes me think there is another reality around us that's hard to explain but as real as our physical one. What do you think?

I actually think some of these senses are not demonic but are no more than an extension of our natural ones. There are some that are for sure and those are the divination ones but I am sure some of our other senses are harmless.
I think your spot on, and I'd venture to say that your probably younger in life?... but that doesn't really matter other than what your experiencing, is an awareness that usually occurs in your younger years.

From my own experiences, I was led astray by some of these "gifts", and as such, I have to caution you to make sure that what your experiencing is in line with biblical teachings because it's something that Satan can tempt you with.. because it feels good and it's easy to blur those lines.

I would never ever tell anyone to stop pursuing these gifts, but for myself, I couldn't discern at the time between what was coming from the Spirit, and what was coming from, well, a darker side because Satan is known to masquerade as light. So I had to make a point to leave all that, and refocus back on Jesus, and put a larger emphasis on God's word.

I pray that you use your gifts wisely, and that you won't be tempted, and that they bring glory to God.
How would you reconcile this with scripture?

Good question Danus... I'm heading out the door for the day, but I'll see what I can pull together on Monday. BTW, it's easy to pull a biblical case against, than for, which is why I propose caution.

Have you studied the Urim and the Thummim or the Ephod and how it functioned with the 12 inscribed stones in regard to God's Oracles? That would be my basis for, while livitical law in regard to socery (and Saul's violation at endor) would be a basis against.
How would you reconcile this with scripture?
I wrote my feelings as a person. I did not expect anyone to agree but wrote what I am thinking as a personal thought.

there is no devious intention with this it is just something I have observed.
Good question Danus... I'm heading out the door for the day, but I'll see what I can pull together on Monday. BTW, it's easy to pull a biblical case against, than for, which is why I propose caution.

Have you studied the Urim and the Thummim or the Ephod and how it functioned with the 12 inscribed stones in regard to God's Oracles? That would be my basis for, while livitical law in regard to socery (and Saul's violation at endor) would be a basis against.

I have not, but sounds interesting. I'll have to delve into this.
I wrote my feelings as a person. I did not expect anyone to agree but wrote what I am thinking as a personal thought.

there is no devious intention with this it is just something I have observed.

That's fine. I'm not wired in this direction, so I'm just trying to understand. Not agreeing or disagreeing.

It could be that you have been observing those gifted with discernment. I earnestly prayed and ...well, even begged...for this gift after I got out of a cult. I wanted God's discernment in my life so that I would not get so caught up again.

It can have the effect that you say. Often times, I'll have a strong sense or feeling that something is a certain way and when all the facts come out, it turns out that the sense or feeling is 100% validated.

This in not "psychic" or tapping into forbidden demonic arts or anything like that. It is a God given gift, the one that Solomon asked for and received. I like using the word discernment rather than wisdom, because in our modern language, discernment has a meaning more closely associated with the original language.

Some texts for you to study on the gift:
1 Kings 3:1-12
Psalm 119:66
Daniel 2:14
Philippians 1:9-10
lets see how this works from the smart phone...

I think (from the top of my head) that there are more cautions toward this than prohibitions.. Take Simon from acts who was a baptised believer and then Balaam who was enlightened by God, which is a way to say that he was filled with the holy spirit. I'll post more in detail monday but wanted to add this really quick

its hard posting from a phone...,
As a christian for along time I have had some unusual experiences over the last year that have challenged preconceived thoughts on our reality.

As a Christian I have experienced the holy spirit as an external force to myself and I know it is real from my own meeting and union with it.

In many times over the last few months I have encountered things that make me think that maybe as people we have other senses that are in tune with another reality around us.A spiritual one or something.

Just as with anything the lord gives some gifts of prophesy and that is just like being an athlete or good business manager access to a natural ability or abundance of a special sense or muscle.

I have watched people say things with unseen knowledge and be accurate as to their revelation of it. I have seen it as a gift from Jesus to believers but also to some non believers. This makes me think there is another reality around us that's hard to explain but as real as our physical one. What do you think?

I actually think some of these senses are not demonic but are no more than an extension of our natural ones. There are some that are for sure and those are the divination ones but I am sure some of our other senses are harmless.

Chris, I will speak from my heart and if you ask questions I will respond, however I'm not wishing for others to counter or question me, since it's your thread. ;)

I don't know your age, and I don't know the time period when you say "for a long time." If you are in early 20s to mid 30s, the first thing I would say is make sure you've had a complete physical to rule out any issues. Unfortunately there is a time period that needs to be addressed that way, and it's best to rule out any such causes. Be sure to mention what you have disclosed here, so your MD can also monitor you.

With that said, what you are experiencing can surely come from God. I checked the Testimony Thread here and didn't find yours, so I don't even know your salvation story. :confused: That would help me to guide you imo.

I could list verses to direct you, but I think it best that YOU do that... go searching. With all the tools available today, in Bibles, on the internet, a few good searches on the topics about which you wonder will bring up many things to study. Keep a notebook of what you search and what you find so you can refer back and well, study and learn.

The key element (imo) in any gift is this: WHOM does it edify?

Other questions to ask yourself, and for God to show you:
That means who is going to be benefiting from your ability? How will God benefit, how will it bring others to Christ, how will it glorify Him. And how can you be careful that it doesn't become all about you? And how can you use the gift so as not to scare or confuse others?

Yes, satan does try to influence our thinking. With strong Bible knowledge and a real relationship with Christ, and prayers to rebuff the devil and his demons, your messages to and from God should be pretty clearly understood, and not cause any confusion.

I look forward to reading more on your journey.
I phrased my original discussion in such a way to try to avoid some people running to get holy water to throw on thier computers. The idea I was playing with is discussion of non physical connections between us to each other and to God

I guess of I explain it better you guys might get the drift more. Like when you go to call your wife and she already has the phone in her hand about to do the same. I guess I am talking about those intuition type things or those freaky correct hunches you get out of nowhere about things and people.

I wanted to discuss this concept of non physical connections being like another dormant or seldom used sense like smell, sight etc. It occurred to me maybe the lord makes those senses acute in those he gives gifts like prophecy

I wasn't really looking for correction or help I was more after wondering if anyone else had thought of that concept.

The more I observe things the more I am convinced we are much more than a chemical reaction. I think we exist in other ways besides the physical world we see and touch.

Do me a favor can you guys try for once to not discuss divination type things because it is not about that at all try for once to have a chat that does not lead to demon possession etc. It is nothing to do with that. I am talking only about the possibility of other connections we all have with each other at a different level of our existence.
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Chris... I think we are also.. more then meat and bones.... body soul and spirit.

We are created in the image of God. He is a triune God.

I think some of the things you are bringing up can be explained by the fact that we each have the Holy Spirit.

For instance, your example about the wife having the phone in her good friend once sat down on her bed and cried and cried and cried...she told her daughter that she felt as if she just lost her best friend...the phone rang with the news that her estranged husband was dead.

With the Holy Spirit being so connected with all of God's children, there are times when we pick things up in our spirit due to that connection. Again, this isn't divination or anything inherently evil. It's just that we have a strong, Supremely strong, common bond.

In the case of my friend...the Spirit knew that her husband was gone...He was already starting the comforting process before she even knew....I don't find that at all surprising, given the nature of our Lord. Just like I don't find it surprising when any of God's children exhibit a touch of "godly" super-naturalness...since our God is Supernatural Being.
that's exactly what i am talking about handy and Reba thank you.
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Acts 2:17 ESV

“‘And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams;

1 John 4:1 ESV

Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world.

Acts 1:8 ESV

But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.â€

Amos 3:7 ESV

“For the Lord God does nothing without revealing his secret to his servants the prophets.

"For to us God revealed them through the Spirit; for the Spirit searches all things, even the depths of God." (1 Corinthians 2:10).

"The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God..." (Romans 8:16)

Chris, I answered as I felt I should have, honestly. Does the Spirit of God work within us to discern right, wrong, people who pretend to be of God but aren't, yes. Is there a "knowing" of things, a synchronicity that occurs? Yes. I suspect it is part of knowing "the mind of Christ". :chin It's there nearly all the time for me ( and it's only my pain that blocks my sense of it at those times :sad .) I rely upon it (Him) to guide to what streets to drive and when to change routes, to where there's a parking spot, where there's someone needing help, when someone is going to call, even when someone is going to die, etc. What we do with this is what's so important. Use it for God. :yes Be well.

Philippians 1:6 I am convinced of just this, that he who began a good work in you will perform it until the day of Christ Jesus.
I know as spirit filled christians we call things differently, but i cant understand how people
christian or not are able to discern things about people or places or events like where objects are in the world or what they look like just by trying to think about them.

Traditionally the mention of this would prompt many christians do declare anything like it as only done by demonic influence.

To my way of thinking i feel this is a bit too simplistic and possibly an unfair branding of what might possibly be our natural inbuilt senses to be the cause the time. I know it is a common assumption.

It cant possibly all be caused by a demon i think that gets used too much and inhibits the use of senses that might be used of god through unjustified guilt or superstition or suspicion.

I hope this doesnt sound too weird
Too often we Christians see black or white i do not believe there is not some gray.
Gray because we are people. Take a look at the forums how different we Christians see things.

Satan only took 1/3 of the angels that leaves the majority for God's use. So if 'things' are flying around you have 2 to 1 odds its good.

We people have a presence. How often do you know some one is watching you? ... We feel their eyes on us.. Is that an emotional or a spiritual feeling?

I would be careful satan is crafty and can fool us. Our best friend is the HOLY SPIRIT. He leads us into all Truth...
Too often we Christians see black or white i do not believe there is not some gray.
Gray because we are people. Take a look at the forums how different we Christians see things.

Satan only took 1/3 of the angels that leaves the majority for God's use. So if 'things' are flying around you have 2 to 1 odds its good.

We people have a presence. How often do you know some one is watching you? ... We feel their eyes on us.. Is that an emotional or a spiritual feeling?

I would be careful satan is crafty and can fool us. Our best friend is the HOLY SPIRIT. He leads us into all Truth...
Thats the thing that gets me While crafty and capable if ill will towards us the devil is not omnipresent and has third of the angels. the lord is omnipresent with 2/3rds of the heavenly host. I am not too worried bout the devil. Christ lives in me!
Hey Chris,

I think it's super cool when your on the same "wave length" as somebody else. Like when you go to pick up the phone to call somebody, and they called you, and you picked up the phone before it rang on your end. Or when you get a random urge out of nowhere to do something out of your routine, and it's just what somebody else needed, or when you don't act on that urge... and it's affirmed later that you should have done it.

I have a very close friend who moved to L.A. last year and we hadn't talked in awhile. On a Thursday a few weeks ago, I got a strong, strong urge to call him. I was busy and didn't call... Friday the urge was there, but not as strong, but again, I was busy and didn't call. Saturday I got a text from him and his Sister had died. She died unexpectedly on Thursday.

I think it's about being in tune with the world around you and being aware of those senses. Of course, I've got my ideas on this, but it all comes down to showing how God designed us with such an abundance of senses, and we ought to not dismiss them, nor should we let our imagination run rampant and make stuff up either... Again, it's about discernment.

Grace and Peace.


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