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How is interracial marriages viewed in the eyes of God?


How does God view interracial marriages or dating? Does the Church accept it? I know how some places outside of the church are dead set against interracial mingling, but what does God say about a couple who happens to be of different races? Your thoughts?
There is nothing unScriptural about interracial marriage...

I'm not even sure the subject comes up in the Scriptures at all.

There is a ban on marrying outside of your faith... but that has nothing to do with interracial marriage.

God only created one race... He called that race "mankind".
I kinda think of us people as flowers in God's garden. The different colours make a lovely garden. As handy said human race.
One man, one woman, race is of no consequence....any questions? :)
I think this is one area where God might really see it in black and white!

Lol there is nothing wrong with it at all. There is just something wrong with people who oppose it they have too much time on thier hands and evil in their hearts.
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Thanks. A close friend of mine who is black is dating or courting a white woman of God. I mean they are perfect together. I was just curious as I support them (not because of color but as Christians) and I am glad that he is truly happy. He was concerned about her parents accepting him but they love him very much as first he is serving God and secondly, he loves their daughter and she is completely overwhelmed with emotions. Thanks for the feedback. God bless.
This should be something that doesn't even need to be asked on a Christian board. I believe there will probably be even more stress than usual on their marriage, because this world has a way of reminding us that racism isn't dead. I wonder if there's any place they will go where they won't get a look or two. :gah

23Psalm, it's perfectly fine that you placed this in this forum, but just know that members have to meet the criteria to post here. You might be getting less of a response than you would if it was in the General Forum.
Cool. I got the responses I needed. I'm a newbie on here, and since this was a relationship question, I figure I would ask in this forum. They will be fine. They have Christ in their lives and I know they will prevail or any worldly biggot. Thanks again.
I don't think there is anything said about it. I am the product of such a marriage(half black/half white). I'm in one, since my husband is Hispanic.
There is NOTHING in the bible about it. My inlaws claim to be these hardcore Christians, go to church everytime the doors are open and are very active in the church. Yet, they are THE most racist people I've ever met in my life. They drilled into their kids heads that blacks are like monsters and now that the kids are all grown up, their one daughter cheated on her husband with a black man, got pregnant and so they now have a biracial grandchild. Do they have anything to do with that grandchild? Nope. They have even gone so far as to make her pee in the yard because they didn't want her using their toilet. It's DISGUSTING that they can call themselves Christians yet have so much hate towards one of God's children. It makes me sick. It's not just black people either. They have a problem with my grandma because she's from ENGLAND! I guess in their eyes if you don't come from the backwoods of West Virginia, you're not ok. Sickening. Can you tell I don't like them very much?

I used to argue with them about it, and his mom would always say "God didn't want different colors to mix! Do you see blue birds and red birds mating?!". I would reply with "No, but I sure to see black cats and white cats mating, black dogs and white dogs mating, black bunnies and white bunnies mating, etc". She would get mad and not talk to me after that. HA! Ha!

I've always told people that I hope and pray that when they die and come face to face with Jesus, that Jesus make himself appear as black as coal in their eyes. What a slap in the face that would be to them!

Sorry, I'm just ranting now. Blame my father in law....he stopped by yesterday and started in with his negativity as soon as his car door opened. >:/
:bigfrown well some of that has happened to my mother from my jewish parents. jews dont like to marry gentiles in general. it has nothing to do with skin color but faith. my grandparents didnt like my mother until I was born as i was their first grandchild. upon my grandma's death her estate give $$ to my mother. i recieve the same as she does. until recently i was unaware of this. if you arent aware of the gentile/jew barrier this may seem as nothing but its not at all.
:bigfrown well some of that has happened to my mother from my jewish parents. jews dont like to marry gentiles in general. it has nothing to do with skin color but faith. my grandparents didnt like my mother until I was born as i was their first grandchild. upon my grandma's death her estate give $$ to my mother. i recieve the same as she does. until recently i was unaware of this. if you arent aware of the gentile/jew barrier this may seem as nothing but its not at all.

How hateful people can be is really sickening, isn't it? Do you KNOW how hard it is for me to tolerate my inlaws and be respectful? I don't want to be as hateful at them so I just plaster on a fake smile, ignore their ignorant comments and then unfortunately for DH, I usually explode as soon as they leave our house or we leave theirs. there have been many times I've had to stand up at his parents and just say to my DH "It's time to go. Now. Time to go. We need to let the dogs out.".
On a personal level never gave race much of a thought... people are just people... our first grandchild was born.... He looked/looks Cherokee more so than his dad. At his birth it hit me this baby, not done nothing to anyone, would not be welcome in certain places...What a shame. People are so dumb.
i wouldnt call it hate on that level but none theless its hate. it would be rather marrying outside the faith. but it can be close to that.if mine did that i wouldnt treat them like that but to the jews that are orthodox that is what they are taught to do.

i know of jews that wont talk much to gentiles at all. well not to derail this try be a jew and talk of your ancestry and its heritage with its culture to your family and get told you one of "them" now..

by them they mean christian and they dont like "them" not that it happens much but it does.
Interracial marriages are as much of an issue as people marrying people who have a different height. People are just people. Interracial marriages only become an issue if the couple has cultural differences that are difficult to resolve. In terms of skin colour, it's absolutely a non issue. Last I checked, being black or Asian or white has no bearing whatsoever on your ability to love your spouse or God or your children. It would take a lot of ignorance to try to suggest in this day and age that interracial marriages are wrong in the eyes of God.
Making the grandchild pee outside and the daughter allows that? Wow! I guess she rebelled against her parents. I can't understand how people claim to be Christians love God, but hate people of color. I'm thankful that my friend doesn't look at his future wife as being a white woman with blond hair. Literally, he fell in love with her heart, her mind and her devotion to Christ. It's like a fairy tale how they met. My only concern is that he is oblivious to the world view and I know that there are some ignorant and cruel people out there who won't see the love of Christ in their relationship and look at it as a black/white thing. To me, where we live, it is so common now, that you would think that people really don't think twice about it. It seems to be the norm. Thanks for the feedback. You guys and girls are great.
My husbands sister is not much of a parent. If she's going to allow her parents to treat her own child that way, then really, she is no better than her parents. She and her ex gave up custody of their 2 white children to her racist parents, but she kept the biracial child. Of course, now that the 2 white kids are older (16 and 11), they often wonder why their mom didn't keep them but she kept the other child. They're just ALL messed up. That's all I have to say about them! It's like a Jerry Springer episode without all the cussing.

Making the grandchild pee outside and the daughter allows that? Wow! I guess she rebelled against her parents. I can't understand how people claim to be Christians love God, but hate people of color. I'm thankful that my friend doesn't look at his future wife as being a white woman with blond hair. Literally, he fell in love with her heart, her mind and her devotion to Christ. It's like a fairy tale how they met. My only concern is that he is oblivious to the world view and I know that there are some ignorant and cruel people out there who won't see the love of Christ in their relationship and look at it as a black/white thing. To me, where we live, it is so common now, that you would think that people really don't think twice about it. It seems to be the norm. Thanks for the feedback. You guys and girls are great.