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Hi!!! Got some questions...:)

Hi. I am new to, nice to meet you brothers and sisters :)
My family is christian and I have gone to lots of religions, I decided I wanted to be hellenistic[worshipping greek gods] then I became a hard core christian then I became a hellenistic again, then back to christianity, then became to love judaism, then islam, then, NOW, I am at hinduism. Ummm.. well, I kind of miss Jesus, I do not know if this is common or not. I miss him but I do not want to go back, I love christianity but some thing is holding me back [maybe satan...]. A while back, I had a dream once, God was showing me the new earth, telling me how to get into heaven and why satan deceives us but I did not remember most of the dream when I woke up, so that makes me have faith in him. Right now, in Hinduism, I like Lakshmi but I do not feel comfortable with the hindu gods.. they scare me. Every time I say a chant, I have to say ''Jesus is lord'' so that shows I am not comfortable. I don't know, what this is... The Holy Spirit?? Thanks!
Hi Jesusislord777, and welcome to

Yours is indeed a problem. Isaiah 44:6 "Thus saith the LORD the King of Israel, and his redeemer the LORD of hosts; I am the first, and I am the last; and beside me there is no God."

Acts 4:12 "Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved."

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

Dear friend, you are doing service unto them which by nature are no gods. In a poem of C.T. Studd he said:
"Only one life, ’twill soon be past,
Only what’s done for Christ will last."
May you be blessed in these forums to know the truth and the way of salvation. :waving
Hello and welcome to! :wave

In all honesty, I think you should sit down in some serious, sincere, and fervent prayer to Christ. You said some things that contradict themselves, so frankly it's hard to get a handle on your situation.

You say you miss Jesus but you do not want to go back. But then you say you feel like something is holding you back - which insinuates that you do, in fact, want to go back.

I can only tell you what the Bible says.

"But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him." - Hebrews 11:6

"For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:" - Romans 1:20

"Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the Lord thy God am a jealous God..." - Exodus 20:5a

Right now, in Hinduism, I like Lakshmi but I do not feel comfortable with the hindu gods.. they scare me. Every time I say a chant, I have to say ''Jesus is lord'' so that shows I am not comfortable.

I think this is indeed the prompting of the Holy Spirit.

"But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." - John 14:26 (emphasis added)

Furthermore, if I can ask you a question...why are you a follower of gods that scare you? I don't mean to offend, but that doesn't make sense to me.

I don't think this is the proper forum to address this in more detail, but for now my advice would be to seek the Lord, and to turn away from these false gods.
Furthermore, if I can ask you a question...why are you a follower of gods that scare you? I don't mean to offend, but that doesn't make sense to me.

Well, they fascinate me but scare me at the same time. I love the way they depict them in the pictures but their hands scare me, so many hands!! lol.
Well, they fascinate me but scare me at the same time. I love the way they depict them in the pictures but their hands scare me, so many hands!! lol.

Not to be rude, but I question the authenticity of this post. I think your just playing around here. The hands in the picture scare you? Do they now?

[MENTION=24785]Mike[/MENTION], I think they mean the fact that they have so many hands scare them. That, or they're playing around.

It sounds to me like you felt something in the Christian church that you didn't feel in any of the others: a real God. I think [MENTION=90512]Eugene[/MENTION] hit the nail on the head in terms of scripture when he pulled one out of Isiah.

If you really had a dream like that, it sounds like what you remembered was the most important part: You need to serve him if you want to get to heaven. There are no other "gods" that can take you there. You will never achieve Nirvana, you will will never get to Shagrula, etc. You'll only burn in a lake of fire trying to serve these false idles (I don't mean to sound harsh)
@Mike , I think they mean the fact that they have so many hands scare them. That, or they're playing around.

It sounds to me like you felt something in the Christian church that you didn't feel in any of the others: a real God. I think @Eugene hit the nail on the head in terms of scripture when he pulled one out of Isiah.

I have been around these forums for many years, and people come on to be silly or mess with Christians, acting serious. I like peas, but they are so green, but I was thinking carrots big and orange until I seen a grape, so small, round and simple. yea, bla, bla, bla.

He is a Hard core Christian at one time but it's a dream they can't remember that makes them believe (Can't remember?), Hindu god's are scary.... ohhhhh...... I do chants then say "Jesus is Lord" after that.

I am not buying into it. I think this person is here to play everyone. I don't buy into it.

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I am not buying into it. I think this person is here to play everyone. I don't buy into it.
I'm sorry you feel that way. The lord knows I am telling the truth, and is it bad that I just said that??? Well, excuse me because I just turned 13, and I'm a she... I did not know you had to capitalize Jesus all the time, I usually capitalize God, if it was wrong, God forgive me and hopefully, you will forgive me too. And I used 777 because I see lots of christians symbolize that number because I heard it has a special significance since God rested on the 7th day when he created earth, etc. If you still feel I am a troll well I am still young and am trying to get used to religion, even Christianity. Thank you for your input brother Mike and everyone else.

P.S. Yeah, the hands ALWAYS scare me that's why I say ''Jesus is Lord'' A lot of my christian friends say Jesus is Lord especially when I am on christian websites, they advise you to say that.

Don't believe I am a girl?? well, mostly girls worship Lakshmi in hinduism but that still is not proof for you.
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If you still feel I am a troll well I am still young and am trying to get used to religion, even Christianity. Thank you for your input brother Mike and everyone else.

P.S. Yeah, the hands ALWAYS scare me that's why I say ''Jesus is Lord'' A lot of my christian friends say Jesus is Lord especially when I am on christian websites, they advise you to say that.

Considering your age, short life, yet having just experienced all these religions I would P.M the mod team to see if you can get in touch with a Older and Mature Female in the Lord to help you sort through these things. I know there are some amazing females on this forum.

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What you need to do although you won't want to do is to step away from that computer go to your parents ask their forgiveness pray with them and ask God to help your family get through this. Your in serious danger dear heart take it from a grandfather of three you and your family need Jesus more than ever.. :yes

Thank you brother Mike. I will try to see if I can, and [MENTION=5173]turnorburn[/MENTION] hmmm.. that's the thing, my family isn't that kind of ''christian'' if I had to say who was the most religious of the family, I think it'd be me [only the Lord knows who though] only me when I have committed myself to the Lord 100% just like I said, I went through pagan religions then was a hard-core christian, I would tell my sister about the lord and she told me she got tired of me talking about God, whenever she came to me for her problems I would say ''just know, it is in God's hands, everything happens for a reason'' she would get annoyed by me and be like, ''I know that...'' she is like the 3rd most religious, after my mom, she tells us to pray Psalms and read the bible everyday but she doesn't like me to be too religious, but I get her since she thinks I am too young to dedicate myself fully to God, that I should just live my life like a kid. I like religions a lot and my mom was O.K. with me being religious, one day, I was arguing with one of my friends about Islam and she told me to tell her that we do not know the true religion and that christianity was written by people [well it was but it was from The Lord]. Also, I wanted to do a special prayer for The Lord and she told me not to do that, she also told me I wasn't the same happy go lucky kid I used to be just because I dedicated myself to the Lord too much. My brother and dad... they say they believe in God but I can tell... not really. My dad says I pray for you but he doesn't, he goes to church and just sits there, not doing anything, maybe because he's always working. My brother is not a good influence on me, he has graduated but he is in a lot of mess right now. Sorry, if this is long but I wish I was in a more stricter christian family where I could be guided to the true path... if I can dedicate myself to the Lord, I will try to turn my family to the Lord 100%

I do not know what my family can do behind my back but from what I see, they are not that religious as I hope they would be.

(sorry if that was long)
Welcome [MENTION=96711]jesusislord777[/MENTION] Hope we can help you with your spiritual walk. Please see a PM I''ve sent to you. You remind me a lot of the way I was at your age... although when I was 13, I was more well versed in the works of Confucius and Buddhism. Anyway, read through my PM and if you like we can chat some! :yes
I do not know what my family can do behind my back but from what I see, they are not that religious as I hope they would be.

(sorry if that was long)

I would suggest not posting out in the Open forum like this. Your a 13 year old girl and need the right advice. Christian or not, You should not give your age as a young girl in the open like that. A P.M to me just briefly telling me your age would have been fine. Just listen to Handy, she is pretty cool and You will really like her. You have a special set of spiritual needs and I think you will have more fun and help just speaking with Handy to help get some things sorted before being turned loose on an open forum like this. It may sound old fashioned, but it has to be right before an awesome God.
