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[__ Prayer __] anxiety, fast heart rate, and chest pain


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I've been clean off spice for around 10 days after 4 years of use and now im having bad chest pain on the left side, fast heart rate and anxiety... I've been to the Dr but oonce i leave it starts again. I've been reading the bible and praying just don't know what else to do.
It sounds as though you are experiencing anxiety attacks, brought on by your body's response to withdrawal. You've been to see a doctor, so you know you aren't suffering a heart attack. Some anxiety attacks can mimic a heart attack. Withdrawal can produce anxiety in its own ways.

You are reading your Bible and praying. This is a great step, Boyce! Now, firmly believe that our Lord will not abandon you, and know that the pain, discomfort and anxiety are NOT forms of punishment from our Lord. (You already know this) Continue to read & study your Bible, and continue to pray. You are taking control of your body, after allowing spice to dictate matters, and it's not going to be an easy transition. But being clean is sooooo worth whatever comes your way. Our Lord loves you dearly. And for whatever it's worth, I am so thankful you have chosen to be clean. You are amazing!

For the times when the anxiety attacks are the strongest, read or recall to mind your favorite passage(s) of Scripture, and slowly speak it aloud. Offer this up in thanksgiving to our Lord, that His word provides you with strength and conviction. Then, slowly, repeat several times until you find yourself calming. You will find calm and relief. Our Lord truly does answer our prayers.

To your prayers, I add my own. And please let us here know your progression. We're here for you :wave2
Hi Boyce.. do you have a sandwich size paper bag handy? Good now take that paper bag and start blowing into it like you were going to pop it Wait!! don't pop it! just blow into it then inhale the air you blew into it then keep repeating this in and out breathing without removing your mouth from that paper bag.. the carbon dioxide acts as a tranquilizer.. :yes

Praying for you Boyce


P.S. don't forget to take the bag away from your mouth when you feel better.. :wave
It sounds as though you are experiencing anxiety attacks, brought on by your body's response to withdrawal. You've been to see a doctor, so you know you aren't suffering a heart attack. Some anxiety attacks can mimic a heart attack. Withdrawal can produce anxiety in its own ways.

You are reading your Bible and praying. This is a great step, Boyce! Now, firmly believe that our Lord will not abandon you, and know that the pain, discomfort and anxiety are NOT forms of punishment from our Lord. (You already know this) Continue to read & study your Bible, and continue to pray. You are taking control of your body, after allowing spice to dictate matters, and it's not going to be an easy transition. But being clean is sooooo worth whatever comes your way. Our Lord loves you dearly. And for whatever it's worth, I am so thankful you have chosen to be clean. You are amazing!

For the times when the anxiety attacks are the strongest, read or recall to mind your favorite passage(s) of Scripture, and slowly speak it aloud. Offer this up in thanksgiving to our Lord, that His word provides you with strength and conviction. Then, slowly, repeat several times until you find yourself calming. You will find calm and relief. Our Lord truly does answer our prayers.

To your prayers, I add my own. And please let us here know your progression. We're here for you :wave2
Thank you im starting to calm down:) Sometimes it's just nice to hear others verify what we know. Even if im having doubts in my mind will he still know i truly believe in him? I know he's been healing me but I told my mom in a way he has and I started to think that that's an unforgviable sin, and it shouldve been between me and him (I did this mainly out of impulse cause she's Mormon as her whole side is and I'm worried), even though I've seen many testimonies of people saying how our Lord has done things to them. The second I told my mom I started doubting myself but my whole life I've done that so I think its just something i need to get over. I think ill keep it between me and him just for the psychological aspect of it. Maybe once I get over that part ill be able to share. Thank you once again i appreciate the kind words you literally brought tears of joy to my eyes :)
Hi Boyce.. do you have a sandwich size paper bag handy? Good now take that paper bag and start blowing into it like you were going to pop it Wait!! don't pop it! just blow into it then inhale the air you blew into it then keep repeating this in and out breathing without removing your mouth from that paper bag.. the carbon dioxide acts as a tranquilizer.. :yes

Praying for you Boyce


P.S. don't forget to take the bag away from your mouth when you feel better.. :wave
Im feeling better now but ill definitely remember what you've told me. Thanks for the advice :) Also am I replying to comments right? I want to make sure your getting my replies. I just click reply right?
Thank you im starting to calm down:) Sometimes it's just nice to hear others verify what we know. Even if im having doubts in my mind will he still know i truly believe in him? I know he's been healing me but I told my mom in a way he has and I started to think that that's an unforgviable sin, and it shouldve been between me and him (I did this mainly out of impulse cause she's Mormon as her whole side is and I'm worried), even though I've seen many testimonies of people saying how our Lord has done things to them. The second I told my mom I started doubting myself but my whole life I've done that so I think its just something i need to get over. I think ill keep it between me and him just for the psychological aspect of it. Maybe once I get over that part ill be able to share. Thank you once again i appreciate the kind words you literally brought tears of joy to my eyes :)

Sharing the healing testimony with your Mom is great, Boyce ! Nothing unforgivable with sharing our Lord's pure love He has shown. That's something we are encouraged to do, share our testimonies. It's just another way we are able to reach out to others, to let them know how merciful and loving our Lord truly is!

Our Lord also knows your heart. Having momentary doubts won't alter your relationship with Him. You're growing in your relationship with Him, and there will be those times when you'll have doubts. Surprisingly enough, it's not really doubts about Him; it's more that you are experiencing some changes in your personal growth that you are actually doubting. Or at least that is what I've discovered about myself; once I understood that, I was able to refocus my prayers. And through it all, He remains constant in His love.

I'm glad you're feeling calmer, my friend! Our Lord is marvelous!
Dear Brother Boyce, it is such a pleasure to have you join us in Christian fellowship. That is some great advice you have received that I could not improve on, but I can surely pray for healing to come to you, and for your continued success of withdrawing from that substance of spice. I praise God that He has given you the courage and the will to make such a beneficial decision for your life. Blessings in Christ Jesus.
Congratulations on getting off the drug.
Like the others said, what you are experiencing may be some sort of panic or anxiety attack as a result of the withdrawal putting some stress on you. It seems artificial cannabis is a lot harder to get off than "natural" marijuana because it's a very different substance.
If you haven't already, get a physical check-up just so you know it's "only in your head".
If the doctor checked your heart and found nothing wrong with it there is probably nothing wrong. It's highly unlikely that you started having some serious heart conditions *just now* that has never been noticed before.
So relax as good as you can and try to live as normal as possible. Don't avoid things that raise your heart rate (like climbing stairs or so) because avoidance behaviour would be the path into a loooong anxiety disorder that'll make you see shrinks. Just look at it as a part of your body cleaning itself. :)
Good luck.
I've been clean off spice for around 10 days after 4 years of use and now im having bad chest pain on the left side, fast heart rate and anxiety... I've been to the Dr but oonce i leave it starts again. I've been reading the bible and praying just don't know what else to do.

Glad to hear that your still alive. K2 is a pretty unforgiving drug. A young kid in our community just got taken off life support because he was a vegetable. About a month ago, my brother jumped out of his second story apartment and landed on his head because of his hallucinations while on Spice. He's lucky to be alive. So are you... I'm sure you've got parents that love you and you don't have any idea the hell your putting them through. But I don't know because not every family has loving parents.

The Anxiety and low self esteem is par for the course when getting clean and you'll need to work through that. Get into a group that will help you stay clean and don't start taking another drug like pot or alcohol. That's just moving your addiction from one substance to another.

As far as the chest pains, it may simply be your lungs healing. Kind of like a scab that itches. When you were doing spice, it numbed your lungs. You couldn't feel the damage. Now that your clean, you can feel the damage as it heals. Best bet, get a chest x-ray.

Here is a link for some audio's you might find of interest. I know this guy, he's pretty cool. He's an ex addict and now has his masters... so he's smart. He knows what he's talking about.
You can tag up with him of facebook too.

Good luck friend.
Matthew 6:25-34New American Standard Bible (NASB)

The Cure for Anxiety

25 “For this reason I say to you, [a]do not be worried about your [b]life, as to what you will eat or what you will drink; nor for your body, as to what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? 26 Look at the birds of the [c]air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? 27 And who of you by being worried can add a single [d]hour to his [e]life? 28 And why are you worried about clothing? Observe how the lilies of the field grow; they do not toil nor do they spin, 29 yet I say to you that not even Solomon in all his glory clothed himself like one of these. 30 But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and tomorrow is thrown into the furnace, will He not much more clothe you? You of little faith! 31 Do not worry then, saying, ‘What will we eat?’ or ‘What will we drink?’ or ‘What will we wear for clothing?’ 32 For the Gentiles eagerly seek all these things; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. 33 But [f]seek first [g]His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be [h]added to you.
34 “So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will [i]care for itself. [j]Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Congratulations on getting off the drug.
Like the others said, what you are experiencing may be some sort of panic or anxiety attack as a result of the withdrawal putting some stress on you. It seems artificial cannabis is a lot harder to get off than "natural" marijuana because it's a very different substance.
If you haven't already, get a physical check-up just so you know it's "only in your head".
If the doctor checked your heart and found nothing wrong with it there is probably nothing wrong. It's highly unlikely that you started having some serious heart conditions *just now* that has never been noticed before.
So relax as good as you can and try to live as normal as possible. Don't avoid things that raise your heart rate (like climbing stairs or so) because avoidance behaviour would be the path into a loooong anxiety disorder that'll make you see shrinks. Just look at it as a part of your body cleaning itself. :)
Good luck.
It was so bad one night i had my mom take me to the emergency room and they hooked me up to a ECG and took a chest x-ray. Everything stopped when I was at the ER to so i know its all in my head. My mom got me a gym pass to so I won't be avoiding things that bring up my heart rate and anxiety. I can read parts from the bible that bring comfort to me, that will bring my anxiety down after working out. Also thank you all for your prayers last night!! It was the first night I slept without waking up in weeks :)
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Glad to hear that your still alive. K2 is a pretty unforgiving drug. A young kid in our community just got taken off life support because he was a vegetable. About a month ago, my brother jumped out of his second story apartment and landed on his head because of his hallucinations while on Spice. He's lucky to be alive. So are you... I'm sure you've got parents that love you and you don't have any idea the hell your putting them through. But I don't know because not every family has loving parents.

The Anxiety and low self esteem is par for the course when getting clean and you'll need to work through that. Get into a group that will help you stay clean and don't start taking another drug like pot or alcohol. That's just moving your addiction from one substance to another.

As far as the chest pains, it may simply be your lungs healing. Kind of like a scab that itches. When you were doing spice, it numbed your lungs. You couldn't feel the damage. Now that your clean, you can feel the damage as it heals. Best bet, get a chest x-ray.

Here is a link for some audio's you might find of interest. I know this guy, he's pretty cool. He's an ex addict and now has his masters... so he's smart. He knows what he's talking about.
You can tag up with him of facebook too.

Good luck friend.
Wow glad to hear your brother is ok :) I've had a few close calls with spice to where I thought I was dying and had the paramedics called. Yet I still went back on the drug... Thanks for the link to ill check it out. I went to the ER one night and they took a chest x-ray and hooked me up to a ECG so i know its all in my head.
I don't think its just in your head... Its real and its all part of recovery. Your body is going through a lot of changes... Good changes.

Eat well and exercise every day. Don't substitute your drug of choice for a different drug and change your routines.

Good luck brother!
Sorry to learn you went to ER yesterday, but am glad that you did, Boyce. The side effects of spice (K2) can manifest its ugly head for a while after stopping, so please be forewarned. Most ER employees are versed in the treatment of many of the side effects.

A gentle word of caution about spice, and by no means am I suggesting that this will happen to you. (It's more something that might occur as opposed to something that will happen.) If you should start feeling as though you are getting overheated, without exercising or strenuous activity, and cannot cool off, shout to someone with you to call for an ambulance. This overheating is a side effect of spice, and will require emergency treatment ASAP. Hallucinations and/or delirium can occur.

The overheating is the side effect of one of the spice formulas - there are far too many synthetic compositions out there - so while there's a slim chance this can be an issue for you, there's a larger chance it won't. But I did want you to be aware of the possibility, in case you didn't know of it.

You are God's child, and this means you are definitely loved and cherished by Him. And as your sister in Christ, I am so proud of your decision to become clean, and your determination to grow and strengthen in your faith!
I've been clean off spice for around 10 days after 4 years of use and now im having bad chest pain on the left side, fast heart rate and anxiety... I've been to the Dr but oonce i leave it starts again. I've been reading the bible and praying just don't know what else to do.
Good for you. :hug
It isn't easy to withdraw your body from something it is use to. The cravings can be extreme. But you can do it.

One bit of advice is drink lots of water. This helps flush your body from the residual toxins the spice left behind. Don't eat heavy foods, especially trans fats. This can make you sick because your body is weak and detoxing now. Adding extra dietary toxins that it will have to process just makes for added work on the diet so that the body can't concentrate on the healing and flushing of the residual toxins in the spice.

Avoid all caffeine products because those are mood altering drugs in themselves.

Exercise. Even if it is just taking a walk. This gets the blood pumping so you flush toxins out and it increases oxygen in the system.

Take hot showers, or relax in a soothing bath with something like lavender essential oil added to the water. This releases the lavender scent that helps to soothe frayed nerves and calm your erratic emotions. Your body is trying to get back to balance while stabilizing itself as it misses that key spice ingredient that altered your mood.Chamomile tea is a wonderful calming herbal tea. It acts as a sedative but it isn't something that negatively impacts the body. It nourishes the nervous system and supplements what was impacted by the K2.

If there is a health food store near you go there and seek advice. You don't want to load up on all sorts of natural remedies and start taking them at the same time. This can cause a healing crisis in your body and make things worse because the herbs, which are medicine, are all acting in their particular area of expertise, sort of speak, and when your body is already depleted due to the spice it isn't going to be able to handle all those medicines looking to make it stronger all at once.

It took time to break your body down to this point. It is going to take time to regain your health. You're worth it.
Siberian Ginseng is a great overall body stabilizer. St.John's Wort is excellent for the depression, though you don't want to take any herb 7 days a week. Four days on and three days off is the typical rule for herbs. The three days you don't take the herb, any herbal supplement, are those three days where your body can assimilate what it has consumed when you took the supplements those 4 days prior.

Just suggestions you might find useful. Holding you in my prayers. I look forward to the update that you're doing much better. :hug
How are things going for you, Boyce ?

Prayers continue for you
Sorry i forgot to reply. I got a email once i woke up saying you replied but I spaced it as the day went on, yes I know how that sounds but its been rough this last week. Anyway I've been ok unless I start thinking about my family who aren't religious. Or others who were Mormon and are now burning in hell for eternity... yes i know they made that choice but I don't care. Burning in hell for eternity is to much for me to handle. What about when my parents go? Or my grandpa who's recovering from lung cancer for the second time?? Am I just suppose to keep strutting along with my head held high??


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