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90 Lashes For Woman


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An Iranian court has sentenced an Iranian actress to one year in jail and 90 lashes related to her role in an Australian-made film portraying social alienation, artistic repression and drug use in Iran, according to an Iranian opposition website.

"In an outcome that could have been lifted from the pages of the movie's script"--"My Tehran for Sale"--the film's lead actress, Marzieh Vafamehr, "was arrested in July and received her sentence at the weekend, according to reports quoting Iranian opposition website," the Sydney Morning Herald reported.

In the 2009 film, Vafamehr portrays a Tehran actress whose theater work is banned by the authorities and is thus driven to Tehran's cultural underground. Ultimately, she contemplates whether to leave Iran for exile abroad.
"Vafamehr often appears with a shaved head and no headscarf in the film, which also explores cultural oppression in Iran and taboos such as drug use," the paper said.

Vafamehr's attorney has reportedly appealed the sentence which was handed down on Saturday. Technically, she was accused of participating in a film whose shooting did not have the required permits. However, both the film's director and the actress's filmmaker husband Nasser Taghvai said the charge is baseless.
"The accusations against Marzieh have no grounds," Granaz Moussavi, the Melbourne-based Iranian-Australian director of the film, said in a statement Tuesday, the AP reported. "All the documentation has been provided to the

Iranian court to show that permits were in place for the production of the film."
Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd also expressed concern about the sentence Tuesday.
"The Australian government condemns the use of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment and is deeply concerned by reports that Ms. Marzieh Vafamehr has been sentenced to one year in jail and 90 lashes for her role in an Australian-produced film," a spokeswoman for Rudd said in a statement, the AP wrote. "The Australian government urges Iran to protect the rights of all Iranians and foreign citizens."

Iran's Orwellian justice system has provoked past controversies. Last year, for example, Iranian courts approved a death-by-stoning sentence for Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, a woman accused of adultery and murder charges. Ashtiani's sentence was stayed, but only after a global outcry from international human-rights groups.

A moratorium had been declared on stoning in 2002, but the nation's Islamic courts have continued to hand down stoning sentences in accordance with the strict wording of the law.
Lashing sentences are not unheard of in the region. Last month, the Saudi king reportedly overturned a lashing sentence handed down to a Saudi woman who had been arrested for driving.
Yahoo News
This is why I hate Islam for these types of reasons. And the fact that it is a false religion. Now they are going to beat this poor woman.
:shrug Hey, we have a Christian man right here on this forum who is defending another Christian man's "right" to not only tell his daughters they are not to learn how to drive but that his wife isn't to drive even after he is dead. The Christian man on this forum is perfectly OK with the women of that family not being able to drive, nor to move out on their own even after they turn 18, for no other reason than the father doesn't want them to.

This kind of mentality isn't limited to just Muslims, nor to just 3rd world countries. There are plenty of Christian men who have the attitude that women are little more than slaves for men...

I would hope that every Christian man would stop short of thinking it's OK to give a woman 90 lashes.

I would hope, but I'm not betting on it. :sad
:shrug Hey, we have a Christian man right here on this forum who is defending another Christian man's "right" to not only tell his daughters they are not to learn how to drive but that his wife isn't to drive even after he is dead. The Christian man on this forum is perfectly OK with the women of that family not being able to drive, nor to move out on their own even after they turn 18, for no other reason than the father doesn't want them to.

I guess there are SOME threads I don't read... 'cause I had not read that.
:shrug Hey, we have a Christian man right here on this forum who is defending another Christian man's "right" to not only tell his daughters they are not to learn how to drive but that his wife isn't to drive even after he is dead. The Christian man on this forum is perfectly OK with the women of that family not being able to drive, nor to move out on their own even after they turn 18, for no other reason than the father doesn't want them to.

This kind of mentality isn't limited to just Muslims, nor to just 3rd world countries. There are plenty of Christian men who have the attitude that women are little more than slaves for men...

I would hope that every Christian man would stop short of thinking it's OK to give a woman 90 lashes.

I would hope, but I'm not betting on it. :sad

So it seems the real problem here are--men. :lol
:shrug Hey, we have a Christian man right here on this forum who is defending another Christian man's "right" to not only tell his daughters they are not to learn how to drive but that his wife isn't to drive even after he is dead. The Christian man on this forum is perfectly OK with the women of that family not being able to drive, nor to move out on their own even after they turn 18, for no other reason than the father doesn't want them to.

This kind of mentality isn't limited to just Muslims, nor to just 3rd world countries. There are plenty of Christian men who have the attitude that women are little more than slaves for men...

I would hope that every Christian man would stop short of thinking it's OK to give a woman 90 lashes.

I would hope, but I'm not betting on it. :sad

And do you know what simply amazes me? It amazes me that people are people... no matter what their religious, or lack of religious views are.

Hate is hate the way I see it. Sometimes, it's just justified differently. :o

Not many would classify Westboro as Christians.... and I know that most muslim's don't consider Bin Laden and his followers quran abiding muslims either.

Actually, there seems to be a vast difference between Indian Muslims and Arab Muslims... But anyway, I'm trailing off now.

My point is, hate is hate, and it's found everywhere. In every religion, every country, every city, and on every block. It's about time they stop hiding behind religion...
And do you know what simply amazes me? It amazes me that people are people... no matter what their religious, or lack of religious views are.

Hate is hate the way I see it. Sometimes, it's just justified differently. :o

Not many would classify Westboro as Christians.... and I know that most muslim's don't consider Bin Laden and his followers quran abiding muslims either.

Actually, there seems to be a vast difference between Indian Muslims and Arab Muslims... But anyway, I'm trailing off now.

My point is, hate is hate, and it's found everywhere. In every religion, every country, every city, and on every block. It's about time they stop hiding behind religion...

You know, Jeff...I can understand hate. I know that no matter what one's religious views, lifestyle, or cultural background, haters can be a part of the picture.

What disturbs me are the ones who aren't haters...they just simply have the mindset that it's OK for men to oppress women...they just simply believe in all sincerity that the Bible actually teaches that women are to obey their husbands with the same kind of unquestioning obedience that a slave must obey a master with...or that an adult child must live their life totally according to the wishes of a matter how unreasonable the wishes are, up to and including never learning to drive, learning a "work from home" style job so that one never can leave the house, not even for a walk around the neighborhood, unless the father gives permission.
The responses remind me of Mark 10 41:45 "Hearing this, the ten began to feel indignant with James and John. Calling them to Himself, Jesus said to them, "You know that those who are recognized as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them; and their great men exercise authority over them. "But it is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant; and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be slave of all. "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." What a blessing that Christ modeled exactly the servant-leadership that we should all model...our governments, our churches, husbands and wives, parents, and so on.

I don't know the motives of the woman who was in the film, or the man that was mentioned in the responses, but I think we brothers and sisters in Christ truly need to seek to serve one another rather than lord over each other. If something's meant to oppress others, then it is not the Lord working His will, but man trusting in the flesh...this doesn't bring about heart change or correction, it just wounds the spirits of God's servants. That must really break the heart of our Lord. I think at times we all may have a weakness in this area, governments, churches men, and women, but God can helps us, we can pray, and we can extend love and grace, and more love and grace, while keeping ourselves free from harm and abuse. Ultimately, if we are being oppressed by someone, even if it's someone we love who may struggle with this like a husband or a wife, we must follow the principal in Acts 5:26-29 'We must obey God rather than man'...Yes, submit to governments, to elders, to husbands, and to one another...maybe even to the point that you fill up the sufferings of Christ, if you are so led by the Holy Spirit and have been given sufficient grace and love to do so, but in most instances one should flee evil abusive behavior. Once again, submit, but NEVER where it contradicts the command of God or dims your light in the slightest...always protect life, mind, person, and children, etc.

The Lord bless all of you.
You know, Jeff...I can understand hate. I know that no matter what one's religious views, lifestyle, or cultural background, haters can be a part of the picture.

What disturbs me are the ones who aren't haters...they just simply have the mindset that it's OK for men to oppress women...they just simply believe in all sincerity that the Bible actually teaches that women are to obey their husbands with the same kind of unquestioning obedience that a slave must obey a master with...or that an adult child must live their life totally according to the wishes of a matter how unreasonable the wishes are, up to and including never learning to drive, learning a "work from home" style job so that one never can leave the house, not even for a walk around the neighborhood, unless the father gives permission.

Again Dora, your going to find these people in every walk of life, every religion and every sect. It's just part of the world we live in. But I agree, one should be honest enough to stand on their own authority instead of trying to justify thier actions through their religious bent.

I don't see in scripture where a man was authorized to oppress anyone, especially a woman and I would suggest that those who use the bible as a means for slavery, they haven't read this.

Leviticus 25:39-43 And if thy brother be waxed poor with thee, and sell himself unto thee; thou shalt not make him to serve as a bond-servant. As a hired servant, and as a sojourner, he shall be with thee; he shall serve with thee unto the year of jubilee: then shall he go out from thee, he and his children with him, and shall return unto his own family, and unto the possession of his fathers shall he return. For they are my servants, whom I brought forth out of the land of Egypt: they shall not be sold as bondmen. Thou shalt not rule over him with rigor, but shalt fear thy God.

The learning to drive stuff is a bit over the top, and yes I know of a man who frowns at his wife driving. And while I would never prevent my daughter for working outside the home, I don't think it's such a bad idea for raising children. For me, it just seems more natural for a child to come home from school and see their mother and it has to be much better than latch key. Either way, I would never condmen nor limit my daughters in that area, but I will always advocate that the wife stay at home with the children, at least until the children are a bit older. It just seems like a good value.

But not letting your daughter walk around the block.. Believe it or not, that's my wife :lol She would not let our daughter walk to the end of the street to catch the school bus, and even put up enough of an argument where our children are still to this day picked up right in front of the house. I don't know what happened to her when she was younger, but she has a terrible fear of something happening to the children, especially our daughter, so I respect that.
Vafamehr's attorney has reportedly appealed the sentence which was handed down on Saturday. Technically, she was accused of participating in a film whose shooting did not have the required permits. However, both the film's director and the actress's filmmaker husband Nasser Taghvai said the charge is baseless.
"The accusations against Marzieh have no grounds," Granaz Moussavi, the Melbourne-based Iranian-Australian director of the film, said in a statement Tuesday, the AP reported. "All the documentation has been provided to the

makes me think of....

Joh 8:11 She said, No man, Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more.

Does this world need more of Jesus!
The learning to drive stuff is a bit over the top, and yes I know of a man who frowns at his wife driving. And while I would never prevent my daughter for working outside the home, I don't think it's such a bad idea for raising children. For me, it just seems more natural for a child to come home from school and see their mother and it has to be much better than latch key. Either way, I would never condmen nor limit my daughters in that area, but I will always advocate that the wife stay at home with the children, at least until the children are a bit older. It just seems like a good value.

But not letting your daughter walk around the block.. Believe it or not, that's my wife :lol She would not let our daughter walk to the end of the street to catch the school bus, and even put up enough of an argument where our children are still to this day picked up right in front of the house. I don't know what happened to her when she was younger, but she has a terrible fear of something happening to the children, especially our daughter, so I respect that.

What about when your daughter is 17 or 19 years of age?
What about when your daughter is 17 or 19 years of age?

She was :lol

When we lived in the city, I remember when the kids asked if they could walk up to the corner to the Mobil gas station to get some candy with their allowance. I said, "Sure". Wow.... last time I ever said that :bigfrown

Thinking back on it, we lived on 9 mile in Eastpoint aka East Detroit. You don't go south of 8 mile for a reason... It probably wasn't the best call to let them walk to the corner by themselves. After all, it wasn't podunk Washington...

I think that kind of stuff comes from the environment one grew up in, or an early childhood tragedy, so while I may not agree, I can certainly try and understand and accommodate where I can.
Gosh Jeff, I've never even been to Michigan and even I know not to wander around 8 Mile. :biggrin

That would be like walking south 9th in Modesto or Mid-Market in San Francisco. :o
Glad to see you lovely, I tried to contact you some months back, to see how you were doing, you were missed.
Lewis, I appreciate you thinking of me, and missing me. : ) It's good to see you, and I hope all is going well with you and your wife. The Lord bless you, brother.


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