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A final word on Trayvon Martin


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What is your explanation of the Trayvon Martin shooting?

A thug got suspended from school....and went to visit (while serving his suspension) a neighborhood where alot of other thugs were preying on a neighborhood. This thug went out to get the ingredients for making "lean".....and took exception to a neighborhood watchman......and started a conversation by breaking his nose and banging his head into the ground.....then this thug got shot and (tragically died).....a black President used this incident (with the help of the US media) to whip up a racial incident where none existed before. The media used angelic pictures of the thug when he was a small child......The President got reelected....but the Race hustlers of the West used the incident to make themselves important once more.

In the end, the neighborhood watchman was the innocent victim of Leftism's manipulative wagging the dumb american dog by the tail.
I think Zimmerman shouldn't of approached Martin in the first place. I believe Martin was never really up to any trouble to begin with, just a dude walking in the night. It's a shame Zimmy boy had to take it there.
I think Zimmerman shouldn't of approached Martin in the first place. I believe Martin was never really up to any trouble to begin with, just a dude walking in the night. It's a shame Zimmy boy had to take it there.

There has been a lot of misplaced emphasis on 2 aspects of this incident.
1) Zimmerman was told by an operator to back off until the police arrived. First of all.....I was a security guard on night duty many times.....and that is a standard line from the operators. But, as a security guard in a moving situation, that you know could very easily end up with you embarrassingly telling the police that you REALLY DID see a prowler but don't know where they are now, you therefore try to limit the possibility of your looking like an idiot who called for no reason. You, therefore, follow at a bit of a distance.
According to "Zimmy boy's" account that is what he did.

2) The other aspect that has got enormous play is that Trayvon Martin was racially profiled....UNFAIRLY.
There is no evidence of this.....but even if he what. 11 incidents of thuggary were recorded in the area and all the witnessed crimes had young black men involved. If "Zimmy boy" only shows that he was using his mind logically.
Pugsly' why do you keep calling the boy a Thug' please tell me why ? I don't want to argue about it, but I want to know why and what right do you have because you did not know the kid.
What is your explanation of the Trayvon Martin shooting?

A thug got suspended from school....and went to visit (while serving his suspension) a neighborhood where alot of other thugs were preying on a neighborhood. This thug went out to get the ingredients for making "lean".....and took exception to a neighborhood watchman......and started a conversation by breaking his nose and banging his head into the ground.....then this thug got shot and (tragically died).....a black President used this incident (with the help of the US media) to whip up a racial incident where none existed before. The media used angelic pictures of the thug when he was a small child......The President got reelected....but the Race hustlers of the West used the incident to make themselves important once more.

In the end, the neighborhood watchman was the innocent victim of Leftism's manipulative wagging the dumb american dog by the tail.

I don't think this is a good civil rights case. I don't think Martin was a thug, and I don't think Zimmerman wanted to kill him. Martin had a right to be were he was, and Zimmerman had a right to be suspicious. Any number of simple things either man could have done would have defused the situation. I think it simply got out of control.
martin was a troubled teen and had no criminal history and he wasn't tried for trespassing. he wasn't tried for his crimes. I mention trespassing that is a reason for a neighborhood watch person to take notice in those types of community. seen it , had that done to me and it wasn't a gated community. guy followed me for a good mile.
martin was a troubled teen and had no criminal history and he wasn't tried for trespassing. he wasn't tried for his crimes. I mention trespassing that is a reason for a neighborhood watch person to take notice in those types of community. seen it , had that done to me and it wasn't a gated community. guy followed me for a good mile.
you all been living behind a rock..if you see the articals on travon on facebook plus look at his facebook page he's a big trouble teen..assalted a teacher has pot in his system at the time of the shooting plus any of you guy looked up what arizona tea plus skittles with robitussin makes a purple drank.. travon was a drug user and dealer too..

Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
Ge. 9:6

Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man. Ge. 9:6
I think Zimmerman shouldn't of approached Martin in the first place. I believe Martin was never really up to any trouble to begin with, just a dude walking in the night. It's a shame Zimmy boy had to take it there.

My neighbor knocked on my door because my daughter had flooded the bathroom and it leaked into the apartment below. Should my Neighbor have knocked on the door? Since my neighbor approached me and was not in a very good mood at all because of the water in their apartment, I should have attacked them and banged their head on the ground??? I mean this guy was not happy and some unkind words to say to me.

It really does not matter how verbal the person is, how rude they are, how they should not even have come to approach me. My response would not be attack them, and try to do them harm.

My neighbor was not very pleasant but my response was very respectful and I told him sorry and I will take care to see that it does not happen again. He did not leave very happy but not as mad as when he first pounded on my door. I said yes sir, and no sir as I did my best not to extend any disrespect toward him.

If Marten had been respectful, and just explained to George why he was there then Martin would still be alive. If Martin said I will wait on the cops, my dad is right over there, then no problems. Martin was not in the neighborhood he lived in and should have shown that respect.

The problem I have is George is the one with wounds of being attacked, Martin had one, a bullet in the chest after George received his wounds. That was proven in photo's and Forensic science. Had the state anything that proved otherwise they would have used it. George may have approached Martin in a mean way, may have threated Martin, but Martin still attacked first. I don't think George did that though.


Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.
Ge. 9:6


...I say unto you, That ye resist not evil with evil: but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also.
Mt. 5:39

I live in South Africa, I am white and lived through the apartheid years. Our leaders at the time of apartheid preached seperation. As a child in seperate schools we were taught it. I was 21 years old when NELSON MANDELA was released and and a member of he South African military. There were lots of racial overtones that affected the peace talks and I am sure in certain parts of our country those feelings still exist. We could have had a civil war in this country, but leadership on both sides were determined to make it peaceful. At the end of the day Nelson Mandela, a terrorist to many South Africans, became our President. His ultimate goal was to unite this country, not divide it. It was to make a country that would allow healing between races. He was the ultimate statesman. He understood the feelings on both sides and tried to bridge the gap. Those of you who have not watched the match "Invictus", go and watch it.
The Martin / Zimmerman case was not a racially motivated case, a sad case where a troubled youth and had made some bad choices and a man who was anxious about the crime in his neighbourhood was forced to defend himself. Its sad and its tragic. What upsets me is that your country's leader has shown such un-uniting sentiment towards the case and total bias and disregard for your legal system. It shows his immaturity as a leader and his inability to lead America. Your civil rights leaders have jumped on a bandwagon of self glorification and destruction as they chant the racial card in this case. Rev Al Sharpton needs to remove the Rev in front of his name as he insights hatred like i've never seen before. Its time for president to stop being an activist and be a leader. South Africa had one, and our system of injustice against people of colour only ended in the 90's. Its time for the USA to heal through prayer and forgiveness.
When was the last time you read about a black/hispanic/asian neighborhood watchman shooting a white kid wearing a hoody? and if you did read about it could you provide a link

Thanks! :)

It's just like any other murder case. It's a pointless news story, not news worthy. Just distraction is all it is.

Howbeit the families of both need prayers.
What is your explanation of the Trayvon Martin shooting?

A thug got suspended from school....and went to visit (while serving his suspension) a neighborhood where alot of other thugs were preying on a neighborhood. This thug went out to get the ingredients for making "lean".....and took exception to a neighborhood watchman......and started a conversation by breaking his nose and banging his head into the ground.....then this thug got shot and (tragically died).....a black President used this incident (with the help of the US media) to whip up a racial incident where none existed before. The media used angelic pictures of the thug when he was a small child......The President got reelected....but the Race hustlers of the West used the incident to make themselves important once more.

In the end, the neighborhood watchman was the innocent victim of Leftism's manipulative wagging the dumb american dog by the tail.

The expression of such foolishness is a primary reason why we remain so divided and this sheer expression of ignorance is one of the things that adds fuel to the fires of hate directed towards Mr. Zimmerman.

So much of what you say is irrelavant to what transpired (the loss of life) that faithful February evening. So what IF Mr. Martin smoked pot from time to time, so what IF he was drinkin' 'Purple Stuff", NONE of that had anything to do with what happenned that night. The picture you paint whether intentional or not is one that says that it is karma that got Mr. Martin killed that night and that because of the type of person he was, it was bound to and was right to have happenned.

It really does not matter how verbal the person is, how rude they are, how they should not even have come to approach me. My response would not be attack them, and try to do them harm.

But that's you, and situationally that may prove to be the best and most mature way of handling confrontations. However, in the event that a person confronting you presented what you thought was a danger; consider how your response would be affected by your fear, adrenaline, etc. Zimms said when Trayvon spoke to him that he (Zimmerman) reached to his pockets.

Think about that from the perspective of the guy you color as the aggressor (Trayvon). A man that I don't know has been peeping me out, is following me and what I would consider harassing me and when I confront him like a man he starts reaching for something (a weapon perhaps). What should I do?

In such moments fight or flight kicks in and you do whatever pops in your head as what will be most beneficial to your survival. That is quite likely the reason why Trayvon clocked George; and honestly, it would make sense given his perspective.

If Marten had been respectful, and just explained to George why he was there then Martin would still be alive. If Martin said I will wait on the cops, my dad is right over there, then no problems. Martin was not in the neighborhood he lived in and should have shown that respect.

If Marten had been respectful, and just explained to George why he was there then Martin would still be alive. If Martin said I will wait on the cops, my dad is right over there, then no problems. Martin was not in the neighborhood he lived in and should have shown that respect.

Disrespect doesn't justify killing him BM. And as far as respect is concerned, Zimmerman didn't show much respect for Trayvon. In a world where respect is often earned before being given Trayvon had no reason to think that Zimmerman merited his respect.
Disrespect doesn't justify killing him BM. And as far as respect is concerned, Zimmerman didn't show much respect for Trayvon. In a world where respect is often earned before being given Trayvon had no reason to think that Zimmerman merited his respect.

Ummm. I say yes sir and no sir to those older than me. Those younger I am always polite and respectful. I really have to ask myself what would make me want to attack someone. You have to remember, that Disrespect does not justify a homicide. I agree, but it went from lack of respect to attacking the man who had the gun.

That is the thing, He was shot for attacking physically and just smile and showing respect would have saved his life. Lack of respect cost him his life.

You also have to remember, Trayvon jumped over a fence (Security fence) to cut through. Good or bad motives, there would be no reason to trespass in that manner. I see someone hop over a fence and I am part of the Neighborhood watch then in my mind that would not be the normal way to enter a place. Zimmerman had every right to pursue Trayvon if he did, we don't exactly know but what Zimmerman said. You just don't hop over a security fence and cut through private property. Being 17 and dumb, yea, I have cut through folks yards and jumped a few fences in my young years. It did not make it right though.

Zimmerman was the adult, I don't agree that respect should have been earned by someone just protecting his Neighborhood and checking out Trayvon. It was Trayvon that should have shown the respect and the lack of respect with his aggression, cost him his life. That was to high of a price to pay for lack of respect to the man who was protecting his community.

You also have to remember, Trayvon jumped over a fence (Security fence) to cut through.

Zimmerman never made that clasim. Where did you get that info?

That is the thing, He was shot for attacking physically and just smile and showing respect would have saved his life. Lack of respect cost him his life.

If you think a creepy person that you believe to be following you reaches for a gun and you subsequently smile and show respect that would be just plain stupid and in most instances would lead to you being robbed, killed, etc.
You also have to remember, Trayvon jumped over a fence (Security fence) to cut through.

Zimmerman never made that clasim. Where did you get that info?

That is the thing, He was shot for attacking physically and just smile and showing respect would have saved his life. Lack of respect cost him his life.

If you think a creepy person that you believe to be following you reaches for a gun and you subsequently smile and show respect that would be just plain stupid and in most instances would lead to you being robbed, killed, etc.

Where did you get that sequence of events, because it doesn't fit with the evidence?

Here's what happened.

Zimmerman watched and followed a man he didn't recognize walking through the yards of neighbors.
Zimmerman called non-emergency 911, reported his concerns.
911 operator advised Zimmerman that he didn't need to follow the stranger.
Zimmerman said "OK" and began walking back to his truck.
Zimmerman was confronted by, and then attacked by, Martin.
While having his head bashed against the sidewalk and fearing for his life, Zimmerman used his handgun to shot and kill Martin.


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