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Any Gout sufferers out there Solution needed


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Ed the Ned

Woke up this morning with extreme gout pain in my left foot, couldn't stand on it and felt like someone was crushing my foot. I need a solution but before you reply, take the following into consideration:

1 - I don't drink red wine
2 - I don't drink beer
3 - Red meat intake is minimal, eat more chicken
4 - I don't believe in preachers that tell me if the holy spirit is in me I won't get sick.
(So no answers in that line)

All I can say is HELP! :verysad
Ed the Ned said:
Woke up this morning with extreme gout pain in my left foot, couldn't stand on it and felt like someone was crushing my foot. I need a solution but before you reply, take the following into consideration:

1 - I don't drink red wine
2 - I don't drink beer
3 - Red meat intake is minimal, eat more chicken
4 - I don't believe in preachers that tell me if the holy spirit is in me I won't get sick.
(So no answers in that line)

All I can say is HELP! :verysad
I'll talk to my grandfather about treatment he is using. He has goat in both legs, and me and my mom had to take him to the hospital about a week ago. I'll get back to you with the information when I can. I hope you feel better. :yes


Apple cider vinegar treatments have been sucessful for many people. Here are testimonies and some combinations of treatments in how to and how much to take.

I do not take claim to the cures because I have not had any problems with gout. So I'm just providing a reference for you. I love this web site.... I've found cures for many other problems that I've had. I hope you find one here to help you. Let me know. if you decide to try the apple cider vinegar treatment. ACV is the abreviation for Apple Cider Vinegar that they mostly use around that site. I have tried an ACV and honey mixture for getting my PH balance back in order. But ACV mixtures have been used and are being used for many things and people swear by it's benefits.

Ted from Bankok is the volunteer there and his wisdom is well worth paying attention too. He says that gout is from too much uric acid build up... and he gives some really good advice on how to decrease and controll that problem. Here is what he says, in part, about a treatment, "...Whenever a gout is indicated, it is always alkalizing, either ACV, or baking soda, which the alkalinity will help dissolve uric acid. ... "

Read the full page about what he has to say.... I recommend you read this page first -
Here is a page in which he addresses questions about gout:

Here is a link to some links on the web site.... don't bother with the ads on the top of the page.... just pay attention to the links that are for the web site. There are over 10 pages of links that you can read up on. (note: if the link below doesn't work just type in the word gout in the search line on the web site.

links: gout

Hope this helps.

God Bless.


Here is an excerpt from the gout_questions page:

  • Excerpt:

    Leonid from Orange, CA writes:

    "It is a Question: Do you know the way that will dissolve the uric acid crystal deposits in my joints, using ACV?"

    Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies:

    "Dear Leonid:

    Just take 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda with 1/2 glass of water once in the evening and once in the morning and drink plenty of water. The uric acid can easily be reduced this way. A more complicated way is to take 5 mg.-10 mg per day of lithium citrate or lithium carbonate. Lithium is well known to dissolve uric acid and spring water high in lithium is well known for treatment of people with conditions of gout. It is important that you eat diet low in uric acid. Usually oysters, octopus and shellfish are often the major culprits."


Ed, I don't know if you've seen a doctor about the casue of your particular case of gout.... so I thought to add this posting... I hope you read as much on it as you can in order to gain a better understanding and wider knowledge of the many causes and remedies regarding gout, that is, if you don't already know.

As I read further down the page I found this information on some of the "variety" of reasons gout comes about. There are many reasons that gout would act up. And finding out "the reason" why gout is acting up makes all the difference in knowing which remedy to apply.

If your symptoms are not from diabetes or hormonal changes, or liver problems, or other more complicated symptoms that would need a doctors attention and not just these simple cures for less complicated cases of gout outbursts... a doctors diagnosis would be in order, wouldn't you agree?
Diabetes is a disease that needs to be closely monitored depending on the type. I know there are ways to control it with diet and natural cures, and I prefer to treat myself for things via the natural way over synthetic medicines for myself IF there is not serious condition that truly needs a doctors attention... I wouldn't want to lead you to a natural cure without you first knowing what is the cause of the outburst gout. I hope you make sure that it isn't diabetes. I have low blood sugar problems and if I eat the wrong things I get sick. I have to be very careful and watch my diet, make sure I am drinking at least 4 to 5 - 8 once glasses of water a day. Keeping hydrated is imperative. I'm 57 years old and also the when I don't drink enough water that my joints get stiff on me and arthritis in my hands acts up. I also feel sluggish lacking energy. It's come down to that, at my age...drinking enough water is very very important. And not too much sugar. The problem with that is... I love sweets... so it's not easy for me. because when I eat too much sugar.... I have difficulty sleeping. delicate balance at my age is not easy to maintain. I had some pumpkin ice cream to day..... I couldn't resist. :lol I hope I will be able to fall asleep soon. it's 12:36 am and I'm eyes wide open. Yikes!

Anyway, Here is another excerpt I found that might be of interest to you in figuring out what to do about finding out what is the "cause" of your outbursts. If it were me, I would get a check up to make sure my blood and colesteral levels are okay, and get a check up to make sure I don't have a vitamin deficiency, and make sure you over all health is okay... and if it is only a simple thing as only high uric acid, then and then go from there. It's always good to know that the doctor gives you the okay in that regard.

Here's the excerpt:


    Prashant writes: "Ted, i have one more question to ask,does gout occurs due to hormonal imbalance.if so can it be cured by the same. thanks for your precious time. prashant."

    Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "Prashant:

    If hormone is the cause, than the ACTH (adrenocorticotropic hormone) for gout is not used to reduce uric acid or gout, it merely reduce the symptoms. At least that's is from the point of view of conventional medicine.

    If you want other explainations, usually its renal failure and dehydration caused by either not drinking enough water, or that hormone imbalances which causes water retention as being a more likely cause.

    Generally drinking tea and coffee sometimes lead to reduce uric acid, but I have seen instances of rise in uric acid as a result of those also. The paradox could be due to nondairy cream, cream, milk and sugar. However I didn't investigate them, but do know that a friend of mind if he drinks canned coffee (that includes milk, cream, etc.), then quite likely his gout gets unbearable within hours.

    Aspirin reduces uric acid, but they should be dissolve in a glass of water to reduce stomach upsets, certain corticosteroids may reduce

    Doctors commonly prescribe, allopurinol reduces uric acid, but I would prefer large doses of vitamin C rather than doctor's medicine. The sodium ascorbate vitamin C is an alkaline form that I used, but some sensitive people do have stomach sensitivity whenever it is too alkaline or too acid, and as a result they should be dissolved in a glass of water to reduce that effect by dilutions.

    Hormonal like remedies may help gout by supporting normal kidney functions may also help, such as licorice extract, one tablespoon a day. Low protein diets helps. Gout a century ago used to be called rich man's food, because of the rich diets, full of meats, sugars, and oily food. So those diets tend to be associated with gout. Today, with modern food technology the availability of rich foods of high protein diets are causing gout.

    Liver problems can bring on high uric caicd due to reduce detoxification, bought on for example by alcohol, but can be bought on also by mineral deficiency such as selenium. Long term deficiency and toxic chemicals leading to cirrhosis can lead to gout also, due to reduce liver function as a result of obstructive biliary disease that prevents transport of uric acid.

    Drinking plenty of water usually reduces uric acid, but excess can lead to hypnotremia, so in that event, some sea salt added to thd drinking water can reduce the problems.

    If a person is diabetes, that can lead to gout, so a remedy for me is usually 1 tablespoon of granulated lecithin once a day.

    Urine should generally be clear (in a cup for examination) and will indicate either the body is high in solutes, or trying to get rid of the solutes. Unclear urine is often the first signs the body is either dehydrated from not drinking enough water, needs more alkalization, need to take less calcium rich foods, need to reduce fatty foods and high protein foods, need to take more vitamin C or take vitamin B complex. If the urine is clear, then the problems of gout and other hidden conditions that can lead to kidney stones, and other problems can be prevented early."

    Ted from Bangkok, Thailand replies: "One additional information on gout that most people, including me, keeps forgeting is that during the Roman times, they drank wine from Lead Kegs. As a result, gout was common from lead poisoning. In that event, removing lead will be helpful such as taking some oral EDTA (dissolved with plenty of water) to remove lead will reduce the problems of gout. I don't know how common lead poisoning is, but it was quite common with the use of lead based paints in the 1960s-1970s, as well as lead in gasoline, that has been banned, only to be replaced by an even more toxic metal, which is the cadmium."

Relics statement about the apple cider vinegar is correct. My father has flair ups every now and then of gout and my mother got him to use it to treat him. It really helps take the inflamation away quickly. Also, he drinks a lot of water to help flush the uric acid from his joints...water water water :yes

Hope you feel better soon!
Gout is to some extent inherited but it due to an increase of uric acid levels which cause them to crystallize out in joints. Your body sees the invading crystals as an enemy and so attacks it and the joint as well. Plenty of water will help but avoid it all together and get allopurinol tablets which are prescribed and will lower the uric acid levels.. Not only will you not ever get gout again the joint will heal, the tophi (bumbs) disappear. For pain you can try Voltaren.(diclofenac)
Avoid foods which are high in purines such as mussels and anchovies and definately stop consumption of ethanol.
Ed the Ned said:
Woke up this morning with extreme gout pain in my left foot, couldn't stand on it and felt like someone was crushing my foot. I need a solution but before you reply, take the following into consideration:

1 - I don't drink red wine
2 - I don't drink beer
3 - Red meat intake is minimal, eat more chicken
4 - I don't believe in preachers that tell me if the holy spirit is in me I won't get sick.
(So no answers in that line)

All I can say is HELP! :verysad

There is natural solutions to gout--- some vitamins that come to mind is deficiency in vitamins A and C. But.... I always tell people NOT to take vitamins like drugs. For example, if vitamin A is your problem, you will probably go out and buy lots of vitamin A and use it as a drug to cure your gout. However, that is wrong. Vitamins and minerals and other nutrients need ALL of them to interact with each other to work, so you have to sit down, do some serious study and come up with a regime to include all of them. And don't bother asking your doctor, either. Unless he's some sort of naturalist, he probably knows less than you do about nutrition--- he's into pushing drugs for Big Pharma.

Now, as for items 1-3 about foods you are avoiding, that is an additional problem. You are avoiding healthy foods which clues me in that you are indeed deficient. Have good steak, eggs, beer, wine, but also fruits and vegetables in your diet. The foods you mentioned are all clean foods in the bible (Kosher) and to avoid them is to call God a liar. Most dietary and medical advice is 180º wrong. Start eating them and maybe you'll feel better instead of living a (pseudo righteous) denial philosophy.
I'm glad I found your post and you will be too, this recipe is an all around cure, it did for me what it will do for Lord willing. Turmeric is a a body cleanser, the idea was given me by a Podiatrist of all people. A 1/4 teaspoon in a glass of juice every day until you get the desired effect. I haven't had a sick day in 4 years after learning of it.. We each have a different method you can just follow these directions and you'll be just fine.. :biggrin ... emedy.html

God bless

I use turmeric to get rid of bloated stomach and too much bacteria from too much sugars and carbohydrates. (I’m hooked on junk food and sometimes I just eat too much of it. NOT GOOD. because my knees give me swelling problems when I do and my joints start to ache) Turmeric is great for cleansing the colon also. I just make a rice flavored turmeric. But be careful turmeric is a diuretic, don't take too much of it. The trick in using natural cures is to know what your body can tolerate, how much to take for your own system. Too much is not good. If a tiny dose doesn't do the trick then increase in very small increments so as to not go overboard. Also in using natural cures, the timing is curcial also, one can't expect immediate results and as far as when the results do show is dependant upon the type of ingredients you are working with and what measure and what frequency.... spices are to be used carefully. because in reality spices can cause symptoms that act counter to something else, taking too many diuretics at one time can dehydrate you, make you constipated. There are even some natural cures that can affect your blood sugars, and even blood pressure, so please. be careful.

I just worry about giving advice on natural cures because like I said above, you must know what the cause is before you go ahead of with a remedy and I would always advise to make sure it's not a critical condition that you don't know about or how to treat. Guessing at what you have might not be the best thing to do. Knowing what you have what brings it on, diabetes, liver problems.... etc... those are serious conditions that should not be treated without knowing exactly how. I would find a good doctor who is not against natural cures, but prefers them over synthetic medicines. Holistic doctors need to be tested also.... I've run into some that were not very reputable. so be careful. You might find a good holistic doctor through references from your local health food stores or look for specialists in the field. Be careful of quacks. There are too many out there!

Spices and vitamins do need to be used in moderation and correctly also. Testing the ph balance of your urine is important. if too acidic or too alkaline... then adjustments need to be made. And if it’s too dark or strong in odor then you are not drinking enough water. Although taking vitamins will darken the urine a bit... but the odor will not be strong if you are eating right and drinking enough water.

Treating one self with the natural cures is not so simple a thing... you must learn what measures your own body needs. And, yes, like Tim said previously, never go overboard.
If there is anyone here reading this that might want to try natural cures.... please be careful. I agree with Tim, too much is not always the best thing to do. And staying hydrated is important.

Another word of caution please... if you are taking any type of medication or even aspirine.... do not overdo on taking natural cures... you should always ask your pharmacist if a diurectic or a certain amount of a natrual treatment will interfere with other medications your doctor may have prespcribed for you. Yes.... some diuretics deydrate you and can cause constipation... as do some medications that doctors prescribe. Please be careful... always make sure you are not causing reactions in your body that are being coutered by something else you are taking... Always get professional advice before anything.

Reading up as much as possible on natural cures for any particular situation is always best. Better to have more than enough knowledge than not enough.

Geez, Don’t mean to bring confusion, just some information for taking precautions.

I just hope you find what works for you Ed. :thumb

Thanks so much for all the information, I will be getting the turmeric today after Church. I have a problem not drinking enough water, so I have to discipline myself in lots of ways to beat this, Its been 4 days and I have had voltaren shot, anti inflammitories and other stuff, the pain is still there. Will start my self medication today. :wave
The only true answer once this has cleared up is allopurinol: see your doctor and get some. Tumeric and other herbal remedies in my opinion are quakery. However use them if you want and plenty of water.
Do not use allopurinol while you have gout as that will make it worse, but once you take it you will never ever have gout again.


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