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Are Jack Van Impe's predictions Biblical?


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Just to clarify a "prophet" when it comes to the Bible isn't necessarily someone who reveals from God a future event (which must take place). A prophet is also someone who claims to speak God's words directly to us. Van Impe covered both bases with the claim that God woke him out of a sound sleep to warn him about Y2K and to tell him to pass the warning onto us. Both the warning, and the claim that it came directly from God is one of the times Van Impe wanders into "prophet" category.

Freeway, I think it was shared once before, but I'll add the link again just so we don't have to go looking for it. What this is a spot advertising the 2000 Time Bomb video.

Go ahead and watch it and keep in mind Van Impe's words that God awoke him from a sound sleep to warn him of impending disaster and to pass the warning on to us and ask yourself what I think is a highly legitimate question: Does God generally have His prophets charge $24.95 (+$3.00 S&H) for His warnings?

This is pretty hard to get around as far as a "false prophesy" is concerned. Presumably, if anyone, God would have known that the whole Y2K hysteria was media driven hype. Considering that Van Impe is claiming that this "warning" came from God to him in the middle of the night, I'm especially skeptical about the fact that they were selling this video in November of 1998...a time when we in the business were shouting out loud and clear that no, the world was not going to end, life as we knew it was not going to halt, water was not going to cease flowing from faucets (one of the scenarios in the video) as the computers clocks rolled to 01-01-2000.
Reba..... thank you.. but is that a prophecy... Our Goverment says over and over things are going to get better... But somehow I still don't find any comfort in that. Sometimes I don't agree with the way they TV preachers seem to put money first, but they have to pay the light bill... and rolls royce ;) ....sorry had too....

Comparing these so called teachers to congress is right on!
Just to clarify a "prophet" when it comes to the Bible isn't necessarily someone who reveals from God a future event (which must take place). A prophet is also someone who claims to speak God's words directly to us. Van Impe covered both bases with the claim that God woke him out of a sound sleep to warn him about Y2K and to tell him to pass the warning onto us. Both the warning, and the claim that it came directly from God is one of the times Van Impe wanders into "prophet" category.

Freeway, I think it was shared once before, but I'll add the link again just so we don't have to go looking for it. What this is a spot advertising the 2000 Time Bomb video.

Go ahead and watch it and keep in mind Van Impe's words that God awoke him from a sound sleep to warn him of impending disaster and to pass the warning on to us and ask yourself what I think is a highly legitimate question: Does God generally have His prophets charge $24.95 (+$3.00 S&H) for His warnings?

This is pretty hard to get around as far as a "false prophesy" is concerned. Presumably, if anyone, God would have known that the whole Y2K hysteria was media driven hype. Considering that Van Impe is claiming that this "warning" came from God to him in the middle of the night, I'm especially skeptical about the fact that they were selling this video in November of 1998...a time when we in the business were shouting out loud and clear that no, the world was not going to end, life as we knew it was not going to halt, water was not going to cease flowing from faucets (one of the scenarios in the video) as the computers clocks rolled to 01-01-2000.
Watched the vid. Honestly had him confused with another person. I remember him now on I think it was TBN.. honestly did not care for his style. So I will bow out. As for God waking him up in the middle of the night. Those kind of things always bother me. Like the 900 ft Jesus another preacher claim to have seen in order to get his member to donate and donate heavy.. But He "Jack" has won souls to Jesus, I cannot mock him for that. A soul found for Jesus is always a blessing.. Peace
I doubt that (speaking of wild pre-trib prognostications) anyone will ever beat Kirban's head transplants.
Jonah delivered the message 'repent.'
Van Impe message was buy my video.

I don't necessarily question the man's motives. I can't judge his heart. It is quite possible to be sincere but sincerely wrong.

I do question his methods. I used to watch his TV show "religiously" (pun intended) every week for a few years straight. It was the same message over and over again: "Christ is coming soon and you'd better get saved now!" (In other words, "Get on the rapture train before it leaves the station!")

Fear can be a powerful motivator if all you want to do is "shock and awe" people into making a fast decision. (High pressure salesman use it all the time: "Buy now or you'll miss this once in a lifetime deal!")

Every single week he would trot out a new set of sensationalistic headlines designed to do one thing: scare people into the kingdom and keep them scared enough to stay there.

The problem is, what's left after the fear is gone?

Once you begin to realize this guy is just "blowing smoke", you begin to understand how badly duped you've been. Anger. Denial. Dogs and cats living together. I started to feel the way I did as a kid when I learned the truth about Santa and the Easter Bunny. Fortunately, I started searching for the truth online because a lot of churches simply use the same tactics he does.

I got to a point where I got tired of the lies and the manipulation. I wanted the clear, unpolished, raw and "un-huckstered" truth, and I wasn't getting that with Jack and his ilk. When closely examined, none of what he says makes any sense. He reads the newspapers and watches TV news to fit current events into the Bible, when the Bible was written almost 2,000 years ago!

Is there a single New Testament writer that was concerned with anything more than feeding their flocks and spreading the gospel as they had been charged to do by no less than Jesus Christ Himself??? Where do people get this idea that Peter, James, John and Paul were writing what they wrote TO US living 6,000 miles from Israel and 2,000 years into the future?!?!?

Could they have even conceived of the world in which we live now???

I outgrew my childish disappointment over Santa and the Easter Bunny.

Unfortunately, some people don't want the truth to threaten their child-like wonderment at the fantastic stories Hal, Jack, and Harold tell. :nono2
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I don't necessarily question the man's motives. I can't judge his heart. It is quite possible to be sincere but sincerely wrong.

I do question his methods. I used to watch his TV show "religiously" (pun intended) every week for a few years straight. It was the same message over and over again: "Christ is coming soon and you'd better get saved now!" (In other words, "Get on the rapture train before it leaves the station!")

Fear can be a powerful motivator if all you want to do is "shock and awe" people into making a fast decision. (High pressure salesman use it all the time: "Buy now or you'll miss this once in a lifetime deal!")

Every single week he would trot out a new set of sensationalistic headlines designed to do one thing: scare people into the kingdom and keep them scared enough to stay there.

The problem is, what's left after the fear is gone?

Once you begin to realize this guy is just "blowing smoke", you begin to understand how badly duped you've been. Anger. Denial. Dogs and cats living together. I started to feel the way I did as a kid when I learned the truth about Santa and the Easter Bunny. Fortunately, I started searching for the truth online because a lot of churches simply use the same tactics he does.

I got to a point where I got tired of the lies and the manipulation. I wanted the clear, unpolished, raw and "un-huckstered" truth, and I wasn't getting that with Jack and his ilk. When closely examined, none of what he says makes any sense. He reads the newspapers and watches TV news to fit current events into the Bible, when the Bible was written almost 2,000 years ago!

Is there a single New Testament writer that was concerned with anything more than feeding their flocks and spreading the gospel as they had been charged to do by no less than Jesus Christ Himself??? Where do people get this idea that Peter, James, John and Paul were writing what they wrote TO US living 6,000 miles from Israel and 2,000 years into the future?!?!?

Could they have even conceived of the world in which we live in now???

I outgrew my childish disappointment over Santa and the Easter Bunny.

Unfortunately, some people don't want the truth to threaten their child-like wonderment at the fantastic stories Hal, Jack, and Harold tell. :nono2

I was working on a post and saw this, Stormcrow, and you said what I was trying to convey so much better.
Thank you, Dora. I'm sure I'm not alone in this sentiment when I say I'm tired of charlatans who sully the name of Christ and the church, wherever they may be.

I took a minute to transcribe the end of the link you posted. Here is that transcript:

"...Such potential mass-confusion confirms end-time prophecy." (shot of Bible rolls in). The impending world-wide panic could signal the end of this age and Christ's glorious return!" (Shot of calendar rolls in.)

"With only months before the moment arrives, you must have the information in this shocking video by Drs. Jack and Rexella van Impe: 2,000 Time Bomb!

"To order call toll free..." (Graphic with $24.95 + S&H appears.)
Same message with every new "impending disaster" on the horizon. Leaves me "wonderin' where the lions are."
i have recently attended a type of one of these events. yes it was church but some of these prophecies such as if america dont repent she will be judged things were stated. while i do see that and i have my reasons. but i dont agree with the way this guy does it.

i do see 911 as a judgment. but then again all calamities can be used by god to get us back to him.
Just to clarify a "prophet" when it comes to the Bible isn't necessarily someone who reveals from God a future event (which must take place). A prophet is also someone who claims to speak God's words directly to us. Van Impe covered both bases with the claim that God woke him out of a sound sleep to warn him about Y2K and to tell him to pass the warning onto us. Both the warning, and the claim that it came directly from God is one of the times Van Impe wanders into "prophet" category.

Freeway, I think it was shared once before, but I'll add the link again just so we don't have to go looking for it. What this is a spot advertising the 2000 Time Bomb video.

Go ahead and watch it and keep in mind Van Impe's words that God awoke him from a sound sleep to warn him of impending disaster and to pass the warning on to us and ask yourself what I think is a highly legitimate question: Does God generally have His prophets charge $24.95 (+$3.00 S&H) for His warnings?

This is pretty hard to get around as far as a "false prophesy" is concerned. Presumably, if anyone, God would have known that the whole Y2K hysteria was media driven hype. Considering that Van Impe is claiming that this "warning" came from God to him in the middle of the night, I'm especially skeptical about the fact that they were selling this video in November of 1998...a time when we in the business were shouting out loud and clear that no, the world was not going to end, life as we knew it was not going to halt, water was not going to cease flowing from faucets (one of the scenarios in the video) as the computers clocks rolled to 01-01-2000.

What make things even worse is that he is a self PROCLAIMED prophecy prophet. And with so many failed predictions, he's proven himself to be false. (A true prophet is never wrong)
"Now Nostradamus said that the king of Terror would appear September 1999. I believe Nostradamus knew his Bible and knew what the six day theory was, and so he could put it all together.
Jack van Impe Presents. Dated: 5th October 1998"

The year 2001 will see the start of the great tribulation, political chaos, natural disasters, nuclear war and the worldwide rise of Islam will usher in mankind’s final hour.
Perhaps Today.. Dated: January 1997"
I sorta feel sorry for these guys....fame money power are hard task masters. Yes men start hanging around to feed of the other guys fame.., We all like to feel/think we are right we all need authority over us.

About 1954/5 i was at an A.A. Allen meeting that is when skepticism set in. A kid about 9 could see how phony he and his groupys were..... He had a bull frog in a mason jar he had cast that demon out (sad lol) The 'ladies' had crosses of blood in their foreheads? Looked like some one had scratched them with a good sized pin. I remember telling mom 'if God put those crosses there they would be straight.' I thank God for my skepticism it keeps me from running too far right or left...
I thank God for my skepticism it keeps me from running too far right or left...

Same here. Faith in God doesn't mean one checks their reason at the door. We are told to be "wise as serpents and gentle as doves." The poisonous snake handlers are the ones who turn me off to their particular theology. What did Jesus say about putting God to a foolish test? :eeeekkk
You know...the scariest thing about Jack isn't that his followers blindly listen to him, make excuses for him despite his predictions being wrong. But the fact he actually believes what he's saying. A person who can make so many false predictions (hey Jack, weren't we supposed to be raptured before the 80's?) and be determined in their belief that they are right is the most dangerous thing of all.

The fact people listen to him is just sad.
I stumbled upon the Jack Van Impe show a few years ago and he and Rexella are the reason I came back into the Christian fold. He backs up everything he says with Bible verse and when I check out the verses they always apply to his sermon. So, I don't think that he's so much making predictions as he's just making us aware of the Biblical facts. And the facts are that we are indeed very close now to the Biblical End Times if in fact they haven't already started! Praise the Lord! What an exciting yet sober time in which to live. Is Jack a prophet? I don't think so. A preacher, yes. The only thing that troubles me about the Van Impe's was their sudden acceptance of RCC a couple of years ago. Anyway, another fantastic preacher is Dr. Ed Hindson of Liberty University. If you like Jack you'll love this guy. Go to youtube and query his name. You'll be glad that you did.
I stumbled upon the Jack Van Impe show a few years ago and he and Rexella are the reason I came back into the Christian fold. He backs up everything he says with Bible verse and when I check out the verses they always apply to his sermon. So, I don't think that he's so much making predictions as he's just making us aware of the Biblical facts. And the facts are that we are indeed very close now to the Biblical End Times if in fact they haven't already started! Praise the Lord! What an exciting yet sober time in which to live. Is Jack a prophet? I don't think so. A preacher, yes. The only thing that troubles me about the Van Impe's was their sudden acceptance of RCC a couple of years ago. Anyway, another fantastic preacher is Dr. Ed Hindson of Liberty University. If you like Jack you'll love this guy. Go to youtube and query his name. You'll be glad that you did.

Prior to Ed Hindson, The King is Coming was hosted by Dave Breese. Although we didn't agree theologically, I respected him and thought he was a humble and sincere man.
Jack and Rexella believe in a rapture. This teaching is going to result in a lot of pain and anguish for those who fall for it.


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