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Are They Stupid ?


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These fools have shot and killed a mentally sick girl to death while a 1 year old baby was in back of the car' in Washington yesterday. Now I think that they went to far' and I think those who fired into that car should be fired and thrown in jail.

it definitely comes to undue security measures - they definitely have to be less hasty as regards the infliction of injury(-ies)

No people' the only thing that got me was that a 1 year old baby was in the car. And also the come to find out that the person killed was mentally ill. And some of you said' well why would she do something like that ? It is because the girl was mentally ill' that's why. Now what if that baby had died' then what ?
it definitely comes to undue security measures - they definitely have to be less hasty as regards the infliction of injury(-ies)

Ah yes, "undue security" measures. People who think the President is sending them harmful brain waves need to be able to drive their cars through security barriers, endangering innocents, including their own child.

That makes a ton of sense.

No people' the only thing that got me was that a 1 year old baby was in the car. And also the come to find out that the person killed was mentally ill. And some of you said' well why would she do something like that ? It is because the girl was mentally ill' that's why. Now what if that baby had died' then what ?

The collective gene pool would be that much better off??

Her mental illness was the responsibility of her family's to deal with. Endangering her child was her family's issue to deal with.

If the child had died, it would have been 100%, entirely her fault and no one else's.

My compassion is for the law enforcement officers who were injured and their families.
Ah yes, "undue security" measures. People who think the President is sending them harmful brain waves need to be able to drive their cars through security barriers, endangering innocents, including their own child.

That makes a ton of sense.

the president have to be one of the most powerful occultists ever lived so that be able to do that, but the problem is in the too hasty use of guns and other fatal means - for example why did they shoot at the car after they saw that the driver is a black woman i.e. that the driver is most probably an original u.s. citizen?! - there is a need of more accurate assessment and treatment in such situations and mostly of more good prayers both for the rulers and the nationals

the president have to be one of the most powerful occultists ever lived so that be able to do that, but the problem is in the too hasty use of guns and other fatal means - for example why did they shoot at the car after they saw that the driver is a black woman i.e. that the driver is most probably an original u.s. citizen?! - there is a need of more accurate assessment and treatment in such situations and mostly of more good prayers both for the rulers and the nationals

Why would her citizenship status matter one or the other? And why does being black make someone an "original U.S. citizen"? What does that even mean? There are tons of immigrant blacks in this country.

When you try to force your way into a secure White House area in a car and run over a uniformed Secret Service agent and then careen around the streets of Washington DC at 80 mph and endanger more people, the police and whomever are fully justified in using deadly force to stop you. They had not idea if the car was packed with explosives or if she was carrying other weapons.

For whatever reason, she cast her own fate. The police and Secret Service are not at fault for having done their job.
Why would her citizenship status matter one or the other? And why does being black make someone an "original U.S. citizen"? What does that even mean? There are tons of immigrant blacks in this country.

When you try to force your way into a secure White House area in a car and run over a uniformed Secret Service agent and then careen around the streets of Washington DC at 80 mph and endanger more people, the police and whomever are fully justified in using deadly force to stop you. They had not idea if the car was packed with explosives or if she was carrying other weapons.

For whatever reason, she cast her own fate. The police and Secret Service are not at fault for having done their job.

i have not accused/judged them, but i just witnessed that it would be better if the humans are more saved than ruined/killed especially when it comes to some mentally sick humans who are otherwise harmless

i have not accused/judged them, but i just witnessed that it would be better if the humans are more saved than ruined/killed especially when it comes to some mentally sick humans who are otherwise harmless

And how is it that you are missing that someone who tried to crash through a secure area protecting the President, ran over a uniformed Secret Service agent and then drove city streets at speeds of up to 80 mph is not "harmless". Or do you other than trying to crash through a secure area protecting the President, running over a uniformed Secret Service agent and then driving at 80 mph on city streets, she was harmless?
And how is it that you are missing that someone who tried to crash through a secure area protecting the President, ran over a uniformed Secret Service agent and then drove city streets at speeds of up to 80 mph is not "harmless". Or do you other than trying to crash through a secure area protecting the President, running over a uniformed Secret Service agent and then driving at 80 mph on city streets, she was harmless?

the real terrorists would not act so, for example did someone understand that there will be an attack on the trade center in new york before the bomb explosion below the north tower in 1993 and the first airliner's crash into it in 2001?!, or how many cases can you enumerate in which the terrorists obviously paraded before attempting to make the very attack/assault?!, by saying all this i do not accuse/judge any human, but just exhort for good prayer at least by reminding of the following passage for example:

1 Timothy 2:1-4 "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications(also: solicitations), prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks(i.e. blessings), be made for all men(i.e. for all humans); For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty(i.e. in all goodness and earnestness). For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; Who will have all men(i.e. all humans/souls) to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth(i.e. and to become good/righteous)."

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the real terrorists would not act so, for example did someone understand that there will be an attack on the trade center in new york before the bomb explosion below the north tower in 1993 and the airliners' crash on the two towers in 2001?!, or how many cases can you enumerate in which the terrorists obviously paraded before attempting to make the very attack/assault?!, by saying all this i do not accuse/judge any human, but just exhort for good prayer at least by reminding of the following passage for example

Not sure how "terrorism" comes into play, but Tim McVeigh killed 168 people with a car bomb, car bombs killed 299 US Marines in Beirut, car bombs kill people all over the world and the people guarding the President had no way of knowing if she had explosives in the car or not.

But that is completely irrelevant because the car itself is a weapon and she attacked a federal officer with it.

She then proceeded to endanger many others by her erratic driving and high speeds.

She brought her own death upon herself for many reasons.

Isaiah 13:11 I will punish the world for its evil, the wicked for their sins. I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty and will humble the pride of the ruthless.
Why didn't they lay down street spikes and blow out all 4 tires ?

Who knows, who cares? Maybe they didn't have them, but again, IRRELEVANT. This is not someone being pursued for traffic violations, she committed serious federal crimes including attempting to crash the President's security perimeter and assaulting a federal officer with deadly force and intent.
Since her family knew she believed she was receiving mental messages from the President, why didn't her family insist she seek medical care for the problem?

Could there have been a radio set on low volume & tuned to a talk radio channel that would lead her to believe she was hearing the President? There could have been a logical explanation for her situation.

It seems as though help could have been sought prior to her actions. It would have saved great tragedy all around.
Thanks for the link, @Lewis ... informative & quite sad.

The article stated there were meds for schizophrenia in her home. It's quite possible the meds were the wrong dosage. And with her concerns about messages from the President, it would have been wise for her to seek medical care in order for the meds to be changed. Schizophrenia can be moderated.

With her daughter being 19 months old, a current claim of post partum depression would not be accurate.

We'll never truly know what really prompted her to take the actions she did. However, we can see the tremendous need to remove the stigma that mental illness still holds. If it is treated like any other illness, perhaps more people would voluntarily seek help.
it could rather be possible that the president receive some mental messages from some codgers than anyone else from the president, but people like that girl need someone to cast out the evil spirits from them, once there were true Saints such as Jesus and the Apostles, but now most believers as if cannot/do not cast out the evil spirits as it should be

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Private Timm wrote
Who knows, who cares? Maybe they didn't have them, but again, IRRELEVANT. This is not someone being pursued for traffic violations, she committed serious federal crimes including attempting to crash the President's security perimeter and assaulting a federal officer with deadly force and intent.
What do you mean who knows who cares ? I care that this girl lost her life because she was under attack by demons or a clinical imbalance in her brain. Are you telling me that her life means nothing ? She was not Osama Bin Laden' because if she was I could see your point. But this was a American girl who had bad mental problems. Now if her family had known she was going to do that' they would have 302d the girl. Your remark of (Who Cares) is very insensitive. And if you are a Christian it is even more troubling. I am Bipolar myself' so I know something about having mental fights. And there other Bipolar members on this board who I will not name. So I guess if the baby had got shot and killed you still would have said (Who Knows Who Cares)
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What do you mean who knows who cares ? I care that this girl lost her life because she was under attack by demons or a clinical imbalance in her brain. Are you telling me that her life means nothing ? She was not Osama Bin Laden' because if she was I could see your point. But this was a American girl who had bad mental problems. Now if her family had known she was going to do that' they would have 302d the girl. Your remark of (Who Cares) is very insensitive. And if you are a Christian it is even more troubling. I am Bipolar myself' so I know something about having mental fights. And there other Bipolar members on this board who I will not name. So I guess if the baby had got shot and killed you still would have said (Who Knows Who Cares)

If the baby had been killed, it would been tragic, but not the fault of the police. That is the point you seem to be missing.

Who knows and know cares if the police had spike strips available. The police acted appropriately against a very serious threat to the security of the White House, a very serious threat to the Secret Service and a very serious threat to the people of Washington DC when she drove on their city streets at incredibly dangerous speeds risking many people's lives and safety.

In your great compassion you have not uttered one word about the law enforcement men she ran over and not one word about the danger she placed others in.

Her family had the obligation to help her deal with her mental illness and no one else is responsible for her death other than herself and her family.

If you are a Christian I find it very troubling that you show no concern or care for innocent people and only has compassion for the wicked one who placed all their lives in danger.
hardly the killing is the best solution albeit the police officers and the other officers of the order had to use their weapons as a last resort in many risky/critical situations, because God let not in vain there be such servants, so they already have and can use their means, but whether all believers have and can use theirs?!

Romans 13:1-14 "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers(i.e. unto the official powers which are conditioned of God - e.g. such as the true Angels of God and Jesus, and the police). For there is no power(i.e. because there is no such power) but of God: the powers(i.e. all such powers) that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power(i.e. the power which is conditioned of God), resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall(i.e. risk to) receive to themselves damnation(i.e. penalty). For rulers(e.g. the police officers) are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same: For he is the(i.e. a kind of) minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword(i.e. the power/weapon) in vain: for he is the(i.e. a kind of) minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil. Wherefore ye must needs be subject, not only for wrath, but also for conscience sake. For for this cause pay ye tribute(viz. tax for the wages of the police officers and the other servants of the order and (the) law) also: for they are (a kind of) God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour. Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law. For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery(i.e. do not disturb/confuse/intrude/obtrude/coerce/enslave), Thou shalt not kill(i.e. do not afflict/harm/murder), Thou shalt not steal(i.e. do not bereave/rob), Thou shalt not bear false witness(i.e. do not slander/libel/defame/vilify), Thou shalt not covet(i.e. do not execrate/imprecate/curse); and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. Love worketh no ill to his neighbour: therefore love is the fulfilling of the law. And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation(i.e. the overall salvation) nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light. Let us walk honestly, as in the day; not in rioting and drunkenness(i.e. and folly), not in chambering(i.e. not in self-regard) and wantonness(i.e. and covetousness), not in strife and envying. But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make not provision for the flesh(i.e. for the unrighteousness), to fulfil the lusts thereof."



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