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Banning conspiracy theories is banning Christianity


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I've been pondering lately how one can ban "conspiracy theories" and claim to be a christian. Why? Because when it comes right down to it Revelations and its murky symbolism and descriptions of the end times and the deceptions of how all (except the very elect) are brought under the rule of evil IS a conspiracy theory. It describes how the forces of evil will CONSPIRE to rule the world and control even those trying their hardest to be Godly in a wicked society. I'm not playing semantics at all, just expressing an evident truth about aspects of the bible.

Isaiah 8:12 (NIV)
Do not call conspiracy everything that these people call conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it.

PS: Revelation is not a conspiracy theory. It is Biblical fact.

Isaiah 8:12 (NIV)
Do not call conspiracy everything that these people call conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it.

PS: Revelation is not a conspiracy theory. It is Biblical fact.

lol. nice, but you miss the point I'm trying to make which is that if someone at present is trying to connect the dots and if we are near the end times then more than likely anyone legitimately seeing through the veil of those creating a Satanic one world government or whatever you want to call it are going to be dismissed as "conspiracy theorists". I agree, biblical fact BUT since its a biblical fact the time period prophesized has to come about eventually and when people start to connect the bible to the relevant time period as it comes about in all likelihood they will be dismissed as "conspiracy theorists" which to me makes it a very slippery slope for christians to embrace the concept that "conspiracy theories" are nonsense. Because when I read revelations it sounds to me like this is exactly the kinds of tactics that will be used to discourage dissenters of that last push for a Godless world.
I've been pondering lately how one can ban "conspiracy theories" and claim to be a christian. Why? Because when it comes right down to it Revelations and its murky symbolism and descriptions of the end times and the deceptions of how all (except the very elect) are brought under the rule of evil IS a conspiracy theory. It describes how the forces of evil will CONSPIRE to rule the world and control even those trying their hardest to be Godly in a wicked society. I'm not playing semantics at all, just expressing an evident truth about aspects of the bible.

Really? Seems to be more of a dogmatic assumption based on a great lack of knowledge of God's Word, or is it that none of the bible is believed? Revelation is not the only book that clearly says the same thing.
no it isnt what do we preach?

"beware of the illunamati, and the jewish(khazari) bankers that want to rule the word!"

or repent for the kingdom of god is nigh at hand.

ok i am of jewish lineage my family save my immediate are worth some bucks some more then others.i can say that most of the jews in my family are leftist in nature. so by saying the jewish bankers are the cause of all that is evil you have just caused them to hate you.

1) when you cant name them
2) when have no proof that would hold in a court of law
3) all of them are evil is what is said
4) the terms used by the conspiracists are also used and are used by the kkk, the neo nazis and also hitler and henry ford sr

this isnt love but hate.

yes not all of the pushers or believers of said theories are that way but it has made this jew nearly walk away from this forum and loose his mind.

my family has killed by hitler. isreal cant be the cause of all that is evil.
I've been pondering lately how one can ban "conspiracy theories" and claim to be a christian. Why? Because when it comes right down to it Revelations and its murky symbolism and descriptions of the end times and the deceptions of how all (except the very elect) are brought under the rule of evil IS a conspiracy theory. It describes how the forces of evil will CONSPIRE to rule the world and control even those trying their hardest to be Godly in a wicked society. I'm not playing semantics at all, just expressing an evident truth about aspects of the bible.
Who's "banning" conspiracy theories? Out in the world, there's no "banning" of anything. So I wonder if this is directed at the board's policy.

If it is (and I'd like to say this even if it isn't), we've never "banned" them. We've curbed members who join for the sole purpose of fixating on conspiracies. In the time that I've been here, I've seen this board over-run by these kind of threads. IMO, it's not a healthy way to live, to be fixated that everything happening around you is a conspiracy. After a while, you can become obsessed and see things that aren't there, which has a negative impact on your ability to discern. Constantly raising the conspiracy flag also has "the boy who cried wolf" effect. People become numb to the warnings and legitimate ones stand more of a chance to be dismissed.
Conspiracy theory's are designed to be secrete in their source,and to be detrimental to others. We must discuss them to debunk them. Otherwise, no one will know the truth about them.
How about we get definitions cleared away?... A conspiracy theory is a proposed idea behind some sort of evil or tragedy which exists. Once the cause of the evil has been identified, it ceases to become a theory. Of course everyone has to accept the cause or else the theorists remain just that, theorists in the eyes of everyone else. I see conspiracy theorists as merely someone trying to get to the root of what's going on.

In the case of Revelation, it is conspiracy theories of sorts. Of course we know that Satan plays a role in all things bad, so to say "The devil made me do it." and the case is now closed is not getting to the cause of things down to the detail. We know for example that the beast will arise. Some people, like myself, believes the bible says he's Assyrian. But what of the details? This is where a conspiracy theorist may help put the pieces together.

We see ever increasing governmental control and meddling everywhere. So, what's the source? Is this connected somehow to the future beast? What about Germany? These are the questions a conspiracy theorist may ask and propose in answering where the beast comes from and the means.

But one word of caution. Like anything to be investigated, we can sometimes come to the wrong conclusions. While some conspiracy theorist aims may be honorable, they have to make sure that their conclusions are absolutely provable, which as I stated earlier would then cease to become a theory if everyone accepted it. Since they don't, the subject unfortunately, remains just that.... theory and faith only.
Well I disagree that the phrase "conspiracy theory" is even easily defined or necessarily has any legitamacy. Example, if I go and read books describing the details of JFK's assassination and feel that nothing adds up about the lone wolf official murder story, why should my analysis be downgraded to "conspiracy theory" while the government's official story with all of its still classifed WAREHOUSES full of information some forty years later is given a completely different name? Not looking for a JFK debate, just pointing out that the official stories of government get the higher graded terminology despite everyone knowing by now that governments are more responsible for mass killings and evil in general than any other entity. Like why shouldn't we refer to the official JFK murder story as "the government's lone wolf conspiracy theory"?

I also think it depends largely on what side of the street you are standing on. I notice above a blurb about so called right wing elements offending jews by having "conspiracy" beliefs. I've noticed however that the entire politically correct set have lots of CONSPIRACY theories of their own whereby they have justified stealing basic human rights by their fanatical chases and searches for phantom nazis. In fact it seems to me why its okay for Jews and other politically correct groups to skirt past diversity laws in hiring and vastly overrepresent themselves in workplaces while white gentiles must accept blatant discimination against themselves in order to "right the workplace percentages" is due to ongoing "conspiracy theories" of massive white racism and claims that phantom nazis are lurking and could strike at anytime and turn multicultural paradise America into Nazi Germany.

But I digress because I really wanted to keep this about Revelations and I maintain that if anyone successfully starts identifying events leading to the endtimes, they will be hacked down as a "conspiracy theorist" because as I say above, its a loaded term designed to slur people and give extra credence to official positions of the powers that be regardless of how evil those powers may be.
Psalms:2:1: Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?
Psalms:2:2: The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD, and against his anointed, saying,
Psalms:2:3: Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.
Psalms:2:4: He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.

It say's right there in Psalms 2:2 that there is certainly a conspiracy against the LORD taking place. It has been going on for a very long time and it shows no signs of slowing down. Sure, those who conspire against the LORD have been hindered, and slowed down, heck, they've even been exposed on more than one occassion. But, it's just as it was prophesied, and the earth is ripe with sin, and ready for the harvest, and no one wants to hear any craziness about the devil and his "conspiracies" because the lie has consumed them.

This age of technology has crippled mankind and destroyed many people.
Well I disagree that the phrase "conspiracy theory" is even easily defined or necessarily has any legitamacy......

Yes, I can see your point in that. I guess I was attempting to put more defined boundaries on something so that everyone would have a point of reference, and then go from there. And just when we think we have things squared away.... :lol

But yes, you are correct in your point.
i will postulate this. as few tribbers see this or teach this.

2 peter 3;

<sup>10</sup>But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up

all this talk of the coming of the lord in a secret rapture and this verse tell us judgment where the lord wont save anymore but kill and codemn.

the tribulation cant be the judgment, nor wrath as this is the wrath.though some say wrath in the tribulation is poured out. but odlly no taking away of the saints that are alive.
I know bits and pieces about the truth movement. They are good people but i fear they are being conned in the name of peace. In the name of peace they disregard Jesus and i am very worried about the direction they are being lead. But this is exactly what the bible said would happen and the bible stated that the anti-christ would come in the name of peace.

I also do not like the Ideologies surrounding the Jews being to blame for all world woes.

My first ever post, apologies if i was abrupt butting in like this


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