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Bible Poem by JHM


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In The Beginning

In the beginning there was nothing; but the Infinite Spirit of God.
Yet such was the power of that spirit,
that when gathered in one place, infinitesimally small,
an indescribable maelstrom, of energy arose.

Through this act of his will, came the dawn of creation,
for there in that one singularity, all existence coalesced;
as matter and antimatter, in equal profusion,
spewed forth to form, two clouds of gas;
sent hurtling in opposite, directions through space,
by the force of their mutual repulsion.

But as unlikes repel, like masstypes attract;
and this force we call gravity, led these clouds to contract and accrete.
Thus star-swarms were born; lived, died, and swept up;
the elements of origin, progressively fused by gravitational force;
as all physical reality, was bound up in two black holes,
matter and antimatter, approaching again in space.

For the curvature of space, itself bent their paths,
till at high velocity, they began to approach;
then magnetic attraction, combined with inertia;
fought gravitational repulsion, to bring them together;
and caused the event, we call "the big bang".

The Gift

Diamonds, emeralds, and sapphires; set in pure gold; shrouded in wisps of mother of pearl;
The prize masterpiece made, by the Master of Old; was a gift he gave a child and a girl.
A cosmic Faberge' Egg, in a black velvet vault; with myriad gems strewn patterned inside;
This intricate wonder, devoid of all fault; the Master gave to his child and his bride.



At time's beginning, from his own Spirit; the Master crafted the scenes;
Then working with clay, from the dust of the earth; the Potter fashioned the genes;
And in sequence ordained, to fulfill the design; the Sower planted the seeds;
Thus species by species, sprouted in turn; each meeting the next one's needs.
Nourished by dew; they blossomed and grew; in harmonious balance to plan;
With last seed sown; in image their own; they signed their work with "Man".
Six days God spent; as his time went; ere resting a day from these cares;
But while he slept; an enemy crept; through his garden by night sowing tares.


All Mother Earth's children who ever were born; carried that signature gene;
Till without antecedent Cro-Magnon man; came bursting upon the scene;
"Its just missing links" evolutionists cry; yet still they fail to explain;
Why we Cro-Magnon's descendants; have "evolved" a much smaller brain!
Satan made sure; the crop was impure; with tares designed to crossbreed;
And when the Master awoke; his servants spoke; to enquire: had he planted good seed?
Told of the tares; intermingled with theirs; he declared: It's an enemy's deed;
But let them remain; lest you damage the grain; come harvest we'll burn this weed.

The Fallen Angels

An eagle withstanding, close clinging fire; came fleeing a hawk one night;
Its snorting dual nostrils, pipes serpent throat red; gushing forth brilliant light;
As we stood in wonder; amid crashing thunder; they fought, and such was their might;
With the earth itself shaking; bounding and quaking; we reeled in terrible fright.
Flowers blossomed on high; to illumine the sky; that night in dazzling glare;
Till high overhead; a flower of red; enveloped the eagle midair.
Puffed scattered expansions, shaking it hard, extinguishing vital breath;
It ejected a cell; then silently fell; in the valley of the shadow of death.

The sky chariot crashed; in pieces was dashed; near a stream in a valley far north;
But a hatch in the side; of the cell opened wide; and breathing creatures came forth.
They seemed in bad shape; so we helped them escape; extricating those clearly in pain;
But the hawk soon flew back; for another attack; and this time two giants were slain.
For t'was giants who fell; cruel tyrants as well; demanding: "the ship must be saved"
Once nursed back to health; through strength and by stealth; whole villages they enslaved;
Then drove us in chains; from homes on the plains; to the valley of death where it lay;
Half sunk in the ground; shiny parts all around; pipes dripping foul stuff on the clay.

Bound by the neck; we dug out the wreck; while a pavement of flagstones was laid;
Moved there it did stay; for many a day; while "makeshift repairs" were made.
Mining, smelting, and casting; they taught us these arts;
Routing, boring, and tempering; to fashion new parts;
Cutting out damaged sections; and beating bent panels flat;
Then filling clay urns with salt water; t'was nearly no end to that.
Long into the nights; by sparkling lights; we worked without any sleep;
While they took our wives; as well as our lives; and threw the dead in a heap.

The Judgement

Still the ways of men were quite wicked; tares breeding right from the start;
Thus soon The Lord God regretted creating; this race so evil at heart;
And yet there were two with whom he walked; he found to be decent men;
One he took with him the other he spared; to start all over again.
Great trumpet blasts roared; as the thunderbird soared; a pillar of flame in the dark;
Bearing Enoch aloft; while others still scoffed; at "a zoo in a land bound ark";
For just Noah knew; that but for a few; God meant to destroy the race;
When his chariot flew; to a rendevous; with a rock flying nearby in space.

The Deluge

From low in the west the asteroid struck; on a fault in the ocean floor;
Past Hercules' Pillars the sea was ablaze; and pumice came washing ashore;
While lightning ruled dark leaden skies; choking with steam and dust;
O'er thousands of miles the ocean boiled; so great the wound in the crust.
For that terrible day; Atlantis gave way; and sank showing only her peaks;
Then came the rains; flooding valleys and plains; o'er all the world for weeks.
T'was at this time; in northern clime; that mammoths were buried in sleet;
Yet Noah prevailed; as his ark sailed; on the deluge that dealt with deceit.


In Abrahams day; when The Lord came to pay; a visit inspecting the grain;
He soon found that weeds; had sprung from the seeds; preserved from the deluge of rain.
And since there was need; of an untainted seed; to establish a crop again;
He chose one whose wife; had been barren for life; for assurance he'd breed a pure strain.

The message


As the gathering gloom of darkness; stole over the evening sky;
Empty streets echoed with rustling leaves; and a lonely seagull's cry;
Here in the land of Lilith; where never shall wedding bells ring;
But islands left of Chaldea; who'd ever have thought such a thing?
Stark skeletal trees; bent to the breeze; that moaned and soughed in the night;
O'er remnants of cars; cold glittering stars; shed pale unearthly light;
With little alive; this crumbling hive; gutted by flames in its fall;
Is left from the days; of men's evil ways; when Babylon's surpassed them all.

The Four Horses

A white horse armed with a bow let loose; one red with a giant sword;
The white received the victors crown; for such was the will of The Lord;
Black horse of famine and pale horse of death; made up the four deployed;
To bundle the tares and gather the grain; before the tares were destroyed.
As black and pale fed; white fought against red; and uprooted tares accrued;
Taking spoil of theft; from lands they left; fleeing though none pursued;
With ill gotten gain; to cities they came; throughout all Laodicea;
It seemed such a sin; the worst were let in; but that was the whole idea.


Red gave of her lifeblood to others enslaved; unstintingly she bled;
While white became ever stronger; by robbing the dying and dead;
For in tireless pursuit of mammon; Babylon knew no restraint;
So drunk on the blood of the martyrs; she'd persecute even a saint.
Her symbol white star; known near and far; To the mothers of sons she had slain;
Dealing death from the air; to any who'd dare; question her right to obtain;
The tribute she squeezed; extorted and seized; so greatly exceeding her need;
Her Chaldean ally; situated hard by; sanctimonious in sharing her greed.

The Beast

On a seven headed beast she rode; presenting the cup of temptation;
Each head was a mountain as well as a king; for each was a powerful nation;
The seventh head had ten horns; label them dukes if you please;
In bowing to mammon the folk of that land; uprooted three of these.
One's mortal wound healed; five fallen kings kneeled; to a sixth who yet held sway;
The seventh and last; not a king in the past; but accounted a king in that day;
From the great to the least; all knelt to the beast; in hope of mammon's reward;
Their souls waylaid; the price they paid; for flocking to Satan's horde.

The Promise

In those days she had many magicians; in the dark arcane very wise;
Even calling down fire from Heaven; to fashion strange clouds in the skies;
Invoking the blackest of magic; conjuring the king of the shades;
Using urim and thummim in calling him forth; they summoned Pluto from Hades.
T'was starstuff they used; which Pluto then fused; to bring Heavenly Fire down to earth;
Upon a small wing they say; in an earlier day; they'd twice cast the spell of its birth;
While so many slept; a promise was kept; "He'll shorten those days" Christ said;
Yet few were alarmed; by hailfire disarmed; in part by both white and red.


Her colossal shield in Chaldea; held titanic forces at bay;
While riding her steed "Group of Seven"; she ruled many lands far away;
Safe seated amid vast waters; proud queen of all she surveyed;
A harlot to kings and princes; whose stipend the starving paid.
The fat of all lands; falling into her hands; she lounged on soft silken sheets;
So wealthy that gold; mans lust from of old; lay where it fell in her streets;
All bowed to her might; yet she took delight; in extorting the poor's meagre share;
And when red finally fell; I knew very well; far better reside elsewhere.


For deep in the mines of Chaldea; some men would forever remain;
With rockbursts yearly more common; her shield was feeling the strain;
Of the jaws of the vice Oceania; whose grip held Babylon too;
Mu and Atlantis before each in turn; had held the same point of view.
A house built on sand; that great and fair land; which thought itself wealthy and strong;
T'was only her shield; which just wouldn't yield; that kept her safe for so long;
For crust forms at the rift; and continents drift; as the old gives way to the new;
Asked even rocks said; for what lay ahead; Laodicea was long overdue.

The Chosen

The prize jewel of his kingdom he gave them; they abused that gift sublime;
When he sent his own son to save them; they committed the ultimate crime.
For a while he let others enslave them; till two small wings finished their climb;
Then at last near the end he forgave them; to see the keep built in good time.
That small precious land; was but rock, scrub and sand; when at last the barn builders arrived;
Then at his command; the harlot as planned; disgorged that they not be deprived;
Taking stand after stand; against legions of damned; t’was grand how they valiantly strived;
That brave little band; He’d held in his hand; to insure that a remnant survived.

The Gathering

From Pergamum, Gog, and Sheba; to his keep he gathered the grain;
But the reapers sent to Babylon found; the chosen chose to remain;
And worship "Almighty Dollah"; as Baal was known in those days;
For wealth once flocks and fertility; was measured in other ways.
His chosen he called; they slept and they stalled; in the end but a remnant returned;
Giving others a place; receiving God's grace; when those in Babylon burned;
As it came time to leave; one's tempted to grieve; the beauty and wealth left behind;
Soon destined for hell; for neath crustal shell; fire's lake awaits they'll find.


When evil incarnate's archangel; cast down from Heaven on high;
Re-established his throne in Pergamum; The eagle again rose to fly;
A phoenix risen from ashes; the kingdom which served as his seat;
In a land of fortified towers on earth; where Lucifer fled in retreat.
An empire arose; of nations which chose; to seek common cause in one name;
What was and was not; again was begot; and then the Antichrist came;
To claim for his own; the imperial throne; from the shadows the dark prince stepped;
The unburied dead got; the Messiah they sought; and still the Babylonians slept.

The Warning

Come out of her you my people; share not in her sins or her plagues;
When the Bridegroom has left her, she'll suffer; the heat of Satan's rage;
T'was hail he sent that destroyed her; every stone, a talent or more;
In a terrible storm of fire spawning ice; as Sagan had known before.

The Apocalypse

Rose twilight of dawn lit western skies; to herald the end of an age;
And all the world's merchants wept; As Babylon left the stage;
Bathed in the glare of starfire; scores of cities pyres in the night;
Her bundles of tares all burning; cleansed by searing light.
A world they'd raped; yet they could have escaped; if ever they'd read that book;
Instead they stayed; and desperately prayed; as her mighty shield shuddered and shook;
Warding blow after blow; age starting to show; as vast tremors began to awake;
T'was hotter than hell; when came her death knell; Oceania's stupendous earthquake;
With doom's horrible crack; her shield broke its back; and split in two neath the bay;
While mid thunderous roar; like none heard before; Lalaland drifted away;
As freeing her slaves; she sank neath the waves; an ancient promise fulfilled;
When the harlot at last; paid for her past; and all the blood she had spilled.

Nuclear Winter

When the kings of the north; in battle set forth; ill befell many kings of the south;
Those who’d sat on the wall; and not answered the call; soon died with their dung in their mouth.
For the sun hid its face; of the moon not a trace; as a terrible winter set in;
When there grew not a thing; and long before spring; even Jacob was hungry and thin.
For again The Lord chose Jacob; more survived of him than the Bride;
And Jews outnumbered Christians; so many false Christians died.
When Earth’s cities lay battered; fallen and shattered; survivors were scattered and few;
All ragged and tattered; he’d not thought it mattered; the harlot had hailfire too.


He’d chosen his moment with care; having found the Master asleep;
Once having disposed of the harlot; he vowed to level the keep.
For he knew he was lost; and whatever the cost; he meant to kill all the grain;
And the price wasn’t cheap; for to get at the keep; t’was first his own children he’d slain.Though the keeps walls were strong; they couldn’t last long; the Archfiend’s fire was so hot;
Yet midst deafening din; with walls caving in; the Lions of Judah still fought!!
Being not for nothing called chosen; fearless they faced the end;
When the Almighty Arm of Yahweh Sabaoth; in fury arose to defend!!


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