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[__ Prayer __] Camp Girl


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You remind me of myself when I was younger with not knowing what to say and striking up a conversation. Ask her about her likes and dislikes, what she does for fun and her hobbies. Try to find common ground with her and just be yourself. Just take things slow.
You remind me of myself when I was younger, specifically a few months younger when I was in almost the same situation not with two girls but just one. You're best bet is to forgo dating right now, become their friend and get to know them before asking them out. I know when I'm with my friends at camp I am a straight shooting stereotypical Christian, at home not so much, I swear like a sailor and constantly make crude jokes, and it's not that I'm pretending at Church camp but that being around those people make me want to be better and when I'm not around them I am... not a good person typically.

I say this as an example from the woman's perspective, she started dating me and immediately found out I was not who she thought I was and that ended it pretty quick. It could be either way for you, use this time to improve yourself and while you're doing that find out if she would be as good a co-worker in Christ as you imagine.
I do agree that I need to be patient and go slow. Could you pray for that? I think I'll probably do like a daily update because writing this down clears my mind a little. Last night I texted the first girl to see how her new campers were, but she hasn't texted me back yet. I'm not that concerned because I know she's busy. I think we have break around the same time at 3 so I might ask her to go on a walk with me.
Yes, you could definitely pray for paitence, something I also tend to lack. I will keep you in my thoughts.
I need an opinion. My real name is Matt. I work in the kitchen at this camp and whenever I'm serving the girl I like, I always say hi to her and she always says "Hey Matty!" back to me. Would you consider that flirting?
I'm really no relationship expert but she is acknowledging you and that is great. However just because she greets back does not necessarily mean she is flirting or has feelings for you.
Like I said before, just be yourself and so what if you get nervous or not sure what to say.
Don't let your fears get ahead of you, as long as you try.
I need an opinion. My real name is Matt. I work in the kitchen at this camp and whenever I'm serving the girl I like, I always say hi to her and she always says "Hey Matty!" back to me. Would you consider that flirting?

No, she's not flirting with you.

What this is, as jack K states, is an acknowledgement of you, and the reciprocation of friendliness that you are offering when you say 'hi' to her.

Friendship is a marvelous - and the best - way for any relationship to begin. It's quite possible nothing will develop between the two of you other than a good friendship. And this is fine. We each need friends. Then again, who knows what the future holds? Just relax when you are around her, continue to say 'hi' to her and those around her.

People like friendly people.
I had an idea to make this girl a mixtape of music she might like, we're both really into music. Think that's a good idea?
Yes, what a nice thing to do just make sure you get her taste of music right.
That is maybe even a way of starting a conversation, what musicians does she like and what concerts has she been to. But ask open ended questions that way you get the conversation rolling and not just a simple yes or no. When you like somebody it's always a bit tough starting a conversation with them but once the first barrier is broken it just gets easier. Its good you finding common ground with her.
Saturday night, my friends went out and I invited the girl and she said yes. So I drove just us and we talked a lot about our favorite movies and music
I haven't talked to her since I gave her the mixtape and I'm really nervous what she might say when I do. Please pray that every thing goes well and for God to give me the strength I need
"Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things." - 1 Corinthians 13:4-7

Be honest with yourself how well do you reflect that? Figure out where you lack and then work on it, work on becoming more Christ like and the rest will work together for good.
I've been doing a lot of praying for God to lead me where he wants me to go and for patience. I feel like God is telling me to ask this girl out. And normally I would be feeling really nervous and anxious right now but I'm not, I feel calm. Could you just pray that I see clearly what God wants me to do.
Oh, Perrinlan, I agonize for your struggles over finding the right girl. But, you will, so if you can ease your thoughts and leave things in God's hands things will eventually fall into place as God plans. The more you agonize over this and try way to hard to make something happen, the more the girls will sense your desperation. Young adulthood absolutely filled with anxieties, try to relax, be natural, enjoy what you already have in life, think of the girls as just friends, and see how things develop.

I did not find the woman I love and wanted to spend my life with, and she with me, until I was 26 years old. We've now been happily married 42 years.

My prayers are with you, brother.
I haven't posted anything in a long time about this! long story short, both of these girls aren't in my life anymore, The girl I asked out said no, which really destroyed me. I'm still a little heart broken. But I am doing better. Anyways, I really feel like I messed up with my best friends girlfriends friend. I saw her as my potential girlfriend and not as a friend. And because of that I became kind of distant during the summer. I was thinking of sending her a message saying that I was sorry I didn't hangout with her really that much during the summer. I know we could have become pretty good friends. Pray that if I do end up talking to her that I see her as a friend and not a potential girlfriend.


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