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Circumstances recently compelled me to learn about the group (dare I say "cult" :shocked!) called "Christadelphians". Until I was driven to learn about them, I had known very little. I actually work with one, and I wanted to know more about what his church taught. :o

I know there are many heretical philosophies bending Truth into a lie today, but my goodness. In the 1800's you had Jehovah Witness, Mormonism, Christian Science, Seventh Day Adventist, and... Christadelphians. :shocked!:o If we could have skipped that century, things wouldn't look so whack today. Well, that's probably not true, but still... those crazy 1800's. :shame

If others are as unaware of their teachings, they reject:

The Trinity
Jesus existence prior to being born
Jesus is God in the flesh
The Person and Deity of the Holy Spirit
Salvation by Grace through Faith alone
Immortality of the soul
The existence of the fallen angel, Lucifer
The existence of hell

They reject it all! The ironic thing is that they hold to the inerrant Word of God in Scripture, yet they reject the core tenets of the Christian faith! I'm quite sure if they were large enough in numbers, they would have a chapter devoted to them in books such as "Kingdom of the Cults", but Hanegraaff had much bigger fish to fry.

Honestly, I had no idea they were so far removed from core beliefs of our faith. This guy is the first one I've met personally. I think I'll keep my conversations to football for a while and move toward each brick individually in this wall of obstacles. :screwloose
I would say they definitely aren't living in Truth, that's for sure. I never say who will and won't be saved, as this is not for me, but it's clear that this a straying from the faith. Actually, they seem to share a lot of doctrine with the Jehovah Witnesses: Jesus not Fully God, denial of the Trinity, no hell...

They're so small, it's not surprising that they would fly under the radar. One of countless sects that reject fundamental Christian tenets. If they were of similar size as the JW's or Mormons, I'm sure there would be much more focus on their unbiblical beliefs. There is a Christadelphian church in Royal Oak, Michigan, which is about 30 minutes away from me that I never new existed before I looked into this.
I would say they definitely aren't living in Truth, that's for sure. I never say who will and won't be saved, as this is not for me, but it's clear that this a straying from the faith. Actually, they seem to share a lot of doctrine with the Jehovah Witnesses: Jesus not Fully God, denial of the Trinity, no hell...

They're so small, it's not surprising that they would fly under the radar. One of countless sects that reject fundamental Christian tenets. If they were of similar size as the JW's or Mormons, I'm sure there would be much more focus on their unbiblical beliefs. There is a Christadelphian church in Royal Oak, Michigan, which is about 30 minutes away from me that I never new existed before I looked into this.

It looks like extreme Judaization Mike.

Theres a Chabad centre in Oak Park, Michigan.....thats a Noahide centre.

I know at least one Christadelphian who is a Noahide.

They would be easy prey as their belief system is so set in the OT.
How sad. The sadder thing is, if they hold the Scriptures as the inerrant Word of God, then there's no excuse for their perverted beliefs! All they have to do is crack open the Word! They need a modern day Martin Luther...

I wonder if Fred Phelp's gang will develop into a full fledge cult???
If others are as unaware of their teachings, they reject:

The Trinity
Jesus existence prior to being born
Jesus is God in the flesh
The Person and Deity of the Holy Spirit
Salvation by Grace through Faith alone
Immortality of the soul
The existence of the fallen angel, Lucifer
The existence of hell

Here are some of the things they believe;

Check out paragraph 4---WE BELIEVE THAT JESUS IS A MAN

:shrug:shrug:shrug Westtexas
Here are some of the things they believe;

Check out paragraph 4---WE BELIEVE THAT JESUS IS A MAN

:shrug:shrug:shrug Westtexas

Yeah, those are odd. :screwloose This is really strange. They don't believe in the everlasting immortality of souls, but if you take a look at their statements of faith, some seem to contradict this, like point 29.

Funny how they make a point to say that they have no governing authority of the church; that they all just happen to arrive at their beliefs independently. But they have a statement of faith, and I suppose you'd better agree with these to be a member of the cult in good standing. :shrug

Christadelphian Statement of Faith
Why do they even have 'Christ' in their label?

Satan makes sure it's there to deceive.
But he doesnt openly deny the existance of Satan, so Im not sure if his beliefs in this regard line up with Islam.

From my understand of reading about Christadelphians, but I could be wrong since I am far from expert on their teachings, they do deny the existence of satan..... in that, their belief is more along the lines that satan is the evil inclination within us, rather than a distinct entity/ being. I read that somewhere when I was reading through the site Mike gave the other day. This teaching does agree, in part, with Judaic teaching; although, in Judaism Satan can also refer to an "angel" who is created as the opposer (but has no free will and can only do what God created him to do). There was a thread on the forum somewhere that discussed some of those things.

Personally, I do not have a problem with many of the Christadelphian beliefs. I think I would have to study them further to be able to really agree or disagree. The site doesn't necessarily explain everything in any depth. Some of the things I disagree with, but not necessarily with the logic behind the belief. For example, I disagree that baptism (especially baptism within a particular denomination) is essential for salvation and that only the baptised are saved-- but I do not disagree with their reasoning and logic behind their belief. At least not from what I read so far. :) So, don't hold me to that when I have no examined it in depth. :lol

For the record, I have not been exposed to any Christadelphians nor their beliefs until Mike created tis thread. I knew they were non-trinitarian, and what they believe regarding the father, son, and spirit, but beyond that I couldn't tell you anything about them. I agree with what strangelove said earlier about how their beliefs seem to be grounded more in Judaic thought. That is probably why I do not have a big problem with some of what I read on their site. Since I have not read in depth what their beliefs are in full, then it can be difficult to really say.

Sometimes what things are on the surface are not what they seem when you dig deeper. For example, westtexas quoted a portion of their paragraph 7, but not the whole thing: "We reject as unbiblical the idea that Christ could die as a replacement sacrifice for us, thus covering all our sins forever with that one act. Certainly it is through his sacrifice that we may be forgiven, but only if we walk the path of self-denial that he marked out for us." I bolded the portion that she quoted. If you look further at their teachings, what they really reject is kinda the OSAS doctrine. They reject the idea that Jesus' death covers all sins and an individual only must believe and from then on they are always saved no matter how they live. What they believe is that forgiveness comes through Jesus' sacrifice, but that each of us is accountable for our own sins and must account for those, and it is our duty to live as Christ. I did read more about this on another page, which is why I saw more of an explanation. LOL But this is an example, where I do not have a problem with that belief, but I might if I looked even deeper. :chin For example, I would agree with this philosophy-- but I would not agree if they state that it is through works that we are saved.

anyhow, I am not going to go line by line. Certainly there are beliefs of theirs that I would reject outright, and many that I might reject in part. Overall, I do not have a big problem. I have more of a problem with some of the more mainstream christian sects who are engaging in idol worship.... and will remain nameless. :biggrin
anyhow, I am not going to go line by line. Certainly there are beliefs of theirs that I would reject outright, and many that I might reject in part. Overall, I do not have a big problem. I have more of a problem with some of the more mainstream christian sects who are engaging in idol worship.... and will remain nameless. :biggrin

Ouch, PR. I hope I'm not one of those idol worshipers you speak of. I don't have a statue of Mary on my front lawn is there's any connection. ;)

But I would dig deeper into Christadelphians and see them as they are. You don't have a big problem with them rejecting the theology of living eternally with the Lord? You believe hell is the product of legends?

(I don't think you believe these things, but I'm making a point, and I'm on a roll. :biggrin)

How much more to the central tenets of Christianity could they be misleading people about. Jesus wasn't God, wasn't eternal, no heaven, no hell. This is starting to sound like a John Lennon song. Imagine all the people... being caught up in this strain of heresy. Fortunately not many have, but even a few is a few too many. Strip our faith of what they stripped it of, and it doesn't even resemble Christianity anymore. :sad
Ouch, PR. I hope I'm not one of those idol worshipers you speak of. ;)

But I would dig deeper into Christadelphians and see them as they are. You don't have a big problem with them rejecting the theology of living eternally with the Lord? You believe hell is the product of legends?

How much more to the central tenets of Christianity could they be misleading people about. Jesus wasn't God, wasn't eternal, no heaven, no hell. This is starting to sound like a John Lennon song. Imagine all the people... being caught up in this strain of heresy. Fortunately not many have, but even a few is a few too many. Strip our faith of what they stripped it of, and it doesn't even resemble Christianity anymore. :sad

You do sound like John Lennon. :) I especially like the portion I bolded -- quite nice pitch you have. :biggrin And to my knowledge you do not belong to a group that I'd consider an idol worshiper. :thumbsup

I do plan to eventually read more on their beliefs so that I can make a better informed opinion in the future. I can't say that it is high on my priority list though. I have too many other more important things on my list.

To be honest, I don't have a big problem with their beliefs concerning the afterlife. From what i saw so far, some of it is not much different from Judaic beliefs, as I previously stated. At least their concept is more akin to the "soul sleep" ideology as opposed to reincarnation (as is a belief held in some Jewish sects). Let's just flip a coin: heads your soul is reincarnated, tails it goes to sleep for a time, or throw the coin high enough up and just send it straight to heaven. (I'm being facetious there, so don't take that comment too seriously. :tongue All three beliefs can be found in Judaism though.) For me, the afterlife and where my soul goes directly after death is not something that I honestly care much about. God is going to do what he does, regardless of what I believe he will do, and I am quite fine with figuring it out after death one day. I have almost died several times in my life, and once had a near death experience that is unlike any other I have ever read about-- and I am totally at peace with whatever happens, even if it means being cleansed in the fires of gehenna. I have absolutely no concern about what will happen after I die. The important thing to me is my time in the here and now. I'll let God worry about the tomorrow. And in that regard, no I honestly have no problem with what is taught concerning the afterlife.

From my understanding of the wee bit I read on the site you provided about Christadelphians, it is not that they reject the theology of living eternally with the Lord, but the difference is in the how and where this occurs. They believe in the "resurrection to eternal life at the return of Christ." They basically believe the soul does something (sleep?, dormant?, ceases to exist?) until the resurrection of the dead when Christ establishes his kingdom on earth. It is not a new belief that I haven't heard before many times, but each time with slight variation (as happens with most beliefs).

But I realize the essence of your post was not about this one particular belief anyhow. You were only using it as an example. Yes, I do not agree with some of their beliefs. Yes, I really have no opinion either way about some of their beliefs. And yes, I think some are just fine. There are things in almost every denomination and (Abrahamic) religion that I don't agree with-- but I am probably one of the few people who doesn't throw all the babies out with the bathwater. If I did I'd be back to rejecting all religion as I have been in the past. Instead I came to the place where I realized that I do not need to know all things, nor have all the answers. All I need to do is trust God and let him take care of it all. If something or someone doesn't agree with my own personal beliefs, then that is perfectly fine and I am no one to say they are wrong. One of my pastors joked during a sermon not to long ago that when he dies God is probably going to tell him he is preaching the sermon on the mount all wrong. :) I realize that some people wouldn't like a preacher who jokes in that manner-- since they are supposed to be the mighty men of God with all the answers and having God on their Holy Spirit speed dial, but to be honest I live having a pastor like that. To me it shows his humility in acknowledging that with all his education and knowledge-- he could be wrong. But I am sidetracking....

You said that if our faith is stripped of what it is stripped of, then it hardly resembles Christianity anymore. For me, this goes along the lines of the "bricks/ springs" thread..... but my intention is NOT to bring up that discussion again. :) I am only pointing it out, because I think the problem is in how an individual defines Christianity then and the important elements thereof... for example, I have seen it said that non-trinitarians are not Christian. (This is not a trinitarian debate either. LOL I am just using it as an example.) The problem I have with that logic is...... well, to be honest....... I have a problem with the fact that two people can have identical beliefs and one believes he is a trinitarian, professing the trinity, and they other acknowledges that he is not trinitarian in his belief. Both can not be right. Either the belief is trinitarian or it isn't. Interestingly, I have noticed this a lot recently. So, what makes the non-trinitarian a non-christian in that example? Is it the fact that he acknowledges he is non-trinitarian, even though his belief is no different than the one professing the trinity? Or is the trinitarian confused and simply fooling himself into believing he is trinitarian and a Christian? I have noticed many trinitarians lately who actually espouse non-trinitarian beliefs and they do not know it. Far be it from me to call them on it and tell them they are sinners damned to hell unless they alter their belief on the nature of the father, son, and holy spirit. I am certainly not one who believes that non-trinitarians are non-christian.

But the trinitarian/ non-trinitarian is just an example of a belief that some would adamantly say that in order to be a christian one must be trinitarian, and without that belief then one is not christian.

Let me give an example that fits your words about how if something is stripped, then it doesn't resemble Christian anymore. I have probably told about this individual before. :chin There was an individual who was so strongly questioning his faith that he rejected Christianity because he was unable to find answers to questions he had. I was talking to him during this crisis he was going through and I asked him what his questions were that no one could answer. When he told me, they were things that I find so simple to explain and understand, so I asked him if I might share how I see those things. When I shared my beliefs he said to me that what I believed about those things is not what he believes to be Christian, and even though my answers make perfect sense to him, if he accepted my answers then to him it would mean rejecting everything he knew to be Christian. He held so strongly, and believed so strongly, that PQRS- beliefs were essential to Christianity, but he felt they held fatal flaws, and he was so rigid in what he believed was essential to being a Christian, that he was unable to accept and entertain beliefs-LMNO, because to him they were not "Christian" even though they made sense. :shame That is why I said that in some ways this is like the springs vs. bricks discussion. If someone believes absolutely without a shadow of a doubt that a christian MUST be trinitarian, then they find themself unable to reconcile the trinitarian doctrine within themself, nor are they flexible enough to consider non-trinitarian doctrines within their belief system-- then that inner turmoil, and the loose brick, will begin to crumble their entire belief system. Again, I am not picking on trinitarianism, but I am just using it as an example. I see countless of people who say "I turned to Islam, because I could never believe in the trinity or understand it." :shame Those people were unable to accept that one can be a christian without holding a trinitarian belief-- and so they rejected everything and turned to Islam.

(My post was too long...... first time!....... continued below.)

So, I think when we talk about the elements of the Christian faith, then that is where things become problematic. That is where we have Catholics saying that only the Catholic church is the true church and non-catholics are not saved. Or Baptists demanding that an individual be baptized in that particular denomination. (From my understanding of what I read on the Christadelphian page, they also believe that an individual must be baptized as a christadelphian. :shame) Yes, I disagree strongly with both of the beliefs I just mentioned, but I also would never say that Catholics and Baptists are not Christian, because they hold beliefs that I do not believe to be in accordance with Christian faith. It would be like someone saying that people in your denomination were never saved since they were baptized as infants and were unable to comprehend what happened nor make the decision on their own. (This is not to start a discussion on infant baptism either. :) ) I am using that example, because you and I both know full well that some people out there would say that. :shame Far be it from me to be the one to determine your salvation based upon your baptism, nor to determine the "validity" of your baptism. Someone recently told me how absolutely sad she was for those FLDS women being in the religion they are in, because they completely love God with all their heart and believe they are doing right in his eyes.

I am thankful that God has not made me the judge of the salvation of others.
Hi Mike'
My name on this site is Elvispelvis and I am guilty as charged a Christadelphian.

If you check the archives then you will find many posts by me trying to explain our position.

We endevour to offer scripture for all our weird beliefs but many christians have never studied the OT.
When I ask simple questions from Genesis they attack me as an heretic but nener never answer my scriptures I put forward..
Modern churches tell their people not to accept doctrine from the old Testament because now
we have the new testament.
The scriptures say to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling yet christians say once saved always saved.
Why do Protestant christians kill RC christians all over the world for many many years, they all have God
as the Holy Spirit in them telling them to go kill other christians.

What is wrong with this picture?

The facts speak for themselves German christians prayed to God to kill the English christains in past wars.
The history of christiananity is one of murder, death, kill, in the name of God of coarse.

My ancestors were the ones burned at the stake by christians the Hugenots and the Waldenses were wiped out by christians.
You have touched on the subject that if you do not believe like them you are a heretic whose should be banned
from speaking.
Even though we claim that Jesus is the only way and the truth and the life and their is salvation
only through Jesus the Son OF God.
Because we do not believe you killed God on the cross , how can man kill an immortal being, God.

Many christains say no trinity, many say there is a trinity.

Then they say you must believe the trinity to be a christian.

Now the catholics say if you are a protestant Irishman, God told me to kill you.

The protestant Irishman says if you are a catholic God, told me to kill you.

The history of christanity is one of war and violence which Jesus spoke against.

Christians do not love there neighbor .

What verse in the bible says to become a christian.?

Matt 7 speaks of the total rejection of christianity by Jesus, when the claim to have preached in His name,
He says get away from me you workers of iniquity and evil.

Christians are rejected at the Judgment Seat Of Christ.

It is true we are so far removed from christians and believe they teach for doctrine the commandments of men.

Just because of words I am banned from most religous web sites .

Since they can not answer simple bible questions from the OT they have to get rid of me their christianity
can not stand close scrutiny.

When I was young I was raised RC at age 15 I became an Anglican, at 20 I started reading my bible
at 30 I met a Christiadelphian who started in the OT explaining as we went through the bible starting in Genesis
When you read the bible every year of your life 1 1/2 times a year some fifty times it says something totally different than what modern churches teach.
All of us read the complete bible 1 1/2 times a yr every year of our lives.even if your 88 years old.

We do not ask anyone to become a christadelphian.

WE do not preach on TV or radio we do not collect money for God like the christians.


Their are 4,203 christians denominations churches all' collecting money for God' all saying they are the truth.
What is so great about christianity?
Yahshua through out the money changers in the house of God.

The OT is full of future events, may God bless your study of the OT
Craig, please see comments below.

Hi Mike'
My name on this site is Elvispelvis and I am guilty as charged a Christadelphian.

If you check the archives then you will find many posts by me trying to explain our position.

Well if you came right out and said you were explaining the views of Christadelphians, that would be one thing. But from what I've read, you were giving your own personal beliefs.

We endevour to offer scripture for all our weird beliefs but many christians have never studied the OT.
When I ask simple questions from Genesis they attack me as an heretic but nener never answer my scriptures I put forward..

This might be because you frame your OP's as long statements that don't call for discussion. You don't seem to be asking for discussion but making a point.

Modern churches tell their people not to accept doctrine from the old Testament because now
we have the new testament.

I've never been in a Christian church that tells us to ignore the OT. This appears to be an egregious exaggeration.

The scriptures say to work out your own salvation with fear and trembling yet christians say once saved always saved.

Calvinists do, but again, you're painting with a broad brush that doesn't represent Christianity for the most part.

Why do Protestant christians kill RC christians all over the world for many many years, they all have God
as the Holy Spirit in them telling them to go kill other christians.

What is wrong with this picture?

You do realize were living in the 21st century and not the time of the Christian Crusades, don't you? In my life, I've never heard of Christians killing other Christians.

Many christains say no trinity, many say there is a trinity.

Then they say you must believe the trinity to be a christian.

I'm not inclined to debate the doctrine of the Trinity with you, but mainstream Christianity is, dating back to the early Church, Trinitarian. This is a fundamental tenet of Christianity.

Now the catholics say if you are a protestant Irishman, God told me to kill you.

The protestant Irishman says if you are a catholic God, told me to kill you.

The history of christanity is one of war and violence which Jesus spoke against.

Christians do not love there neighbor .

Not as much as we should, true. But, you're reach back again when you talk about killing other Christians.

What verse in the bible says to become a christian.?

Matt 7 speaks of the total rejection of christianity by Jesus, when the claim to have preached in His name,
He says get away from me you workers of iniquity and evil.

Christians are rejected at the Judgment Seat Of Christ.

How and where are you arriving at this notion that there is a rejection of Christians by Christ? If you're talking about Mat 7:15-23, you are reading into it to serve your own ambitions and defend yourself. Where are you seeing that this refers to Christians. I would submit that He is referring to anyone who doesn't surrender himself to Him.

When you read the bible every year of your life 1 1/2 times a year some fifty times it says something totally different than what modern churches teach.
All of us read the complete bible 1 1/2 times a yr every year of our lives.even if your 88 years old.

We do not ask anyone to become a christadelphian.

WE do not preach on TV or radio we do not collect money for God like the christians.


Their are 4,203 christians denominations churches all' collecting money for God' all saying they are the truth.
What is so great about christianity?
Yahshua through out the money changers in the house of God.

The OT is full of future events, may God bless your study of the OT

Again there's that broad brush. So all Christian denominations are in the business of collecting money? Jehovah Witnesses are very educated and knowledgeable of their version of the Bible. Knowing the words and "knowing the Word" aren't the same, and doctrines that pervert scripture are rampant among cults that have strayed from the Truth.
Elvispelvis, your posts need a warning label! I think I can have fun with that :lol

Elvispelvis, your posts need a warning label! I think I can have fun with that

He's definately not a troll my dear.

He is just one very deceived person who works very hard for the Zionist cause. I dont think he is fully aware of what he's doing.
He's definately not a troll my dear.

He is just one very deceived person who works very hard for the Zionist cause. I dont think he is fully aware of what he's doing.

Bringing division and causing pages and pages of fighting... seems like a troll to me! If the other Christians knew he belonged to a cultist sect many wouldn't even bother replying to his threads!
Bringing division and causing pages and pages of fighting... seems like a troll to me! If the other Christians knew he belonged to a cultist sect many wouldn't even bother replying to his threads!

A troll is someone who posts knowingly false material in order to get a rise out of people for their own amusement.

Elvis is a Noahide working a zionist agenda for the Whore of Babylon probably without even knowing it. He's genuine....he's just really confused and needs to snap out of it.
Last edited by a moderator:
A troll is someone who posts knowingly false material in order to get a rise out of people for their own amusement.

Elcis is a Noahide working a zionist agenda for the Whore of Babylon probably without even knowing it. He's genuine....he's just really confused and needs to snap out of it.

What about someone who hides his beliefs for a time being, or evades the question??

But, okay, I'll take your word for it.

His threads should come with a "Is Jesus really God? (From the perspective of a Christadelphian who denies the deity of Christ) Label!!!! Save alot of people alot of grief!!
Mike said'

How and where are you arriving at this notion that there is a rejection of Christians by Christ? If you're talking about Mat 7:15-23, you are reading into it to serve your own ambitions and defend yourself. Where are you seeing that this refers to Christians. I would submit that He is referring to anyone who doesn't surrender himself to Him.........


Thank you for your answers. Thank you for your genuine interest and questions. I love questions.
You took the time to go over most of my points so for this thanks.

Why do I hide who I am?
My ancestors were burned at the stake, I have been banned form facebook religious sites, and at least five other christian web-sites so I am a little gun shy of christians. In countries where they are not christian, they put us in prison.
On this site The Lords shows you what christians would do if the had the power to get rid of me.
Christains claim freedom of speech only if you agree with them.
By the way I sure appreciate the way what we believe keeps being posted over and over.
I did not have the nerve to do it so YHWH used someone else, who can not answer simple questions
in christian love. When you can not comprehend what is being said then attack the messenger.
Try to discredit them because they have bible verses I can not answer with logic and reason.

Sorry I digress how do we know Matt is talking about christians and their false leaders .

A Tree and Its Fruit

15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

Mike to grasp what is being said we should start in verse thirteen where we are told what the context of what is being said here. This is the actual "Judgment Seat Of Christ" . V 23 Christ literally says get away from me, this is not figurative He sends them into darkness literally.
We are told that the path is very, very, narrow and only a few find it. Not 600,000,000 like the churches would have you believe.
We are told it will be like the days of Noah when only eight people were saved and the 600,000,000 died. Notice it says wide is the path to destruction and the many go that way, dont they!
Verse 13 teaches that the gate is both small and narrow and few there be that find it!

Verse 15, 16, is a warning to study and learn as much as you can so false prophets can not fool you like all the others. We are given a way to tell if they are false prophets.

Psa 78:5 For he established a testimony in Jacob, and appointed a law in Israel, which he commanded our fathers, that they should make them known to their children:

Isa 8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, [it is] because [there is] no light in them.
So the bible says if they do not teach the law and the testimony there is no light in them.
Remember the new testament was not written in Jesus time so He meant the old testament, the law and the testimony.
, Jesus never ever, ever,, ever, quoted from the new testament.
All the apostles taught the old testament ,the law and the testimony. I f you do not know what it is you should find out .
V 20 by there fruits you will know them, RC's kill Protestants, Protestants kill RC's, Christians kill Jews, Jews kill Muslims all in the name of God. Wars and rumors of wars for the history of mankind killing each other in the name of God.
This is the fruit of man!!
V 21 We are told who these people are who say Lord, Lord did we not prophesy..........." in your name"

So if they taught in Jesus name they must be christians , correct, do you see it?

Jews would never prophecy in Jesus name, correct, they do not even believe in Him .
Muslims would not prophecy in Jesus name so it can not be MUslims.,

So this group yell out we have performed miracles in your name driven out demons in your name,
there is only one religion that would make these claims, that is christians.


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