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Christian Singles


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How important is it to you that your partner is a christian?
Or how well would it work if only one of you is a christian?

I still happen to be single, but I believe if God is the foundation for my life,
that also God should be the foundation for my partners life....?

What do you think?

Best wishes and blessings,

I absolutely agree. It is a requirement that I have for any woman I meet. I would rather stay single then to be unequally yoked personally. I know it really narrows down the playing field, but I cant have it any other way. There are some things I may bend on a little bit, but definitely not unequally yoked. It has been something I have held onto ever since I became a Christian and that was around 8 years ago and I am still single at 28, and I may have been engaged and almost married once and been out on a date with a few women, but other than that I remained single, but I know God will bless this decision, I just know it. There is so many reasons why I believe we should be equally yoked, but I will say that I believe that two people would be so much happier when they can both connect on a spiritual level and see eye to eye on the most important thing in their lives... God. With that in mind, the couple can make all types of important decisions together because they will be like-minded. I was listening to a christian radio station awhile back ago and a caller called in asking if it was ok to divorce her husband. She said he is a great guy in every type of way, except that he does not share the same faith. She said just that one thing was enough to make her feel disconnected and unable to relate to him. Of course she was advised to stay married to him if he didnt want to depart, which leads me to another thing. If two are allready married, let them remain married, however let the singles not marry unbelievers in hopes to change them or hope they will change. I am even very cautious about those who say they are christian but their lives and hearts dont align with what they claim to be, so even some of those types of Christian i rule out. And I know I am not perfect either but I look for somebody with a real true heart for God most importantly. So yeah, I have slim pickings which is why I may still be single, but in the end there is going to be only one woman for me anyways, so I will just wait on God to work it out in his timing and show him my faith by showing him I want somebody who loves him as much as I do.
In my opinion I believe as long as the other half can accept that I believe in God, that I worship him and love only him before her then I have not got a problem. On a date I would ask whether they are religous and would see how they react to me being a Christian.
I'm no longer single myself, but I spent many years single and have faced this question more than once.

What I found over the years of being single was that if two people didn't share their Christian beliefs, there was way too much pressure regarding sex. The sex question is always going to be a hard one, and if one of the two isn't living under God's principles it's even harder.

Then there is always the issue that, for the Christian, marriage should be the goal of dating someone. And, if one is dating someone with the idea of marrying that person, and that person isn't a Christian, one must grapple with the issue of how the kids are going to be raised. No matter how much someone might say, "If you want to raise the kids with your beliefs,'s really not going to be OK. All parents who love their children will naturally want to impart their heartfelt beliefs to them. It's very difficult to raise your children to believe "a" about God and have your spouse come along and say, "b"....usually, the kids just wind up having either no beliefs or weak beliefs...usually (not always).

My hubby and I weren't on the same page when it came to God, but we were within the same book so to speak....he believed in God, he just didn't have any kind of personal relationship with God. However, he did want the kids to be baptized and raised in the Christian faith, so that was huge. Over time, he did indeed develop a very strong personal relationship with Christ. BUT don't ever underestimate how hard it is and how much pressure it will put on the relationship.
We can also think along the line of 'why you want to marry a Christian girl?', besides knowing that God wants us to marry a Christian girl.:study

I can give 3 interesting ones here: :)

1. Love each other with the love of God. This is done by having both parties growing in love by loving the Lord first.
2. Jesus as Lord and Head of the marriage - When conflicts arise, both parties turn to the Lord in prayer and for wisdom. Together, they seek God's opinion as the final answer
3. Godly principles in the household - Our actions and lifestyle as husband and wife are based on the Word of God. Anything outside is non-negotiable.

There are many more, but these three should help others to think about whether to marry a Christian girl.
I'd love to have a Christian wife, but a Jewish wife wouldn't be too bad either, I guess.

As long as we could live in peace, enjoy each other, and peacefully discuss our beleves, I'd also be ok.

But I'd prefer a Christian wife to all others.

There is one thing I must ask though, what if we're both Christian, but our denominations conflict with each other?
I'd love to have a Christian wife, but a Jewish wife wouldn't be too bad either, I guess.

As long as we could live in peace, enjoy each other, and peacefully discuss our beleves, I'd also be ok.

But I'd prefer a Christian wife to all others.

There is one thing I must ask though, what if we're both Christian, but our denominations conflict with each other?

If you have a Christian wife, then she should go to your church with you. However, be prepared to thoroughly discuss this prior to marriage. She might never want to change churches, especially if her family are part of it. You might decide that her church is a better one for your family.

But, keep in mind that a Christian husband is the head of household, especially in matters of spirituality and faith. A Christian wife is to submit to this. If there is a problem with this, then it needs to be hammered out prior to the marriage.

Otherwise, you could be in for a life of strife.

I would never marry a Jew (unless a messianic one), they reject Jesus as our Lord and Savior.
I think that I wouldn't even go on a date with someone unless I already knew beforehand that she was a Christian. I know that may be picky, but, God has to be first.
- For me as a believer, it is very important that my future lifetime partner is a christian. Not just a simple church goer but a faithful servant of God because as a woman in Christ i do believe in this verse...

I Corinthians 11:3 "But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ. " 1 Cor 11:3."

- If i knew that he is so inlove with the Lord, i will feel secure in every way. I will always be there to submit and support him as my husband and he will be the one to lead. I'm confident that our family will do great no matter what trials or circumstances that may come. Whenever one of us feel weak or down one for sure will help the other to restore his/her faith. God should be the core and the center of it all.
-i have seen some of my believer friends ( women) that risk their own faith and had shed many many tears when they married an unbeliever partner , some have been sucessful but most of them have already conformed to the pattern of the world. It's a great risk really...
Since there has already been some great thoughts offered in regards to why we should personally choose to be equally yoked to our spouse, I want to call attention to one truth we cannot forget.

In 2nd Corinthians 6:14 Paul wrote these words.

14Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?

Notice that the language of the passage is not that of suggestion. Paul makes this statement as a command to the Corinthian church, and I cannot imagine any reason this would not be a principle for any who will call themselves Christian. Paul leaves no room here for those who are unequally yoked to be together. In 1 Corinthians 7 he permits those who are already married to stay married in honor of their vows and in hopes that God will saved the lost spouse, but no such exception is given for those who are not married.

CHRISTIANS who are unmarried, must obey the teaching of God's word, and THEREFORE, should not be in a relationship with NON-CHRISTIANS. Paul even offers two thoughts to help clarify this idea. There can be NO unrighteousness in one who is living a righteous life. Secondly, light CANNOT shine if darkness is allowed to share the same room. A husband and a wife, in Christ, become one flesh, and therefore these two ideas simply prove that a Christian who is truly living for God will have no desire for a bride or groom still given-over to Satan. In the case when some are tempted, Christians must resort to our primary tool of change, prayer and patience from God.

I think too often, many who are Christians are not being taught to fight temptation with prayer, and it is the only sure thing that will defeat the enemy. If we were truly grasping what the Bible teaches us here, this question would not be a hard question to answer.


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